Discomfort in the hands
Unpleasant sensations in the hands come from the nerves. They are expressed by a tingling sensation that can be uncomfortable or even painful. Partial or complete deafness of a certain area is also possible.
What are discomforts?
Many people have already experienced discomfort when they leave the house in winter without gloves. As soon as the hands are warmed up again, they start to tingle . The reason for this is the cold, which causes the vessels to contract and the blood flow to be reduced.
As soon as the blood circulation is stimulated again, the sensitivity returns in the form of light stitches. Tingling and numbness are therefore abnormal sensations in the hands. In many cases, the sensitivity limitations are perceived as disturbing. Intense tingling often occurs before numbness takes over.
Discomfort arises when nerves no longer work properly. A tingling sensation leads to increased nerve activity, although there is no external stimulus that is responsible for this. Instead, “wrong” stimuli are triggered, which can come from damage to the affected nerve, for example. The activity of the pathways that send the stimulus to the brain increases. Those affected feel a pulling, stinging or even the feeling of an anthill.
Numbness, on the other hand, is an underactivity of the nerves. The nerves can be damaged and therefore no longer fully functional. If the blood flow is disturbed, some parts of the body can no longer be optimally supplied with blood and oxygen. The consequence can be a sensory disorder. The causes of tingling or numbness can originate in the spine. Restricted blood vessels and nerve tracts cause circulatory disorders and carry the risk of injuring the nerves.
When tissue, bone or tendons change, this change can physically constrict a nerve, making it prone to injury and inflammation . Carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar tunnel syndrome or herniated discs can be responsible for narrowing. Another cause is the peripheral nervous system. If there are injured nerves here, those affected can feel this as a discomfort in their hands. Hormonal imbalances also have a negative effect on nerves. Examples are B12 deficiencies or an underactive parathyroid gland.
When to the doctor?
Discomfort in the hands is often an indication of circulatory disorders. If they appear after a longer stay in a cold environment, it is sufficient to move the hands and fingers in a targeted manner. The blood circulation is stimulated and the discomfort disappears. A doctor’s visit is not necessary. If the discomfort in the hands occurs regularly and for no apparent reason, a doctor should be consulted.
If the discomfort spreads further into the arms, a doctor’s visit is also necessary. If the abnormal sensations in the hands occur spontaneously, there is a risk of a serious illness. If further symptoms appear, a doctor must be consulted immediately. Complaints include disturbances in consciousness , speech problems, or attention deficits.
The discomfort in the hands leads to an increased risk of accidents and injuries. Therefore, a doctor should be consulted as soon as the symptoms persist over a longer period of time. Special care should be taken when handling temperature or sharp objects. The symptoms can be an indication of a chronic disease. If there are already family diseases with the same symptoms, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. The discomfort leads to stress in everyday life. It is therefore advisable to consult a doctor as soon as the symptoms are perceived as disturbing.
diagnosis and course
If a sensitivity disorder occurs in the hands without there being an apparent reason, those affected should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Numbness in particular can herald a stroke, which must be treated as an emergency. Precise information about the affected area will help the doctor in the diagnosis. In addition, it must be clarified since when the problem has existed and in which episodes it occurs. For the diagnosis, the doctor finally takes blood and orders X-rays .
The nerve conduction velocity can be measured using special methods. A tingling sensation that can extend into the forearm, for example, indicates carpal tunnel syndrome, in which a nerve is squeezed through a constriction. Tingling and pain in the palms and sides can be caused by ulnar tunnel syndrome. In this case, the ulnar nerve is pinched by a permanent incorrect posture of the wrists, such as when riding a bicycle. Precise localization of the symptoms is therefore crucial for the correct diagnosis.
In many cases, there are no further complications in the case of abnormal sensations in the hands. The symptom itself, as a rule, only affects the hands and is not transmitted to other parts of the body. If the discomfort in the hands has arisen after an accident or an injury, treatment is only possible to a limited extent. In the case of injuries to the spine or certain nerve cords, these can no longer be repaired, so that the discomfort will remain in the hands. These often lead to the typical tingling sensation that occurs when the extremities are asleep.
Discomfort in the hands leads to a reduction in the quality of life. The patient is often no longer able to cope with everyday life on his own and is dependent on the help of other people. This can also lead to psychological problems and depression . In many cases, the discomfort in the hands only occurs for a short time if the nerves in the hands have been pinched. In this case, the symptom disappears after only a few minutes and does not lead to further problems. If the discomfort occurs after excessive consumption of alcohol, the alcohol should be discontinued. Smoking also has a negative effect on hand discomfort. If these drugs are stopped, there is usually an improvement.
treatment and therapy
Treatment depends on the underlying cause. If a nerve is pinched, the therapy aims to widen the constriction so that sufficient space is made available again. Conservative measures rely on gymnastics and stretching exercises as well as heat . If it is not possible to expose the nerve, this is done in an operation. After a surgical procedure, most patients are pain-free very quickly. In the case of an intensive injury to the nerve, however, complete regeneration can take around six months. It is very rare for the nerve to be so damaged that surgery cannot help.
If the tingling comes from restricted nerves due to a herniated disc in the cervical spine, physiotherapy is prescribed first. With this, the spine can usually be brought into the correct position. Strengthening the neck muscles is crucial to stabilize the spine. Appropriate physiotherapy exercises also help here. If the external measures do not help, the tissue of the intervertebral disc must be removed. This presses on the nerve due to a brittle disc, which causes the tingling or numbness.
If there is a B12 deficiency or hormone disorders, these must be eliminated. B12 can be given by injections or in pill form. If the parathyroid gland is underactive, it can no longer produce enough parathyroid hormones. Certain medications compensate for the deficiency.
outlook and prognosis
In most cases, whether the abnormal sensations in the hands lead to a positive course of the disease depends very much on the cause. As a rule, the abnormal sensations in the hands can be limited again relatively easily if the nerve is pinched . In most cases, the discomfort disappears after a few minutes or a few hours and there are no further complications.
However, if the discomfort in the hands occurs after a serious injury or an accident, a positive course of the disease cannot always be guaranteed. The nerves may have been damaged to such an extent that they can no longer be repaired. Even after a stroke, the abnormal sensations in the hands can occur and in many cases, unfortunately, can no longer be treated. Those affected are therefore severely restricted in their everyday lives and often depend on the help of other people. If the discomfort in the hands occurs due to excessive consumption of alcohol, it can be reduced by withdrawal.
Preventive measures can be taken to prevent circulatory disorders and to keep the nervous system in good condition. This happens especially through a healthy lifestyle without nicotine and with only small doses of alcohol . Regular exercise strengthens the muscles and stimulates blood circulation. A healthy diet that also contains enough vitamin B12 is also advantageous . Since this is only found in larger amounts in offal, it is a prejudice that supplementing B12 only makes sense for vegetarians and vegans.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.