Real lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is a medicinal plant with a pleasantly fragrant aroma. Due to its soothing and cleansing properties, it can be used for a variety of different ailments.
General overview
Lavender is usually understood to mean real lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). The plant belongs to the genus of lavender (Lavandula) and is part of the mint family (Lamiaceae). Lavender gained particular notoriety in the production of fragrances and as an ornamental plant. But it can also be used effectively as a medicinal herb. In 2008, for example, the Theophrastus Naturheilverein named lavender medicinal plant of the year.
occurrence and cultivation
Real lavender has its origins in the coastal areas of the Mediterranean countries. Nowadays, however, it is also often cultivated as a garden plant in Central Europe. In Italian Tuscany, Greece and Dalmatia, lavender is particularly widespread on warm and dry slopes. Sometimes it can even reach the tree line. Since lavender belongs to the hardy species, it usually survives the Central European winter well.
In Germany he was settled near Bad Blankenburg, Rudolstadt and Jena. Otherwise, lavender can be found in numerous gardens in this country. The growth height of lavender, which is one of the subshrubs, varies between 0.5 and 1.0 meters. The shape of its leaves is either linear or lanceolate. They achieve a length of 40 to 50 millimeters. The young leaves are grey-blue in color and soft and tomentose. Later, the older lavender leaves turn green. The flowers are long-stalked false spikes with a purple color. They have the scent of flowers and balsams.
application and effect
The health-promoting ingredients of real lavender are mainly found in the essential oils of the flowers. These are monoterpenes such as linaool and linalyl acetate. The monoterpenes have a direct effect on the cell membranes and influence the transport molecules, ion channels and receptors of the messenger substances . This is how lavender ‘s antimicrobial, antispasmodic , and calming effects come about. Other ingredients in lavender are glycosides, tannins and saponins.
The essential oil and the dried inflorescences of the plant are used. The cosmetics industry also uses essential oils to make perfumes, shampoos, bath oils and soaps. Lavender is used internally in the form of capsules, tablets or tea mixtures. Lavender tea is made from dried flowers. At the same time, real lavender is also used in various tea blends . Another internal form of administration is the tincture. This can also be administered externally by applying it to the skin .
Lavender pillows are considered the ideal sedative for smaller children. These are sewn into fabric pillows and ensure that the children fall asleep better. Placed in cupboards, the lavender pillows can even drive away moths. Lavender has also proven itself as a bath additive. It ensures a comfortable relaxation in the bathtub. Furthermore, the real lavender can be used as an ingredient in ointments that are used against irritation of the skin.
The essential oil of the medicinal plant , on the other hand, is used in fragrance lamps, where it develops to calm you down. It can also be used in skin oils and cream additives. The addition of lavender to herbal vinegar is also classified as an effective home remedy. For this purpose, 10 grams of alcohol are mixed with 10 grams of lavender flowers in 80 milliliters of wine vinegar. After an infusion period of five days, the flowers are strained. When used externally, this herbal vinegar made from lavender is effective against gout and rheumatism
What does lavender help with?
importance to health
Real lavender has various positive effects on human health. The plant has an anxiolytic effect, which has been scientifically proven. This effect even includes generalized anxiety disorder. For this reason, lavender capsules are used to treat insomnia, anxiety, depression and nervousness.
The use of lavender is also helpful for the treatment of various gastrointestinal complaints. These include nausea, vomiting, gas, loss of appetite and stomach pain. Other forms of pain such as joint pain, toothache, nerve pain, migraine and headaches can also be treated with lavender. For this purpose, lavender oil is applied directly to the painful areas.
Real lavender is also suitable for aromatherapy , in which the lavender oil is inhaled. Areas of application are the alleviation of pain, restlessness and dementia. In addition, the oil of lavender is said to protect against insects and hair loss. In some cases, however, lavender also triggers mild side effects. This can be constipation , belching or nausea after internal administration. When used externally, irritation of the skin is a possibility.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.