Hand Twitches – Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Hand twitches

Many people have noticed hand twitching . It’s often a harmless muscle reaction or happens under stress. It is advisable to seek medical advice if hand twitching occurs.

What are hand twitches?

Hand twitches can occur in different ways, with or without a movement effect. A barely perceptible twitching of individual muscle fibers is called fibrillation. A fasciculation describes the twitching of individual muscle bundles without a recognizable movement effect.

The twitching of a muscle with or without movement is referred to as myoclonus, which differs significantly from tremor: Several parts of the muscle twitch in motion with a constant tremor. Hand twitches occur in so many different ways.


The causes of hand twitching are differentiated between pathological forms and more harmless muscle twitching such as benign fasciculation. In the case of fasciculation, there is usually a connection with psychological factors such as stress. They are unpleasant, medically mostly harmless. A tic is a contraction of individual muscles or muscle groups with involuntary movements, probably caused by a malfunction of the nervous system.Epilepsy is uncontrolled, seizure-like muscle twitching, which leads to misinterpretations of the muscles due to neuron discharges in the brain. Occasional epileptic twitches in the hand can be caused by high fever , liver disease, multiple sclerosis, low blood sugar in diabetes or drug abuse .

Other causes can be a metabolic disease or Tourette’s disease. Noticeable shaking, tremor, occurs in Parkinson’s disease, which is a neurological condition and can also involve hand twitching. ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a neurological disease characterized by muscle twitching that irreversibly damages nerve cells. Disorders of the vegetative nervous system can also lead to hand twitching.


  • Amyotrophe Lateralsklerose (ALS)

When to the doctor?

Hand twitching is a common symptom of hand hypothermia. In most cases it is sufficient if the hand is adequately protected and supplied with heat. If symptoms decrease, no doctor is needed. If the hand is overused, the twitches can also occur. The hand is to be protected and not exposed to any further strain, for example by carrying or holding objects. If the twitches disappear in the course of a day, no further medical care is necessary either.

If the hand twitching persists for several days or if the twitching worsens, a doctor should be consulted. There are often other diseases such as deficiency symptoms that need to be treated. The hand twitching may appear in connection with another underlying condition. For example, epileptics or patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease experience twitching as a side effect. If the person concerned is already being treated, he does not have to visit the doctor again with the symptom.

However, if other symptoms such as muscle problems, disturbances of consciousness as well as twitching or tremors occur in other extremities, a doctor should be consulted. If the person affected is impaired in carrying out everyday activities due to the symptoms, a doctor must be consulted.

diagnosis and course

Hand twitches are clarified by a doctor’s consultation. In doing so, one clarifies the strength of the occurring twitching of the hand and the affected muscles. It is also important to have information about known medical conditions, the regular use of medication and potentially harmful substances that may be involved in hand twitching. With complex examinations, reflexes, coordination and balance, the transmission of stimuli or sensitivity are closely observed.

Muscle strength can provide clues to possible causes of hand twitching. Any metabolic diseases, deficiencies or harmful substances in the body are clarified by taking a blood sample. Various tests such as an L-Dopa test to diagnose Parkinson’s, EEG or MRI are possible methods. However, if no physical causes for the hand twitching can be found, a psychological examination often follows.


Hand twitching is a symptom that usually indicates an underlying condition. For this reason, the possible complications are very diverse and varied. However, twitching of the hand is often completely harmless, so that no complications are to be expected.

However, if there is an underlying disease such as epilepsy, extreme caution is required. Epilepsy usually comes on suddenly and affects the whole body or just a few limbs. Surprising hand cramps are also possible, so that a controlled movement is no longer possible.

However, hand twitching can also be caused by cold. But even without medical care, this complication can be eliminated very quickly. Simply apply sufficient heat to the affected hand and the twitching should stop within a very short time.

If the cause is a deficiency symptom, complications such as headaches or general malaise can also occur. In such a case, a doctor should be consulted immediately so that it can be found out which nutrient the body is lacking.

In general, anyone who suffers from hand twitching over a long period of time should not put off a visit to the doctor. This is the only way to avoid serious complications.

treatment and therapy

For the treatment of hand twitching, it is often difficult to provide appropriate treatment in a short period of time. In the case of physical causes, the goal is primarily to relieve the twitching that occurs in the hand and the associated symptoms for the patient. In Parkinson’s disease, attempts are made to slow down the progression of the disease. The treatment of epilepsy requires the avoidance of seizures, but epilepsy like Parkinson’s disease is unfortunately not completely curable according to the current state of medicine.

If the hand twitches occur, for example, due to existing deficiency symptoms, appropriate minerals are supplied in the event of a proven magnesium deficiency , which support the reduction in muscle twitching. Antibiotics help with bacterial infections with fever cramps or encephalitis , but they are rather ineffective with viral infections. Here, many specialists recommend activating the self-healing powers of the affected patient.

Sometimes hand twitches occur as a result of taking certain medications. After discontinuing the corresponding preparation and switching to an alternative drug, the twitching of the hand should also subside. In the case of tic disorders and sometimes also vegetative dystonia, behavioral therapy may be effective. In particular, psychotherapeutic treatment methods often promise a good treatment success, at least in the case of psychologically caused twitching of the hand.Neuroleptics suppress involuntary muscle movements in tics. In the case of Parkinson’s disease, naturopathic measures such as a combination of movement and physiotherapy, but also acupuncture , massages or osteopathy and the use of Schuessler salts can help . Stress-related twitches in the hand benefit from the use of techniques to avoid stress such as autogenic training or the intake of herbal ingredients such as valerian or hops to reduce inner restlessness.


Hand twitching can possibly be prevented by eating a healthy and regular diet in combination with a healthy lifestyle, including plenty of sleep and little stress. If hand twitches occur, it is advisable to consult a doctor and discuss together how to treat these hand twitches or how to prevent them.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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