Unilateral sore throat
Unilateral sore throat is associated with a variety of diseases. In the majority of cases, either viral or bacterial infections are responsible for the one-sided sore throat. The pain often occurs together with influenza infections.
What is a unilateral sore throat?
In most cases, unilateral sore throats occur as part of a cold. However, some other diseases also lead to corresponding symptoms. In principle, the pathogens attack the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat. As a result, inflammation of the mucous membrane develops. These usually show up as swelling, reddened areas and pain . According to the localization of the symptoms, a differentiation is made between tonsillitis, pharyngitis or laryngitis.
In the majority of cases, the one-sided sore throat occurs with the common cold. However, they sometimes show up in the context of influenza. In addition, various serious diseases sometimes cause unilateral sore throats. For this reason, it is advisable to always have a unilateral sore throat checked by a doctor. Because in some cases it is, for example, a so-called angina Plaut Vincent or a peritonsillar abscess.
Basically, unilateral sore throats are very often associated with inflammation of the tonsils (medical term tonsillitis). In most cases, the cause of this disease is viral pathogens. Bacteria are far more rarely responsible for the infection. These are mostly category A streptococci . Inflammation of the tonsils leads to swelling and redness of the tonsils. Yellowish to white deposits in the area of the tonsils are also possible.
In addition, numerous affected patients suffer from difficulties with swallowing , fever and pain. In addition to inflammation of the tonsils, there are other potential diseases that may be associated with a unilateral sore throat. This includes, for example, inflammation of the thyroid gland (medical term thyroiditis). However, this disease is relatively rare.
The causes of a unilateral sore throat are different. First of all, the unilateral sore throat is often associated with infections caused by bacterial pathogens. This includes, for example, acute inflammation of the tonsils, which is very often accompanied by a sore throat. In most cases, the causative germs are streptococci, which have beta-hemolytic properties. These germs are primarily transmitted by droplet infection , for example by sneezing or coughing . If the immune system is insufficient, these pathogens multiply quickly in the lymphatic ring of the throat area.
In the majority of cases, the pathogens spread to the tonsils. However, under certain circumstances, the lingual tonsils, the pharyngeal tonsils and the lateral cords are also involved. Basically, inflammation of the tonsils is very common, especially in children and adolescents. Adults are affected less frequently. However, almost exclusively adults suffer from Plaut Vincent’s angina. This disease is a unilateral inflammation of the tonsils caused by bacteria .
In addition to bacterial infections, viral infections are often the reason for a unilateral sore throat. The underlying disease is often a flu-like infection. This is usually accompanied by a cough, runny nose and sore throat. This is often associated with inflammation of the throat (medical term pharyngitis). In most cases, the causative germs are adenoviruses or parainfluenza viruses. Herpes, Coxsackie or echoviruses can also cause a sore throat with a sore throat on one side.
This is often associated with swelling of the lymph nodes and fever. In addition, some other diseases lead to unilateral sore throats. These include, for example, inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa, inflammation of the vocal cords and inflammation of the trachea (medical term tracheitis).
- Gripal infect
- Angina Plautus Vincent
When to the doctor?
In the case of a unilateral sore throat that cannot be attributed to voice strain, a doctor should be consulted. The most common causes include infections or sore throats. They are caused by viruses or bacteria that spread further within a few hours and trigger additional symptoms.
If the affected person already suffers from other symptoms such as fever, nausea , cough, runny nose or vomiting, a cold is present. It is important to consult a doctor in good time to take countermeasures and minimize the risk of infection for others.
If the sore throat causes difficulty swallowing or voice problems, a doctor may need to do more testing to determine the cause. In severe cases, the unilateral sore throat is caused by cancer. If the pain persists for several days without any further symptoms occurring, you should therefore consult a doctor as soon as possible.
