In this category you will find an alphabetical list of important medicinal plants .
The use of medicinal plants in the prevention and treatment of health problems has a long history. In modern society, a kind of return to these mostly very uncomplicated methods of treating minor symptoms can be observed.
The advantages include the low cost, the absence of side effects and, last but not least, the possibility of being able to help yourself in an emergency. Because medicinal plants can be easily processed into ointments or teas from the herbs and plants harvested in your own garden.
The classics here include, for example, chamomile and sage, which, when used as an infusion, are able to relieve cramps and pain.
- Acker-Gauchheil
- Field Hellerkraut
- Field Morning Glory
- Charlock
- Adonis
- African Devil’s Claw
- columbines
- aloe vera
- Aloe vera (Aloe vera – barbadensis, Aloe capensis – ferox)
- Alpine lady’s mantle
- Alpine Feverwort
- mandrake
- amaranth
- dock
- dock knotweed
- anise
- chokeberries
- arnica
- arum
- artichoke
- asant
- eyebright
- Aztec sweet herb
- Bach flowers
- stream exercise
- Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
- bittercress
- Beard ringworm (Usnea)
- mugwort
- Comfrey
- blessed herb
- benzoin
- mountain knapweed
- bergamot
- Bertram
- broom
- birch
- bishop herb
- Bitter bittercress
- Bittersweet nightshade
- Bladderwrack
- Blue monkshood
- Crimson Stoneseed
- Bloodroot
- fenugreek
- Boldo
- borage
- Bristly taiga root
- ipecac
- plantain
- nettles
- blackberry
- Buckwheat (medicinal plant)
- clubmoss
- wild garlic
- Southernwood
- Real concrete
- Real watercress
- Real bearberry
- Real elecampane
- Real speedwell
- Real galangal
- Real star anise
- Real verbena
- Real motherfucker
- Real bedstraw
- True Lungwort
- Real spoonwort
- Noble Germander
- sweet chestnut
- yew
- marshmallow
- Poison oakleaf oak
- Einberry
- Annual mugwort
- Annual fleabane
- angelica
- English water mint
- gentian
- fumitory
- ash
- aspen
- tarragon
- eucalyptus
F (continued)
- Spotted hemlock
- goat’s rhombus
- Yellow gentian
- common chicory
- Common wolfberry
- Common Ivy
- common flax
- Common rain kale
- Common datura
- Common whirlwind
- Common Butterwort
- Ordinary barberry
- Common crushed nut
- Common mahonia
- Ordinary Easter Luzei
- Common Black Locust
- Common horse chestnut
- Common Chickweed
- Ordinary horehound
- Common loosestrife
- Common Viper’s Bugloss
- Common devil bite
- Common Polypody
- Ordinary cat paw
- goutweed
- loosestrife
- ginkgo
- ginseng
- Gypsophila
- bell heather
- Shiny lacquered polypore
- bee balm
- goldenrod
- pomegranate
- Grindelie
- Large nasturtium
- Green cardamom
- Guarana (medicinal plant)
- Groundman
- daisy
- cinquefoil
- rosehips
- buttercup
- hemp
- urea
- restharrow
- heather
- blueberry
- healing clay
- medicinal plants
- henna
- autumn crocus
- hay flower
- hibiscus
- Stag’s Tongue Fern
- shepherd’s purse
- Tall cinquefoil
- elder
- homeopathy
- hop
- coltsfoot
- dog parsley
- Immenblatt
- Indian tobacco
- Indian pokeweed
- Indian snake root
- Indian basil
- Ginger
- reindeer moss
- Icelandic moss
- Italian straw flower
- Cocoa (medicinal plant)
- Kalisaya
- calamus
- chamomile
- Canadian Fleabane
- card
- cat claw
- Kava Kava
- pine (medicinal plant)
- poppy
- Small-flowered willowherb
- Little burnet
- Little Brownie
- Small burnet
- Small periwinkle
- Small orchid
- Little toadflax
- Garlic
- cabbage (medicinal plant)
- coloquins
- coriander
- cornflower
- cornel
- Kornrade
- buckthorn
- cumin
- creeping couch grass
- cubeb pepper
- Cuckoo Campion
- pasque flower
- Turmeric (medicinal plant)
- mullein
- Caraway (medicinal plant)
- Pumpkin (medicinal plant)
- lily of the valley
- marjoram
- mallow
- chard
- Manna Ash
- milk thistle
- mate
- wall diamond
- horseradish
- ephedra
- squill
- Masterwort
- lemon balm
- mistletoe
- cloudberry
- myrrh
- meadowsweet
- chaste tree
- poplar
- passion flower
- patchouli
- Perlargonium sidoides Roots Extract
- butterbur
- Parsely
- peppermint
- peony
- pimento
- Pennyroyal
- purslane
- Rank Jued
- Mignonette
- radish
- giant fennel
- marigold
- proso millet
- delphinium
- Rockenbolle
- rooibos
- rose
- rose mallow
- Roseroot
- rosemary
- buckeye
- horsemint
- Red campion
- Ruprechtskraut
- Roman chamomile
S (continued)
- wood sorrel
- horsetail
- yarrow
- Lesser Celandine
- opium poppy
- chives
- milkweed
- Black Alder
- Blackcurrant
- Black nightshade
- Black pepper
- Black Henbane
- black cumin
- celandine
- water lily
- daphne
- soapwort
- celery
- sesame
- silver thistle
- white willow
- soy
- Summer savory
- sunflower
- coneflower
- sundew
- cocklebur
- buckhorn
- Stinging hollow tooth
- Butcher’s broom
- holly
- sweet clover
- hollyhock
- cranesbills
- Swamp Sweetheart
- sweet cone
- licorice
- pigeon scabious
- pigeon catchfly
- deadnettle
- Centaury
- tea (medicinal plant)
- Devil’s Claw – Use for pain and inflammation
- thyme
- deadly nightshade
- black cohosh
- globe flower
- Spotted St. John’s Wort
- Turkish dragon head
- juniper
- True Bear Claw
- forest goat’s beard
- Woodruff (medicinal plant)
- Clematis
- water dost
- water fennel
- away rocket
- incense
- rue
- hawthorn
- White Campion
- White Germer
- silver fir
- venison
- Meadow clover
- Meadow Sorrel
- burnet
- meadow sage
- Wild pansy
- Wolfstrap
- wondertree
- kidney vetch
- witch hazel
- bryony
- bindweed
- cymbal herb
- Cinammon
- cinnamon cassia
- horsetail
- cistus
- lemon
- lemongrass
- lemon verbena
- zebra flower
- dwarf elder
- Onion
- cypress