Muscle tension
Muscle tension usually occurs due to incorrect posture and the resulting incorrect loading of muscles . In most cases, muscle strains can be treated well and prevented in the future with lifestyle changes.
What is muscle strain?
When a muscle is tense, the muscle tissue hardens. Typically, muscles in the neck and shoulder area are affected by muscle tension. Tension occurs when the tone, i.e. muscle tension, in a muscle is permanently increased.
If the muscle tension persists, it develops into muscle hardening. The small blood vessels in the affected muscle tissue are squeezed, which reduces blood flow to the muscle in question. The restricted blood flow sets an inflammatory process in motion. In order to protect the painful tissue, those affected develop a protective posture, which overstrains other muscles and intensifies the symptoms.
Tension in the shoulder and neck muscles very often occurs as a result of poor posture. People who spend many hours a day sitting in front of a computer screen are particularly affected. Other people who spend a lot of time in a certain awkward posture can also be affected by muscle tension.It is not uncommon for muscle tension to occur as a result of an incorrect sleeping position. On average, people spend a third of their lives sleeping, which is why a back-friendly sleeping position is important. Muscle tension can also occur when practicing sports in which certain muscle groups are stressed on one side. In this case, other muscle groups such as the shoulder and neck muscles may also be involved.
For example, jogging can lead to muscle tension in the calves. The influence of the psyche on muscle tension should not be underestimated. People who are under a lot of stress or who are very anxious often suffer from painful muscle tension.
When to the doctor?
Muscle tension occurs in most people throughout life. In only rare cases does a doctor have to be contacted for this. Since the muscle tension sets in as soon as there is a one-sided movement or excessive strain, the person concerned can often take countermeasures themselves. Gentle stretching and loosening exercises, circular movements around the affected region or a balanced movement are very helpful. The sitting position and posture must be checked and corrected.
Regular exercise and the use of as many muscle areas as possible help to relieve tension. Sufficient heat, a massage or a relaxing bath relieve muscle tension. Eating a healthy diet and drinking enough fluids is also important. All measures can be carried out without medical support. A doctor should be consulted if the person affected does not achieve a change in their well-being despite the possibilities. If he suffers from restricted mobility or a bad posture of the body, a doctor must examine them more closely.
If pain occurs or if there is a disruption in blood circulation , a doctor’s visit is also necessary. If the muscle tension increases continuously or if you can no longer carry out everyday activities, you should consult a doctor. If the muscle tension sets in after a night’s sleep, the sleeping conditions must be checked.
symptoms and course
When making the diagnosis, the doctor treating you first takes an anamnesis. The patient is asked about the type of pain and the exact localization. In addition, the doctor will ask questions about the duration and intensity of the pain. After the consultation with the patient, the physical examination follows. The doctor treating you feels the affected part of the body. In most cases, muscle tension is clearly palpable as a knot or hardened area.
Characteristically, the pain intensifies when pressure is applied to the affected area. The pain can also radiate to the arms, lower back, or head. In the case of tension in the neck area, those affected very often not only suffer from back pain , but also from tension headaches .
If the muscle tension is acute, movement restrictions may be present. An electromyography can be used to determine the exact localization of the pain. Especially in an early stage, the course of muscle tension can be assessed as very positive.
Muscle tension causes a change in posture. The body is moved in such a way that as few complaints as possible occur. This leads to a change in the skeletal system and has an impact on the muscular system. A hunched back, crooked shoulders or a crooked pelvis posture are common. Permanent damage can develop, leading to further symptoms.
Muscle tension can cause circulatory problems. These lead to sensory disturbances in the skin, impaired consciousness or an increased heart rate. The heart muscle is subjected to a special load, which increases the risk of a heart attack .
Cervical syndrome can occur. Migraines or severe headaches occur. Vision and attention are reduced. An uncomfortable feeling of pressure in the head and problems with hearing occur. The result is a disability. Muscle tension can spread to large areas of the body. The back, shoulders or neck are most commonly affected.
In addition to movement restrictions, emotional problems arise. The consequences are a lowered mood, reduced well-being and reduced participation in social life. Aggressive behavior or moodiness adds to the general dissatisfaction. The restriction of the general lifestyle leads to interpersonal conflicts. In severe cases, mental illness occurs .
treatment and therapy
The treatment of muscle tension or muscle hardening basically consists of loosening up the affected tissue. This can happen, for example, as part of a professional massage. However, such a massage should only be carried out by people who have been trained for this purpose, as otherwise the symptoms can worsen.If it is a matter of slight muscle tension that has not existed for long, therapy is usually quickly successful and brings about complete healing. However, if the problems have existed for a longer period of time and the affected muscles are severely hardened, the treatment often proves to be lengthy and complicated.
Acute therapy usually consists of the administration of painkillers. Nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs can be used to help the inflammation heal quickly . If the pain is particularly severe, pain medication can be injected directly into the muscle.
Cortisone injections can also be used to combat inflammation . In order to heal a muscle tension in the long term, however, the triggering factor must be eliminated. This can be done, among other things, as part of physiotherapy or as part of gymnastics lessons. The patients learn to adopt a correct posture and to carry out movements that are gentle on their backs.
Heat treatments have been used to relieve muscle tension for centuries and are extremely effective. In the case of psychological causes, autogenic training can help to avoid permanent unconscious tensing of the muscles
outlook and prognosis
Ordinary muscle tension, which disappears after a few days at the latest, has no clinical significance as long as it occurs only occasionally and the only symptom is pain. Almost all muscle tension that occurs acutely without any organic cause goes away on its own if the person concerned takes measures to relieve the tension. Even without appropriate measures, the tension usually disappears.
Frequently recurring muscle tension and accompanying symptoms are a sign of an organic cause or an emerging disease. The reasons for muscle tension can be varied and range from shortened tendons to degenerative diseases. In such cases, the prognosis depends on the treatability of the cause.
In the case of particularly severe muscle tension, however, a pinched nerve can also be the cause. In such cases, the prognosis is also good: this can often be remedied with a few simple steps. Operations are rarely necessary.
Muscle tension, which occurs as a result of incorrect body posture, is harmless when viewed individually, but its recurrence can lead to muscle atrophy and further maladaptation of the musculoskeletal system over the long term. Here the attitude of the person concerned must be corrected. In rare cases, where the tension is due to an illness, it can also lead to life-threatening restrictions (e.g. of the respiratory system).
There are various ways to prevent muscle tension. If possible, the body should be prevented from remaining in a one-sided position for too long. People who work on the computer should take regular breaks in which they move. In this way, tense muscle tissue is loosened up again and cannot harden. Exercise is generally the best preventive measure to prevent muscle strain. People who are mentally burdened or who are under stress should make sure to incorporate breaks into their everyday lives at regular intervals. It is also worthwhile to specifically relax the upper back muscles and breathe calmly at the same time.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.