Real bedstraw
The bedstraw (galium verum) is a not so well-known medicinal plant, which is used in folk medicine mainly to treat problems with the skin and the digestive tract. The easy-care plant is often planted in natural gardens.
Definition and Occurrence
Bedstraw is found throughout Europe, except in the arctic regions. In the Alps, the plant can be found up to the field border. It is also found in Asia Minor, Syria and Persia. The plant belongs to the Rubiaceae family.
The real bedstraw is a perennial that grows up to one meter high. It drives both aboveground and underground creeping runners from the rootstock.
The erect stems are square and bare or covered with a slight downy. The up to 12 cm long leaves of the real bedstraw stand in false whorls and taper to a point. These leaves are dark green and glabrous on top, covered with a dense down on the underside and the dorsal nerve protrudes clearly.
The small yellow flowers are in terminal panicles. They smell strongly of honey . The plant is good bee pasture. The real bedstraw blooms from May to September. The fruits are about 1.5 mm long, smooth and glabrous. They turn black when ripe. Closely related to the real bedstraw is the climbing bedstraw (galium aparine). Its flowers are white. Its medicinal effect is similar to that of bedstraw, only weaker. There is also a risk of confusion with the woodruff .
The woodruff has broader leaves than the true bedstraw. The real bedstraw prefers nutrient-poor, calcareous, dry clay or loess soils. In the wild form it can be found in sunny places on meadows, along roadsides and on semi-arid grasslands. It is easy to grow in the garden, does not need fertilizer or watering. The real bedstraw is also called yellow bedstraw, yellow forest straw, link herb, lady’s bed straw or sweetheart.
Ingredients, effect and dosage
In addition to the rennet, the real bedstraw contains flavonoids , glycosides , chlorogenic acid, small amounts of essential oils , saponins , citric acid and trace elements . The rennet allows the milk to curdle. It was therefore used in the past to make cheese. Flavonoids are phytochemicals found in all plants. They have an antioxidant effect.Humans cannot produce flavonoids themselves. They must be ingested through food . Chlorogenic acid also has an antioxidant effect. Saponins have an antibiotic effect , stimulate the immune system and fight fungal infections. Citric acid prevents urinary stone formation. Trace elements are essential nutrients that are only found in very small amounts. If they are not present in the human body or are present in insufficient quantities, deficiency diseases such as iron deficiency occur .
The real bedstraw has a diuretic , antispasmodic , expectorant , blood-cleansing, gland-stimulating, nerve-calming effect and attacks cancer cells. The herb of the real bedstraw is used for medicinal purposes. It can either be freshly processed or dried and used as a tea. For a tea, two teaspoons of the dried herb of the bedstraw are mixed with 250 ml of cold water and brought to the boil. After two minutes of boiling, the tea is strained. You can drink two to three cups of it daily. It can also be used for wet envelopes.
What does cleavers help against?
importance to health
For skin blemishes and skin disorders as well as lichen and eczema, the real bedstraw is used as a moist compress. It is also helpful for poorly healing wounds. For this purpose, the tea of the real bedstraw is usually used. If fresh cleaver juice is available, it is dribbled onto the affected areas of the skin. You let it dry out. The fresh juice is said to work better than the tea. In the case of fingernail ulcers, the affected finger should be bathed in cleaver tea.
In the case of stomach, intestinal or bladder infections, kidney or bladder stones, water congestion in the ankles or obesity, the real bedstraw is used internally. The tea made from the herb is used for this purpose. The tea made from real bedstraw cleanses the liver , kidneys , spleen and pancreas of toxins. Even with disorders of the lymph gland system, tea made from real bedstraw should be drunk daily. Gargling with the tea helps against tongue infections and goiter. In homeopathy, the real bedstraw is used in the areas of the intestine , skin , mucous membrane and tongue .
In folk medicine, bedstraw is also said to have a prophylactic effect against epileptic seizures . It is also said to help against hysteria, nervous disorders, urinary retention and complaints of semolina or stones. In ancient times, real bedstraw was drunk in wine to treat snake bites . Because of the rennet ferment they contain, the fruits used to be used to make cheese. If the fruits are roasted, they can be used as a coffee substitute. Fruits, flowers and young shoots are edible.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.