Shoulder-arm syndrome
The term shoulder-arm syndrome is used in connection with physical complaints, which mainly refer to the region of the shoulder and arms. Impairment of the nerve tracts in this region results in the typical symptoms such as pain, numbness and tingling. Frequently, incorrect loading or one-sided movements are the reason for the complaints.
What is shoulder-arm syndrome?
A shoulder-arm syndrome is a regional complaint of the shoulder-arm and the neck-neck area (neck pain). Shoulder-arm syndrome is often manifested by corresponding pain, which can also lead, for example, to numbness or tingling in the hands.
Shoulder-arm syndrome often also shows tension of the neck muscles, which can lead to limited movements of the head – for example, a limited possible or painful turning of the head.
The causes of shoulder-arm syndrome are very complex. In most cases, the complaints are closely related to problems of the cervical spine (cervical spine). The treatment of shoulder-arm syndrome always depends on the exact findings. Physiotherapy, immobilization of the affected shoulder and pain therapy are considered as therapeutic methods.
Frequently, incorrect loading and one-sided overloads are the reason for the shoulder-arm complaints. Tension of the neck muscles, for example, leads to protective postures or inharmonious movements of the shoulder and arms. The resulting pain then manifests itself in the form of shoulder-arm syndrome.Influences such as chronic stress (not infrequently, shoulder-arm syndrome manifests itself in long-lasting, chronic pain for which no purely organic basis has been diagnosed) or drafts can lead to hardening of the neck muscles.
Other causes of shoulder-arm syndrome are injuries or blockages of cervical or thoracic vertebrae – for example, due to sudden movements.
In addition, existing underlying diseases can promote shoulder-arm syndrome: For example, through nerve inflammation due to chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus or Crohn’s disease.
Furthermore, chronic and acute nerve pain can be a cause – among other things due to untreated herniated discs. And finally, acute injuries such as tendon tears in shoulder or neck muscles can also lead to shoulder-arm syndrome.
Symptoms and course
Typical symptoms of shoulder-arm syndrome:
The shoulder-arm syndrome referred to a variety of complaints in this area. Occasionally, they can also involve the cervical spine.
The symptoms of shoulder-arm syndrome can be either acute or chronic. Also, they can only take place in this area or radiate into the entire arm or even the hand. There is severe pain in this area, muscle tension and discomfort in the hands. Sometimes the mobility of the head is also limited in shoulder-arm syndrome.
The most common cause of shoulder-arm syndrome is the blockage of a vertebra in the cervical spine, triggered by heavy carrying, jerky movements or drafts. But also age-related change processes in the area of the spine, herniated discs, osteoporosis, tumors or accidents can lead to a shoulder-arm syndrome.
Treatment and therapy
Treatment of shoulder-arm syndrome must be adapted to the severity of the disease. Milder pain conditions can often be combated by the use of painkillers. If muscle tension occurs, drugs can be used that have a muscle-relaxing effect.
If the shoulder-arm syndrome is based on blockages in vertebrae, chiropractic therapy can also be helpful: vertebral blockages can be released through targeted hand movements by a therapist.
In the case of a non-organic shoulder-arm syndrome, for example, sensorimotor body therapy is used: This assumes, among other things, that the person concerned is not aware of chronic tension and would like to work with him to uncover corresponding points of tension.
Incorrect loading and resulting pain of the arms due to complaints in the neck or shoulder in shoulder-arm syndrome can be countered with targeted physiotherapy: In this way, correct movements of the arms can be trained.
If shoulder-arm syndrome is based on inflammatory processes that can be triggered, for example, by the above-mentioned chronic diseases, therapies can achieve appropriate pain relief of shoulder-arm syndrome that have a positive effect on the respective underlying disease: For example, therapeutic approaches that alleviate the inflammatory processes underlying shoulder-arm syndrome.
If it is already a chronic shoulder-arm syndrome, painkillers should not be used permanently. In this case, heat or electricity treatments, acupuncture or chirotherapy can be applied. The use of local anaesthetics to prevent the transmission of pain signals may also be considered. In order to combat shoulder-arm syndrome in the long term, physiotherapy treatments can help to strengthen the supporting muscles.
Above all, manifestations of shoulder-arm syndrome, which occur due to incorrect loading, can be effectively prevented by the individual: First of all, it is advisable to avoid one-sided loads – such as the mutual carrying of heavy bags on the right and left shoulder.One-sided movement sequences or postures – for example caused by professional activities – should also be counteracted to prevent shoulder-arm syndrome:
If, for example, an activity is associated with sitting at the desk and in front of the computer for a long time, it relieves the muscles to interrupt this posture at regular intervals for short periods.
Strengthening the supporting muscles of the back has a fundamental preventive effect – among other things through regular, targeted gymnastics and healthy physical exercise.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.