Muscle aches
Muscle pain (myalgia) refers to pulling, stabbing and spasmodic pain sensations in the muscles. Muscle pain is usually harmless. Triggers are often muscle injuries such as a torn muscle fiber, sore muscles, muscle cramps or muscle tension.
What is muscle pain (myalgia)?
The medical term for muscle pain is myalgia. This consists of the Greek words “myos” for muscle and “algos” for pain.
All pain is an important signal for the body. Different stimuli can trigger pain, such as pressure or impact as well as heat and cold. These stimulus sensations are transmitted by means of the pain receptors, which are located in the skin as well as in muscles , ligaments and tendons.
If a pain stimulus is transmitted to the brain, it is initially transmitted as a value-free signal. In the brain or in the central nervous system, the signal then becomes an unpleasant sensation at the corresponding point.
Acute muscle pain usually subsides after a short time (e.g. after exertion). Chronic muscle pain, on the other hand, can last for many weeks.
If muscle pain occurs as part of muscle tension, the state of tension in the muscle is usually increased. As a result, the muscle is shortened and feels increasingly hard. This condition is also known as hard muscle tension. Often the palpable nodules or bulges cannot be completely massaged away.
Common causes of this muscle tension can be, for example, stress, incorrect movements or lack of exercise. But insufficient warming up and cooling down during fitness or sports can also be the cause of muscle tension.
Muscle pain can also occur as a symptom of an existing disease, for example with various infectious diseases. In rare cases, diseases such as arthrosis are responsible for muscle pain.
When to the doctor?
If the person concerned suffers from muscle pain after intensive sporting activity, he does not need to see a doctor. This also applies after the fulfillment of professional obligations or leisure activities that are associated with greater physical exertion than usual. In most cases, the movements made are unfamiliar and trigger the muscle pain. Rest and relaxation help to alleviate the symptoms. Adequate heat and fluid intake should also be ensured.
A doctor’s visit is necessary if the muscle pain persists for several days or weeks. There appears to be damage to the muscles that require treatment. If the muscle pain occurs after a fall, impact or accident, a doctor should be consulted. Fiber tears or muscle strains are possible, which lead to the onset of muscle pain. If the muscle pain occurs regularly after sitting for a long time, the conditions should be checked and corrected.
If the muscle pain spreads continuously throughout the body, a doctor should be consulted. There are other diseases that need to be clarified. Muscle pain often occurs after a long illness or a period of limited mobility. The muscles should be built up slowly with targeted exercises. Consultation with the doctor is recommended in order not to trigger excessive demands.
symptoms and course
Muscle pain can be localized or spread throughout the body. Since humans have over 600 muscles , each of these muscles can also hurt in principle. The type of pain can also be varied. Those affected often complain of a pulling, stabbing or burning sensation of pain. The pain can also be perceived as a dull feeling of pressure in the corresponding muscles.
In the long run, muscle tension can not only cause muscle pain, but also headaches and shoulder-arm syndrome . Acute muscle pain usually has a limited duration and subsides quickly. If the muscle pain persists for more than 6 months, it is referred to as chronic muscle pain. Chronic muscle pain can represent a pain syndrome.
In most cases, the diagnosis and the appropriate treatment of muscle pain can be achieved in a medical consultation based on the symptoms described and on the basis of the medical history. In many cases muscle tension, overtraining (muscle soreness) or sports injuries (e.g. bruises , bruises ) are the reason for muscle pain. In order to confirm the suspected diagnosis, further examinations such as X-rays or ultrasounds can be carried out.
Muscle pain triggers a severe impairment of the general lifestyle. Everyday tasks can no longer be carried out without symptoms. A crooked posture of the body is possible. This threatens permanent damage to the muscular and skeletal system. The muscle pain often spreads further in the organism. Damage to muscle fibers can be irreparable. In some cases, only surgery can provide relief. In the case of muscle pain, there is a protective behavior. Conflicts within social contacts or partnerships arise. Sporting activities have to be restricted or can no longer be carried out. In severe cases, social isolation develops because the pain prevents participation in leisure activities.
Taking painkillers comes with risks and side effects. There is a risk of addiction to pills. In addition, stomach problems, nausea or vomiting are common side effects. The muscle pain causes a reduction in night sleep. It is shortened or interrupted. This puts a strain on the entire organism and leads to exhaustion and reduced performance during the day. Professional problems arise, attention deficits set in and concentration is reduced. This increases the risk of accidents. Muscle pain indicates a magnesium deficiency. Other malfunctions can occur as a result of the defect and lead to permanent damage. The heart and brain are particularly at risk.
treatment and therapy
The therapy for muscle pain depends on the corresponding complaints or symptoms. For this reason, it is always advisable to have the cause clarified by a doctor.
If the muscle pain is not due to muscle tension or muscle injury and the symptoms therefore require a disease, the therapy is usually aimed at curing the disease.Certain medications, such as the antibiotic penicillin , can also cause muscle pain. These medications can then be discontinued with the doctor’s agreement. In the case of acute muscle pain, rest and relaxation are recommended for therapy.
Sport should also be avoided at first. Immediate application of cold to the corresponding painful area can also help. Tensions can be treated well in the early stages, so that a possible chronic course can be ruled out.
outlook and prognosis
Normally, muscle pain disappears completely within a few days and the person concerned is completely free of symptoms after about a week. If the pain occurs due to overuse and excessive physical exertion, the body needs rest and time to regenerate the muscle fibers. If the muscles are then gently and carefully strained during physical activities, the pain will no longer occur in the future. A change in posture and balancing movements are often enough to prevent the symptoms from reoccurring.
If inflammation develops within the muscle fibers , a temporary deterioration in health can be expected. The pain spreads throughout the organism and results in an additional reduction in performance and strength. Since the muscle pain is a signal to rest, this will inevitably take place. During a regeneration phase, the symptoms are gradually reduced until they have disappeared throughout the body.
If permanent muscle pain occurs, there are irreparable defects in the muscle fibers. If surgery is required due to a torn muscle, the chances of recovery are good. The fibers grow together and resume their activity. Alternatively, there is the possibility of drug treatment. However, this only alleviates the pain within the effective period of the preparations. Without treatment, the pain will return as the medication wears off.
Since muscle pain or muscle tension is often caused by a lack of exercise, it can be prevented with regular exercise or fitness. A healthy diet and avoiding obesity can also prevent this. Relaxation techniques such as yoga or autogenic training are also recommended.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.