Insomnia due to itching As a rule, itching is a normal function of the body. However, this can be a serious problem in the event of …

24-hour care 24-hour care: why the concept is so helpful for those in need of care and their relatives. Many relatives of family members in …

Tendon rupture A tendon rupture is the tearing of a tendon as a result of sudden strain on the tendon or abrupt movements and twists. With heavy loads, …

Endocrine The hormonal system controls and regulates various metabolic processes and organ functions in the human body. It includes all glands, organs and cell systems that produce …

How does a birth go The birth of a child is probably the most beautiful event that people can share. However, the birth process as such represents …

Fertility – A spermiogram provides information If a couple remains childless despite regular sexual intercourse, one of the reasons may be the man’s limited fertility . A spermiogram can provide …

Wellbeing Well-being, a very abstract concept. Well-being has a lot to offer. It affects the body and mind and affects life as a whole. But what exactly are …

How to lower high blood pressure Despite massive education, high blood pressure is still one of the underestimated health risks in our society. Over 1/3 of the …

Why skin diseases worsen in winter We all know that: In winter, the skin is dry, the hands are cracked, the lips are chapped. Heating air …

Why smokers should switch to e-cigarettes Although the number of smokers is declining, far too many people still smoke cigarettes and knowingly take a high …