Rosemary is one of the most popular herbs in Mediterranean cuisine. In addition, it has a long tradition as a medicinal plant since antiquity. The name comes from Latin and means “sea dam”. The perennial plant grows in semi-shrubs, which are usually about 50 cm high, but can also be up to 2 m high in particularly favorable locations.
General overview
The needle-shaped rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an evergreen shrub and belongs to the mint family (Lamiaciae) like its Mediterranean relatives lavender , thyme and sage .
The plant emits an intense ethereal scent comparable to that of camphor. Rosemary has dark green, needle-shaped leaves that extend from the branches. In the flowering period from May to September, small light blue to blue-purple flowers with the lip shape typical of lamiaceae grow between the needles.
Occurrence and cultivation
Rosemary is at home in the Mediterranean region, especially in Italy, Portugal, Spain and Dalmatia, sometimes also on the Black Sea. He loves sunny and dry locations. We like to use it as a tub plant or grow it in herb beds. Because it is not hardy, rosemary cannot stay outdoors all year round, but has to spend the winter in pots or tubs in sunny and frost-free locations. It is mostly purchased as a plant because sowing is not so easy. The plant has been cultivated since ancient times. For the Romans and Egyptians it played an important role in solemn ceremonies. In Germany, rosemary was particularly cultivated in monastery gardens.
Application and effect
Rosemary was held in high regard even in ancient times. It was considered a symbol of love and beauty and was dedicated to the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. Small children were given sprigs of rosemary in their cradle for protection. It served as bridal jewelry and also as a decoration for graves. The rosemary accompanied the whole life. In the 1st century AD, monks brought it to Central Europe and since then it has been considered an important medicinal plant , as can be read in medieval herbal books.
It was also used for ritual purposes and because of its strong aroma it also served as a substitute for incense . Paracelsus valued its positive effect on rheumatism. Pastor Kneipp emphasized its digestive effect. Even today it is a popular spice in Mediterranean cuisine and is still used as a medicinal plant. In the meantime, the digestive effect of rosemary has even been scientifically recognized and confirmed by studies.
Applied externally, rosemary helps with rheumatic complaints, stimulates the circulation and serves as an invigorating bath additive. In folk medicine, it also has an antispasmodic , appetite-stimulating , heart-strengthening, antibacterial , blood-purifying and menstrual-promoting effect. It is also used in aromatherapy because of its balancing and concentration-promoting effect. Those who inhale a few drops of rosemary oil will feel more intense mental clarity. Rosemary can be used in many different ways, as a spice in the kitchen, to give dishes a special, Mediterranean touch, as a tea, in cosmetics, as a bath additive or as an essential oil, including in aromatherapy. In 2011, rosemary was named medicinal plant of the year.
What does rosemary help with?
importance to health
Rosemary leaves can be used both internally and externally. Internally, rosemary works against digestive problems, stomach cramps, bloating and flatulence. At the same time, it stimulates the appetite and promotes the formation of digestive juices. When used externally, it improves rheumatic diseases and helps with circulatory problems. It promotes blood circulation in the skin and, together with other herbs, has a stabilizing effect on the cardiovascular system, which is why it is also used to treat coronary heart disease (CHD). Rosemary also has an antitussive effect, helps with liver detoxification, is an antispasmodic, analgesic and diuretic.
Its importance for mental performance is also becoming increasingly important. Even the ancient Greeks suspected a memory-enhancing effect of rosemary. Therefore, it was customary for students to wear rosemary wreaths during their exams. Scientists investigated this hypothesis in the 21st century and were actually able to confirm this effect through numerous tests and investigations. The active ingredient carnesolic acid contained in rosemary is able to ward off free radicals, which doctors regard as one of the causes of dementia and Alzheimer’s. Thus, rosemary can also be used preventively here.
Since rosemary also has an antiseptic effect , it also serves as a natural antibiotic against bacteria , yeast and mold. It strengthens the nerves and improves the complexion. According to medical studies, it also reduces the risk of breast cancer because rosemary extract can break down excess estrogen , making it a valuable alternative to synthetic estrogen inhibitors.
However, care should be taken when using rosemary oil. Since it has an intensive effect, it should only be used diluted, otherwise it can cause skin irritation in people with sensitive skin.
As a precaution, people with cardiovascular problems, varicose veins and infections with fever should consult their doctor before taking a rosemary bath.
In infants and small children, essential oils must not be used in the nose/throat area because they can cause shortness of breath. People with asthma and pregnant women should also be careful with rosemary oil.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.