A constant feeling of fullness impairs the quality of life of everyone affected very much. The feeling of fullness is usually accompanied by flatulence (flatulence), which, in addition to considerable discomfort, can also cause embarrassing situations. If it occurs frequently, medical advice should be sought in order to initiate the causes and appropriate treatment, to identify serious illnesses in good time and to take measures against the feeling of fullness.
What is bloating?
A bloated stomach, which also tightens and presses, is commonly referred to as a feeling of fullness. Those affected complain of a full gastrointestinal tract and excessive “fullness”, which can sometimes even cause pain.
Bloating (flatulence) can also occur, which is also found to be very uncomfortable. These are caused by an excessive build-up of gases in the digestive tract. The development of the feeling of fullness is favored by hasty eating, in which one swallows more air.
However, the causes of the feeling of fullness can be very complex. So it is a frequent side effect of existing gastritis . Here the feeling of fullness is to be described as the main symptom.
The feeling of fullness can also be observed as a symptom of a gastric or duodenal ulcer.
Acute inflammation of the liver ( hepatitis ) can also cause a feeling of fullness in addition to other symptoms.
The same applies to constipation, which can also be accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of fullness.
An aspect that should not be underestimated when a feeling of fullness occurs is both the diet (fatty foods) and the movement of the person affected.
When to the doctor?
A feeling of fullness is a common symptom that does not necessarily need to be treated by a doctor. In most cases, the feeling of fullness occurs mainly after eating greasy or sweet foods because the stomach has difficulty digesting these foods. The feeling of fullness usually disappears after a few hours. Sporting activities and a healthier diet help against the feeling of fullness.
Coffee is suitable for better digestion, but digestion can also be supported with medication. If the feeling of fullness lasts longer and persists even without food, a doctor must be consulted. In this case, it is a problem with the stomach and digestion that should be treated.
It is not uncommon for the feeling of fullness to be associated with diarrhea or pain in the stomach and abdomen. If this pain lasts longer, it is advisable to seek treatment from a doctor. Treatment is usually with medication. In some cases, however, an operation is necessary.
diagnosis and course
The diagnosis and course of the feeling of fullness differ significantly depending on the disease and situation. If it is just a question of improper nutrition, it can be easily remedied.
However, if the gastric mucous membranes have become inflamed and there is acute gastritis, the feeling of fullness can degenerate into severe pain. In most cases, however, these inflammations are emotional and nervous, so that they are aggravated by hasty eating, spoiled, too cold, too hot or heavily seasoned food. The nervous vascular spasms then cause the stomach acid to attack the mucous membrane or the inflammation to become chronic. In the case of chronic inflammation, the symptoms can be observed in a weakened form, but sometimes bring with them complications such as anemia and other deficiency diseases.
The same applies to gastric or duodenal ulcers. The reason for this is often reduced blood flow in the gastric mucosa due to alcohol or nicotine abuse or mental and nervous vascular spasms. In addition to the feeling of fullness, heartburn , belching and headaches and back pain also occur.
In the case of liver inflammation (hepatitis), the feeling of fullness only occurs after an unclear preliminary stage with flu-like symptoms. In addition to reduced appetite, flatulence, itching , yellowing of the eyes and skin, a chronic course with pressure in the upper abdomen and unclear digestive disorders can be observed. As a complication, hepatic coma threatens with accompanying loss of consciousness .
Constipation is the term used to describe sluggish bowel movements with too infrequent emptying of small and hard amounts of stool. In addition to a feeling of fullness, there is often a lack of appetite , headaches and impure skin. Chronic constipation with an associated feeling of fullness can lead to intestinal damage and even cancer.
A feeling of fullness usually does not lead to any further medical complications. The feeling of fullness often occurs after heavy and greasy meals and disappears a few hours after the meal has been eaten. Often the patient feels tired after eating. The ability to concentrate and think is reduced, so that the feeling of fullness can have a negative impact on work and learning at school. If the feeling of fullness occurs often after eating, the patient should avoid the respective food. In general, the feeling of fullness can be relieved by a varied and healthy dietbe avoided. There is no direct treatment. However, the person affected can stimulate digestion with the help of coffee, so that the feeling of fullness disappears more quickly. If there is a long-term feeling of fullness, there is usually weight gain as well . In these cases, psychological causes for this weight gain are also possible, which should be treated by a psychologist. However, the feeling of fullness itself is harmless and does not lead to any further complications if it only occurs temporarily.
treatment and therapy
In order to eliminate the feeling of fullness when the cause is to be found in the wrong diet, a few important aspects can be mentioned. If you eat too quickly, it is very helpful to eat more slowly and, above all, to chew thoroughly. Carbonated drinks, coffee and black tea should also be avoided.
Gas-inducing foods such as legumes and cabbage should also be eliminated from the menu. These foods are not broken down sufficiently, so the leftovers begin to ferment and putrefy in the gut, causing the feeling of fullness.
Protein and starchy foods should not be combined in one meal. In addition, nothing should be drunk with meals.
In general, an improvement in posture and exercise in the fresh air also make a significant contribution to relieving a feeling of fullness.
Fasting for a day cleanses the digestive system. Then you start with an easily digestible diet, whereby care should be taken to eat carbohydrates and protein separately.
Garlic has a disinfecting effect in the digestive tract and can therefore help to reduce annoying flatulence and the feeling of fullness. Alternating hot and cold abdominal compresses can also relieve the symptoms.
Three important digestive aids that stimulate stomach and intestinal activity are caraway, fennel and anise. As a tea or as a herbal medicine, they can help alleviate the symptoms of an existing feeling of fullness.
Massages with essential oils can also help alleviate the symptoms. For example, a mixture of basil, sage, peppermint and myrrh in a carrier oil or lotion is suitable for mixing. Beginning around the navel, massage is performed in a clockwise direction to minimize the feeling of fullness and flatulence.
The feeling of fullness can be prevented relatively well. In this context, in addition to regular exercise and fresh air, a healthy diet is also important. In particular, a balanced and vitamin-rich diet not only has a healthy effect, but also prevents a feeling of fullness.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.