Bloody diarrhea – causes, treatment and prevention

Bloody diarrhea

You immediately feel uncomfortable when you see blood in your stool after going to the toilet. Bloody diarrhea in particular causes nervousness; the first thought is cancer. But there are quite a few other (and harmless) diseases that are responsible for bloody diarrhea.

What is bloody diarrhea?

Physicians primarily distinguish between melena (black stool or tarry stool) and hematochezia (light blood in the stool). If the patient does not know (because the cause has already been clarified) why he is suffering from bloody diarrhea, this should be clarified medically. In hematochezia, there is fresh blood in the stool.

The blood often comes from the lower intestine or due to hemorrhoids. The cause of tarry stool (melena) lies in the upper gastrointestinal tract. This bloody stool often occurs with bloody vomiting (hematemesis). Only in a few cases does the blood in the tarry stool come from the lower parts of the intestine. The red blood stool , on the other hand, suggests that the bleeding has already occurred in the upper digestive tract.


There are many reasons why the patient suffers from bloody diarrhea. As a rule, however, these are harmless diseases; however, any blood in the stool should be medically examined. Hemorrhoids are classic. This benign vasodilatation, which occurs in a nodular form, is often the reason why there is blood in the stool (also in diarrhea ). Injuries to the mucous membrane (fissures or small tears) can sometimes be responsible for the bloody stool.

First of all, the cracks appear due to constipation when the patient has to push hard. These can also be injured again by severe diarrhea. Intestinal changes (intestinal diverticula or intestinal polyps) as well as colon cancer are sometimes a reason why the patient suffers from bloody diarrhea. Even inflammation of the vessels and blood diseases can cause bloody diarrhea.

Another possibility is the classic intestinal infection. If this is caused by parasites , bloody diarrhea is also possible. Also not to be ruled out: the diaphragmatic hernia . Esophageal varices – the varicose veins that are located in the esophagus – can also lead to bloody stools.


  • hematochezia
  • blood diseases

When to the doctor?

In the case of acute bloody diarrhea, a stool examination should be carried out by a doctor to rule out a possible infection. If this is recognized in time, appropriate drug treatment is given and the symptoms disappear. Delaying a visit to the doctor for too long can have serious consequences for the body.

If bloody diarrhea occurs in connection with stress, irritable bowel syndrome is often suspected. In addition to a visit to the family doctor, treatment by a psychologist is recommended. If the treatment is successful, the symptoms can be largely avoided. However, if bloody diarrhea occurs in stressful situations, a doctor’s visit is not always necessary. Reducing stress is often enough.

However, if there is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (e.g. ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease ), persistent symptoms are not uncommon. These diseases can only be treated symptomatically under medical supervision. Acute relapses usually do not require a doctor’s visit. It only becomes critical if the bloody diarrhea lasts longer and other symptoms (e.g. severe weight loss) occur.

If there is bloody diarrhea without a recognizable or known reason and an infection is ruled out, this can be the first sign of colon cancer. If a tumor is diagnosed and successfully removed, the prognosis is usually good. Even if part of the intestine is removed, the remaining intestinal mucosa can regenerate.

Diagnosis and course

First and foremost, the bloody stool must always be examined by a doctor. However, the doctor does not treat the blood in the stool, but must first clarify where the blood comes from or why it occurs at all. This means that first the location must be localized from which region the patient is bleeding or which part of the gastrointestinal tract is injured or changed.

The doctor gets the first clue from the color of the blood. If the blood is light, there is probably bleeding in the lower area. If the blood is dark or black, the doctor must examine the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. The doctor will also examine bowel habits. How often does the patient have to go to the toilet or how often does he have bloody diarrhea? Are there other complaints such as stomach or abdominal pain or are there various previous illnesses or chronic diseases? Has there been an unplanned weight loss in the past few weeks or months? All of those factors are crucial for the doctor to be able to make the diagnosis.

A physical examination is also necessary. The doctor feels the stomach and listens to it with a stethoscope. A rectal examination (palpation of the rectum) can also be carried out. The stool samples are also examined in the laboratory. A blood test will also be ordered.

Furthermore, a gastroscopy (gastroscopy) or a colonoscopy (colonoscopy) or a rectoscopy (rectosigmoidoscopy) can provide information about where the bleeding is coming from or why the patient is suffering from bloody diarrhea.

Other examination options include X-rays of the abdomen, abdominal arteries and scintigraphy. The course depends on which disease the doctor diagnoses. While hemorrhoids take a positive course, there are other diseases (colon cancer) that can sometimes be fatal.


Bloody diarrhea can cause various complications. In addition to the mental stress that occurs due to the feeling of uncontrolled emptying of the intestines, they also include hygienic impairments. The skin around the anus is heavily stressed by frequent trips to the toilet. The symptom of bloody diarrhea can also lead to circulatory problems and dizziness due to the loss of blood . The heart works harder to compensate for the blood loss.

In addition, further failures of individual systems or organs are conceivable. Diarrhea leads to a loss of water that has to be compensated for. In addition, there is a severe loss of vital nutrients and minerals. They lead to a continuous deterioration in well-being and can contribute to an undersupply of the organism.

The blood in the stool can lead to anxiety and panic attacks in those affected . The sight of the blood can freeze him and contribute to overwhelm. Mental problems can set in and the mood of the person affected can change spontaneously. Irritability or choleric behavior are conceivable.

If the blood loss continues, concentration problems or fatigue cause further complications. In severe cases, there is a risk of impaired consciousness or loss of consciousness. As the heart is subjected to greater stress, the risk of a heart attack or stroke increases. Both can be fatal or result in lifelong disability.

Treatment and therapy

Therapy is not always necessary if the stool or diarrhea is bloody. Often there are different combinations that cause such a stool composition (haemorrhoids in connection with an intestinal infection). However, if there is heavy bleeding, it must be stopped. Especially in the case of a stomach ulcer , varicose veins or sudden heavy bleeding, the person who can stop the blood has to stop it.Hemorrhoids are treated with ointments or suppositories. Destruction or removal is also possible. This, however, only if it is of a distinct type and form. If the patient suffers from intestinal diverticula or polyps, the doctor can remove them by endoscopy . For cancer, targeted cancer treatment is prescribed; this consists of an operation or chemotherapy and radiotherapy .

Outlook and prognosis

Bloody diarrhea has a good chance of being cured if the underlying condition is found and cured. Bloody diarrhea can occur if there is an infection or inflammation in the stomach or intestines . The diseases can be treated with medication and heal within a few days or weeks. As the healing process progresses, the existing symptoms also disappear.

If the bloody diarrhea is caused by a carcinoma or an ulcer in the intestine , the unwanted tissue must be removed. In many cases, further therapeutic measures are necessary. If these are positive, the symptoms of diarrhea are also reduced. If the bloody diarrhea is triggered by the administration of medication, the problems often disappear after the drug is stopped. This must always be done in consultation with a doctor, as stopping a medication has consequences. Usually an alternative preparation is used that does not show these side effects.

If the bloody diarrhea is triggered by multiple influencing factors, these are treated independently of one another. Diarrhea can occur due to stress, for example. The blood can be caused by hemorrhoids in the intestine. If both symptoms are treated individually, full recovery occurs after successful therapy. If worms trigger the bloody diarrhea, there are usually good treatment measures and chances of recovery.


Prevention is possible. The patient must pay attention to his diet , give up risk factors such as smoking or ensure that he eats enough high-fiber foods .

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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