The unilateral sore throat can be caused by problems with the larynx or the thyroid gland. In both cases, only a doctor can help to minimize the symptoms. The one-sided sore throat can develop due to jaw or tooth problems. Spontaneous healing does not occur in these cases. A doctor should be consulted to prevent the symptoms from spreading further. In the event of acute or persistent shortness of breath, consult a doctor immediately.
diagnosis and course
One-sided sore throat should be checked out by a doctor, especially if the pain does not go away on its own after a few days. A doctor should be consulted , especially if you have a sore throat that occurs together with severe difficulty swallowing and shortness of breath . Also, with simultaneous rashes on the skin , a change in color of the tongue, as well as severe swelling of the lymph nodes, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Affected patients usually turn to their family doctor and minors to their pediatrician.
In the first step of the diagnosis, the doctor clarifies the medical history of the respective person and brings up all the symptoms and past illnesses. In this way, the doctor receives important instructions and information in relation to the disease at hand. After the interview, clinical examinations take place. The doctor treating you feels the lymph nodes, which are often enlarged and painful in the case of a unilateral sore throat. Usually, the lymph nodes are more swollen on the side where the sore throat occurs.
The doctor then examines the throat and mouth of the affected patient. For example, he keeps an eye out for reddened and coated almonds. However, external examinations do not distinguish viral infections from bacterial ones. If the symptoms are particularly severe or if there are complications, the doctor may prescribe laboratory diagnostics to determine the exact pathogen. In the case of mild colds, such examinations are superfluous.
If the unilateral sore throat persists for more than a week or two and occurs together with hoarseness, an ear, nose and throat specialist should be consulted. This may prompt a larynx and vocal cords reflection. The technique is called laryngoscopy and works with a special magnifying lens.
A unilateral sore throat can lead to various complications over the course of the disease. A possible consequence would be the purulent almond abscess. This is a clinical picture that can occur as a result of a so-called tonsillitis. This is usually caused by an infection with streptococci. The tonsils fester and the inflammation spreads to the surrounding tissues. In this case, antibiotics are mandatory. If it does not occur, a so-called peritonsillar abscess can form, for example. Sepsis cannot be ruled out as a possible complication. Both cases are serious emergencies that require immediate medical attention.
Another possible complication of a unilateral sore throat relates to the immune system. These are allergic reactions related to streptococcal infection and the occurrence of rheumatic fever diseases. Inflammation of the renal pelvis is also conceivable. Rheumatic fever is usually the result of streptococcal angina or what is known as pharyngitis. In these cases, too, antibiotics are required.
A unilateral sore throat can also be a complication of a measles infection. This disease can lead to a dangerous encephalitis, the so-called meningitis. If left untreated, this often ends fatally. The first symptoms, which represent a life-threatening complication, can appear just a few days after the sore throat has appeared.
treatment and therapy
The treatment of a unilateral sore throat is primarily based on the underlying cause. Lozenges or throat sprays, for example, alleviate the symptoms.
Gargling preparations also help in this context to reduce the one-sided sore throat. On the other hand, antibiotics are used for severe tonsillitis or similar bacterial infections.
outlook and prognosis
As a rule, a sore throat always indicates a disease of the mouth or throat. In most cases, the sore throat disappears after a very short time and does not require additional treatment by a doctor. This is especially the case when the person is suffering from the flu or a cold. As a rule, the disease progresses positively after just a few days and the sore throat disappears again. Those affected also have various means of self-help available to limit and alleviate the one-sided sore throat.
However, if the sore throat lasts longer and is not associated with a cold or flu, a doctor must be consulted. It can be a variety of diseases that can also lead to shortness of breath. In this case, the unilateral sore throat does not usually heal itself. Tonsillitis can also be present in this case, there is a chance of improvement if treatment by the doctor has taken place. However, the further course of the unilateral sore throat depends heavily on its cause, so that a general course of the disease cannot be predicted.
One-sided sore throat cannot be prevented in every case, as infection often occurs via droplet infection. Contact with sick people should be reduced.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.