Inflammation in the mouth
Mouth sores are often very uncomfortable and painful. These are inflammatory reactions of the oral mucosa , which can be triggered by a variety of causes. If the symptoms persist for a long time, you should definitely see a doctor.
What is mouth sore?
Inflammation in the mouth is summarized under the term stomatitis . Stomatitis is often just a symptom of another disease. Of course, it can also occur separately as an independent disease.
Although a sore mouth can be very painful, it is often caused by a harmless condition. However, this is not always the case, especially if the stomatitis has lasted for a very long time. Then a serious weakening of the immune system cannot be ruled out. Inflammation in the mouth can have both infectious and non-infectious causes.
As already mentioned, a variety of causes can lead to inflammation in the mouth. Often the starting point of stomatitis is a disease of the teeth and gums.If bacteria , such as streptococci , find a good breeding ground due to inadequate dental and oral care, they can multiply rapidly. First they attack the teeth. If all food residues are not removed during dental care, gingivitis will also occur in the long term. Periodontal disease occurs.
If there are other factors that weaken the immune system, painful inflammation of the oral mucosa can occur. Viruses such as B. the herpes virus, painful blisters can form on the oral mucosa. One then speaks of stomatitis aphthosa or mouth rot. If the immune system is severely weakened, even the yeast fungus Candida Albicans, which is common in the body, becomes a pathogen and leads to candidiasis in the mouth.
The non-infectious aphthae are also particularly painful . Aphtae are small isolated ulcers on the oral mucosa with an unclear cause. A genetic basis and inflammatory reactions to external influences are suspected here. Inflammation of the oral mucosa can also be caused by other causes, such as injuries and chemical burns of the oral mucosa caused by spicy foods, dry mouth or systemic diseases.
- mouth rot
When to the doctor?
An inflammation in the mouth is usually a very unpleasant matter, as it makes it immensely difficult to eat. As a rule, an inflammation in the mouth should subside and heal on its own after a maximum of four days.
However, if the inflammation intensifies and a purulent fluid forms, the inflammation must be closely monitored. Medical advice should be sought urgently, especially if pressure builds up as a result of this purulent liquid. In such a case, there is a risk of blood poisoning.
If the pus cannot drain, it enters the bloodstream. The first symptoms of blood poisoning are red stripes on the epidermis, so in such a case a doctor or a clinic should be consulted immediately.
If an inflammation does not heal even after 4 to 5 days, you should definitely resort to taking medication. Antibiotics and other anti-inflammatory agents are very effective against sores in the mouth. Of course, regular oral hygiene is also essential to contain the inflammation.
diagnosis and course
In the case of long-term inflammation in the mouth, the doctor should be consulted to clarify the cause. Although stomatitis is usually very painful, it often has a harmless cause. A good example of this is the canker sore. Aphthae can be extremely painful and even cause difficulty swallowing , but rarely have a serious background.
After a while they will disappear on their own. However, if the oral mucosa is covered with aphthae and blisters, there is usually a viral infection with herpes simplex. However, such an infection indicates a weakness in the immune system, the cause of which must be clarified. An important basis for the diagnosis is the anamnesis of the medical history. Current and past health problems are analyzed as part of a patient-doctor discussion.
After a suspected diagnosis has been made, laboratory tests are carried out for the suspected pathogens. It is sometimes necessary to examine both bacteria and viruses in order to rule out a possible superinfection . If there is candidiasis, it is particularly important to clarify the cause of the immune deficiency, because the yeast fungus Candida albicans is an opportunistic pathogen that only becomes active when the immune system is severely weakened. If the inflammation in the mouth is a symptom of another underlying disease, the doctor must carry out further differential diagnoses.
Inflammation in the mouth is very uncomfortable for those affected and can lead to some complications. Pain occurs primarily when chewing or drinking liquids. As a result, sufferers often avoid or reduce their intake of food and drink. This can lead to an undersupply and a lack of minerals and nutrients. In the worst case, there is a risk of dehydration or organ failure .
In addition, inflammation in the mouth often leads to disease of the teeth or gums. Toothache in particular is experienced by people as very intense. They trigger headaches and often a fear of going to the dentist.
Inflammation in the mouth often causes unpleasant bad breath. In addition to pain, there may also be a feeling of numbness. This affects the taste perception and the temperature perception in the mouth. Burns can occur when eating. Other complications such as dry mouth , speech problems or sore throat can occur.
According to medical studies, sores in the mouth lead to miscarriages occurring more often than in healthy mothers. This also triggers anxiety in pregnant women and can lead to hysterical behavior. Inflammation in the mouth indicates a weak immune system. This can lead to new infectious diseases in the event of further bacterial or viral infestation.
treatment and therapy
There are many ways to treat mouth sores. In the case of aphthae, the severe pain is treated symptomatically until it disappears. There is no causal therapy here. The painkiller paracetamol is used as the drug of choice. Gels containing lidocaine can also be applied to the painful areas and rinses can be carried out with chlorhexidine or tetracycline solutions.
In the case of a bacterial infection, treatment with antibiotics is necessary. Infections with viruses, especially the herpes viruses, make the use of antivirals such as aciclovir necessary. Yeast infections are treated with antifungal drugs such as nystatin or miconazal. Parallel to these treatments, there are many home remedies that make the phase of the disease more bearable and can be used concomitantly.
These include many painkillers and germ-reducing agents. Furthermore, the underlying diseases identified by the differential diagnosis must be treated. In summary, it can be said that the treatment of inflammation in the mouth is either only symptomatic or also causal, depending on the cause.
outlook and prognosis
It is very difficult to give a prognosis and outlook for an inflammation in the mouth, as this clinical picture can occur in different degrees of severity. In most cases, inflammation in the mouth is caused by poor oral hygiene, so that in particularly bad cases it is even possible for an open wound to form. If bacteria and viruses get into this wound, then the prospect and prognosis for quick healing is not very good. Under certain circumstances, an infection can even develop if the bacteria and viruses spread throughout the body. If this condition is left untreated, the individual symptoms will increase.
However, if the affected person decides to seek treatment, then the prospects for speedy healing and recovery look very good. With suitable medication, the existing inflammation can be combated very well and effectively. After a few days, the inflammation in the mouth should subside and the pain should disappear.
Inflammations in the mouth can be prevented by extensive dental and oral care. It is recommended, among other things, to clean interdental spaces with dental floss or interdental toothbrushes. A large proportion of stomatitis can be prevented in this way.
Furthermore, a strong immune system should be ensured through a balanced diet , physical activity and abstinence from alcohol and cigarettes. Nevertheless, no matter how good prevention is, it cannot completely rule out infections in the mouth.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.