Muscle cramp
Sore muscles refer to muscle pain caused by unusual or excessive physical exertion. It usually occurs after a number of hours or even the next day after the corresponding stress. The sore muscles lose their painful effect after about two to three days. The cause is therefore an overload of the muscles, usually in untrained people.
What is sore muscles?
Sore muscles refer to muscle pain caused by unusual or excessive physical exertion. The sore muscles usually appear several hours after the exertion or even the next day. Scientists disagree on exactly how this uncomfortable pain arises. For a long time it was assumed that an overconcentration of lactic acid (lactate) was the cause.
According to recent scientific findings, microscopically fine cracks in the muscle fiber (microruptures) are said to be responsible for sore muscles. Light physical activity and a little stretching can reduce the pain.
According to the latest scientific studies, microscopically small tears in the muscle fibers (microruptures) appear in an overloaded muscle. Through these, water slowly penetrates into the muscle fibers, so that after about 24-36 hours small edemas form. The musculature swells due to the invading water and is thereby expanded. This stretching pain is the actual muscle soreness.
An earlier and sometimes still debated conception of muscle soreness is an overconcentration of lactic acid (lactate) in the muscle. Lactic acid is formed as a result of heavy stress and the resulting insufficient supply of oxygen.
If the muscles are untrained and only relatively poorly supplied with blood, this degradation product (lactic acid) cannot be transported away quickly enough during prolonged activity. This excess concentration of lactic acid remains in the muscle for a long time, causing it to tire and causing the typical muscle pain (muscle soreness).
When to the doctor?
Sore muscles often have harmless causes that do not require a doctor’s visit. Muscle soreness often sets in after intensive movement, long training sessions or the practice of new sports. In most cases it is sufficient if the person concerned rests for a few days. The symptoms usually resolve gradually and completely. Adequate heat intake, drinking water and gentle stretching exercises help to reduce muscle soreness. If the symptoms persist for more than a week, you should still see a doctor.
The sore muscles can indicate a psychosomatic cause. If there are further emotional changes or a significant reduction in well-being, a doctor should be consulted. People who suffer from burnout or who are exposed to a lot of stress in their everyday life often have sore muscles. As soon as the person concerned feels the need to get help, he should see a doctor.
If the muscle soreness spreads continuously in the body without an apparent reason, a doctor’s visit is necessary. If other symptoms such as pain, restricted movement or breathing difficulties occur, a doctor should also be consulted. In the event of circulatory disorders or functional failures, a doctor must be consulted immediately. If the sore muscles cause discomfort or restricted movement of adjacent joints, further examinations must be initiated by a doctor.
As the muscle soreness progresses, the intensity of pain and the restriction of movement increase in the first two days, usually reaching their maximum around the third day. After that, the pain subsides quickly and normal mobility resumes, so that the sore muscles are gone after a week. The sore muscles heal on their own and usually do not leave any permanent damage. If the same cause of the sore muscles is then repeated (e.g. sport), no new sore muscles will occur, since a “muscle memory” has formed during this phase and the muscles are now used to the strain. In order to prevent muscle soreness, adequate warm-up training should always be carried out.
Muscle soreness is usually diagnosed by the general practitioner. First, a detailed questioning (anamnesis) of the patient is carried out. Here it is clarified whether the person concerned has been active in sports, when the pain first appeared, how long it has lasted and whether it is movement-dependent. With the help of these and other questions, the doctor finds out whether a sore muscle is present or whether another muscle injury is behind it.
During the physical examination, the affected muscle area is palpated. In addition to the tactile findings, a visual finding is also made as to whether hematomas (bruises), dents or swellings can be seen. In order to secure the diagnosis of sore muscles, additional ultrasound and/or X-ray examinations can be carried out.
Complications from sore muscles are very rare. In most cases, the sore muscles disappear after just a few days, so that you can do sports again. Since the sore muscles are mainly caused by overexerting the muscles, you should definitely not do any sport during the symptoms. The muscles need time to regenerate so that they are fit for the next training session. If the muscles continue to be exerted despite muscle soreness and cannot rest, this can lead to inflammationand other diseases in the muscles. In the worst case, the muscle can tear or cover up somewhere else. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. In addition to the sore muscles, there is also general fatigue as the body has been overworked and needs rest. This is especially the case when a sport has been started again after a longer break. In most cases, however, sore muscles do not lead to medical complications and do not require treatment. He disappears again by himself.
treatment and therapy
The first form of therapy is to protect the affected pain areas. The body needs a certain amount of time for the self-healing process. In any case, it is not advisable to use high power output. Another light load increases the blood flow to the muscles and ensures that the edema can be resorbed (absorbed) more quickly. In addition, light sporting activities (light endurance running) lead to better blood circulation and thus to faster removal of lactic acid.
↳ Further information: Home remedies for sore muscles
All measures that ensure better blood circulation in these affected muscle parts can be used here. These include, for example, light massages (self-massage), targeted heat treatments through sauna sessions, baths or compresses. Even light stretching exercises can reduce the pain. An effective drug against sore muscles is not known.
outlook and prognosis
As a rule, sore muscles lead to a positive course of the disease. In most people, muscle soreness is only temporary and does not lead to life-threatening symptoms or complications. After a few days, the sore muscles are usually gone if the person concerned takes it easy on their body and does not exert and strain unnecessarily. However, if the body is under strain despite the sore muscles, the tendons or muscles may tear. The affected person can also sustain fractures. In some cases, irreversible consequential damage can also occur in the patient.
Direct treatment of the sore muscles is not necessary in most cases. The pain can be reduced with the help of rest and possibly cooling. The course of the disease is then positive. If the sore muscles occur due to an epileptic seizure , the epilepsy must of course be treated first and foremost. However, the symptoms usually subside after a few days.
The performance of a muscle depends, among other things, on blood circulation, which can be improved enormously through regular training. The supply of carbohydrates and oxygen, as well as the removal of metabolic end products, such as lactic acid, play a crucial role.With regular training, all organ systems involved in the metabolism and energy metabolism of the stressed muscle are better coordinated and strengthened overall (respiration, cardiovascular system , digestive organs).
A balanced rhythm between stress and rest is urgently required to maintain and increase performance and thus human health.
Before any sporting activity, there is a brief warm-up and relaxation of the muscles. With this measure, the muscles are pre-stretched and better supplied with blood. Regular physical activity and a slow increase in exercise intensity and volume can help prevent sore muscles.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.