Digestive problems – digest effectively – causes, symptoms & therapy

Indigestion – digest effectively

Digestive problems ( indigestion ) indicate that there are problems with the intestinal flora and with the metabolism of food. This can be the start of many chronic diseases. Apparently insignificant digestive problems can result in autoimmune diseases, immune deficiencies, liver stress, skin diseases, allergies and many more.

What are indigestion (indigestion)?

All symptoms affecting the digestive tract are referred to as indigestion. The latter can occur in different ways: loss of appetite and vomiting as well as belching and fullness or flatulence and diarrhea. Digestive problems often occur in combination with abdominal pain.

Various risk factors promote digestive problems such as abdominal cramps etc. In addition to old age, these also include mental stress (stress), little exercise, a high-fat and sugary diet, hasty consumption of comparatively large portions, specific diseases and medication (antibiotics).

Having at least one of these conditions increases the likelihood of developing digestive problems. Slight digestive problems usually disappear on their own after a few days at the latest. However, if this is not the case, you should see a doctor. This is to rule out serious illnesses. Even if the digestive problems are accompanied by fever, bloody vomiting, blood in the stool or cramps, an immediate visit to the doctor seems inevitable.


Digestive problems can have a variety of causes. These can consist of a food intolerance, in particular lactose, gluten, histamine or fructose intolerance.In addition to food intolerance, digestive problems can also occur as a result of stomach problems such as gastritis .

It is not uncommon for the bacterium Helicobacter pylori to be largely responsible for inflammation of the gastric mucosa and gastric ulcers. For example, stress can weaken the stomach with certain negative effects on its environment. These circumstances make it possible for the bacterium to settle there, to multiply and to change accordingly, so that it ultimately acquires a pathogenic character.

Nutrition has a similar influence: Excessively synthetic food additives on the one hand and insufficient antioxidant vital substances on the other promote the formation of toxins in the digestive tract. The latter can not only irritate our body, but also damage it, making it susceptible to Helicobacter.

Stomach complaints and over-acidification of the body are often closely related. The latter is also caused by an unhealthy diet. However, the majority of digestive problems are due to an unhealthy gut. Conversely, this means that a healthy intestine plays the key role in terms of healthy digestion. A healthy intestinal flora in particular plays a decisive role here. The ratio between beneficial (progenic) and disease-causing (pathogenic) gut bacteria should be 85%:15%. If this relationship gets mixed up, the result is chronic inflammation in the intestinal area and subsequent digestive problems.

Benign tumors (intestinal polyps) can also lead to digestive problems. If there is a lack of thyroid hormones, hypothyroidism can occur, which is accompanied by digestive problems – especially constipation.


  • food intolerance
  • Glutenintoleranz

symptoms and course

The symptoms of indigestion include flatulence as well as a changed stool or an unusual frequency of bowel movements. The following symptoms are also indicators of digestive problems:

Even non-specific symptoms such as insomnia , sweating, heart pain and irritable bladder can indicate digestive problems. It is not uncommon for these changes to occur in combination. If these complaints recur, precise documentation seems helpful. Such information often contributes significantly to finding the cause of digestive problems.


Digestive problems can manifest themselves in different ways. The most common are constipation, diarrhea and incontinence of the stool. Whether flatulence, feeling of fullness or stomach pressure – digestive problems can appear in the form of different symptoms. Constipation occurs when the bowels are emptied less than three times a week, the stool is comparatively hard or can only leave the body with strong straining. Diarrhea, on the other hand, is characterized by a frequency of at least three bowel movements per day. The stool weight (> 250 g) and water content (> 75%) are very high.


Even mild digestive problems should be taken seriously if they last more than three months. In the case of acute or persistent severe digestive problems, a doctor should be consulted. It is about the analysis of the abdomen in terms of shape and size as well as the strength of the abdominal wall. But the intestinal sounds also need to be determined. Tapping and tapping noises are another important diagnostic measure, as is determining the volume of the bowel and the size of the liver.

The localization as well as the type of pain (pain on pressure, pain when letting go) are of central importance. Any accumulations of water should also be investigated. If the digestive problems turn out to be rather unspecific, a thorough anamnesis should be able to provide crucial assistance in the diagnosis. Blood and urine tests complete the picture – these include in particular blood count , liver and inflammation values. If there is reasonable suspicion, digestive tests for specific substances in stool, urine, blood and gastric juice can also be used.

Examinations of the stool provide key information about possible causes of the disease: not only blood and enzymes are checked, but also infectious germs and food residues. Further laboratory tests can be used to determine whether there are digestive deficiencies. In addition, there are various imaging methods that can be used to examine the digestive organs. This includes sonography and endoscopy as well as X-ray examinations with contrast media.

treatment and therapy

colon cleansing

Anyone who suffers from severe digestive problems should consider intensive colon cleansing and a thorough cleansing of the intestinal flora. Intensive intestinal cleansing leads to the removal of waste products and pollutants stored in the intestine. In this way, the harmful intestinal dwellers are deprived of their living space and the “good” intestinal bacteria are given “air” to live again.

Taking a probiotic is also mandatory during intestinal cleansing. In this way, the body receives friendly intestinal bacteria that are able to displace the harmful intestinal dwellers. In this way, a balance of the intestinal environment can be restored via intensive intestinal cleansing. In the end, the digestive problems can be eliminated naturally.

Drink natural water

Clear, pure water also helps to alleviate digestive problems. Completely sterile water, enriched with chlorine, disinfectants, etc., should be rejected because the useful bacterial cultures are killed here. The latter makes the body susceptible to various pathogenic species, such as Candida albicans. This leads to digestive problems & Co. The best drinking water comes from natural sources – preferably pure spring water, which contains a maximum of healthy bacteria. The water can also be easily flavored with freshly squeezed lemon juice or similar, which means that other healthy substances come into play and fight potential digestive problems directly.

change diet and lifestyle

In many cases, a change in lifestyle and diet is already crowned with lasting success – the digestive problems usually disappear.This procedure is also recommended for drug therapy. This includes avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, but you should also pay attention to an appropriate dose of sugar, fat and caffeine. Sufficient fluid intake should be a matter of course.

It is important to ensure a balanced and at the same time high-fiber diet with whole grains, legumes, nuts, vegetables and fruit. Don’t forget to chew your food properly and avoid overly spicy food!

In addition, the movement should not be neglected in any case. In the case of specific complaints such as heartburn, a changed, higher position of the upper body during sleep can also provide relief and thus also send the digestive problems to sleep.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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