Insomnia due to itching
As a rule, itching is a normal function of the body. However, this can be a serious problem in the event of skin problems or psychological complaints. Especially when looking at a restful night’s sleep, it is evident that itchy skin can lead to lasting problems. Eventually, the body and mind are deprived of the rest periods they need to regenerate. The following is about the suffering, the resulting suffering and various therapy options. After all, sleep disturbances caused by itching do not simply have to be accepted.
What are the causes?
Disturbed sleep at night can have many causes. Itching is part of it. There are many possible triggers for itching. Sometimes the stimulus is short-lived, like after a mosquito bite. In other cases it is an intermittent problem. The itching can also be a long-term companion.
Nocturnal itching that disturbs sleep is predominantly a side effect of skin diseases, skin reactions to various stimuli, the effects of organ damage, metabolic disorders, side effects of medication or itching caused by parasites. Even if it itches day and night, the level of suffering associated with sleeping at night is usually more extreme.
Itching (pruritus) as a skin discomfort is more common than many people think . In addition to the causes already mentioned, it is also a common symptom in people suffering from mental illnesses such as depression or stress. Similar to other skin diseases, these trigger itchy bumps and other long-term skin diseases.
This often leads to scarring or abscesses. Today there are also studies that show that general skin diseases can also be traced back to psychological problems.
More than 14 percent of patients who visit the doctor because of an itch that prevents them from sleeping, also show symptoms of depression or anxiety disorders. At the same time, the itching on the skin can also often be found in people who are in economic problems. The psychological pressure in the form of stress consequently seeks an outlet via this stimulus.
Researchers see it as proven that the itching is triggered by skin inflammation, which in turn activates the serotonin network in the brain. As a result, anxiety and depression develop.
effects on sleep
The itching is often particularly severe in the evening and at night. Hard to suppress the urge to scratch. This can make it difficult to fall asleep, prevent sleeping through the night and be a reason for waking up prematurely. For example, restful sleep with neurodermatitis is a daily challenge . Recurring sleep disorders often result in chronic sleep deprivation and persistent fatigue .
Of course, due to the lack of sleep and the mentioned fatigue as a result, the metabolism also changes, which leads to further stress and puts even more strain on the body. It is therefore not surprising if those affected appear irritable, exhausted and unfocused.
As a result, completely new problems arise, which are added to the itching. If the night’s sleep is disturbed by at least two hours a night for only 14 days, the body’s immune system is weakened and other illnesses occur more frequently. In addition, this lack of sleep also affects performance, so that the memory works more slowly, situations are perceived more difficultly and creativity is lacking.
Symptoms of lack of sleep
Lack of sleep due to itching is not just an annoying but harmless side effect of the underlying causes. The consequences of lack of sleep are often underestimated. The body regenerates during sleep. If you are in good general condition, isolated sleepless nights leave only small traces, which are usually noticeable the following day.
These are tiredness and lack of concentration as well as a slowed down ability to react. But already after 3 to 4 days, with less than 5 hours of sleep, abnormalities similar to those of drunkenness could be observed.
In the long term, lack of sleep can weaken the immune system , promote high blood pressure, stress and obesity and pose an increased risk of depression . In addition, disturbed sleep also has an impact on the psyche and can negatively affect family, school and work togetherness.
As a result, it is often the case that a real vicious circle develops, which can ultimately also lead to cardiovascular diseases and, in the worst case, result in a heart attack. In men in particular, another major disadvantage is the lack of sleep.
Because it is older men in particular who generally lose deep sleep over the years. According to researchers, this results in an increased risk of death. Accordingly, lack of sleep due to itching contributes to increasing this risk, as does the development of the aforementioned cardiovascular diseases or diabetes.
therapy and coping strategies
The focus of therapy is treating the disease or cause that is causing the itch, as it is the underlying problem of the sleep disorder. The appropriate treatment steps are carried out in close cooperation between the patient and the medical specialist .
This also includes the choice of suitable skin care products and suitable skin care routines for dermatoses and other skin diseases . Naturally, in many cases it is not possible to completely eliminate the itching. In the case of chronic diseases that are associated with itching, it is important for those affected to develop strategies to improve their sleep situation permanently as far as possible. Routines and the design of the sleeping environment can contribute a lot at any age.
To protect the skin from infections caused by extensive scratching, thin cotton gloves can be worn at night. Sheer willpower is often not enough to keep from giving in to the need for relief through scratching. Babies and small children in particular give in uncontrollably to the scratching impulse.
In addition to the classic forms of therapy mentioned, which the dermatologist suggests, it is also important for those affected to take care of psychological support. Since skin disease is often associated with psychological problems, it makes sense to also seek the help of experts in this field. These can help to work through trauma, support in coping with stress and show ways of working on a tense psychological situation. This is a relief for the soul and thus also the itching.
Evening routines don’t just help kids calm down and unwind before bed. Many sufferers find it helpful to stick to a regular bedtime. Room temperature can also affect sleep. Where the individual feel-good temperature is is a question of personal perception of heat and cold and can best be found out by trying it out.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.