Knee pain when running – causes, treatment and prevention

Knee pain while running

Knee pain often shows up when walking or jogging. They occur on the outside of the knee joint and are caused by overexertion of the tendon plate. Long-distance runners are particularly affected by this symptom, but it can also occur in non-athletes. In medicine, knee pain when running is also known as runner’s knee or iliotibial band syndrome.

What is knee pain while running?

The iliotibial band is a strip of fascia. It pulls from the iliac crest in the inferior direction. It is anchored to the tibial plateau as a tendon-like sheath located on the outside of the thigh. The iliotibial ligament is important for human standing. So it reduces the bending stress on the thigh. The iliotibial band merges into various muscle strands of the thigh above the knee, which begin at the pelvic bone. In addition to the knee, these strands also move the hip, so that a runner’s knee can sometimes also be caused by problems in the hip joint.

If there is pain in the area of ​​the iliotibial tract, this is referred to as runner’s knee or tractus syndrome. It is one of the most common reasons for knee pain on the outside of the joint and is particularly noticeable when running . The affected persons suffer from stabbing pain on the outside of the knee. In addition, painful complaints can occur in the pelvis.

If the knee pain initially only occurs when running and jogging, it also shows up when climbing stairs and walking. Long-distance runners and cyclists are particularly affected by knee pain when running. On average, every fourth runner has an iliotibial band syndrome. Women are slightly more likely to suffer from runner’s knee than men. Other sports where runner’s knee can occur are basketball and handball. It is also evident in mountain hikers and non-athletes.


Knee pain when running is caused by excessive or incorrect loading of the knee. Chronic strain on the musculoskeletal system occurs during long-distance running and cycling. Deviations in the leg axis such as bow legs or knock knees have a beneficial effect. The same applies to foot malpositions that appear after sprained ankles.

A smooth interaction of ligaments , cartilage , menisci , muscles, tendons and bones is necessary for the stability of the knee despite great loads. If a runner’s knee is present, this disrupts this interaction. Tractus syndrome is promoted by typical runner mistakes such as insufficient stretching exercises or insufficient warm-up before running. Inappropriate footwear, a surface that is too hard to walk on or incorrect running posture also play an important role. Another risk factor is legs of different lengths.

Iliotibial band syndrome is caused by irritation of the iliotibial band. In runner’s knee, the iliotibial band is chafed over the bones that make up the knee joint. The thigh is also affected, which is why there is often talk of an iliotibialis band syndrome (ITBS) or iliotibial band chafing syndrome. As the chafing progresses, the affected tissue becomes inflamed, which in turn causes stabbing pain.

Sometimes a weakening of the pelvic stabilizers is also responsible for knee pain when running. It causes the non-load bearing hip to drop. This process in turn causes excessive tension on the iliotibial band. In athletes, the cause of runner’s knee is often building up their training too quickly or completing the training exercises too quickly.

In some cases, the knee pain is so severe that the affected person can no longer walk. Significant disabilities are possible even with ordinary walking. At the beginning of runner’s knee, the symptoms only become apparent during longer running movements. In the further course, they also make themselves felt when walking and climbing stairs. Finally, the pain can also show up when sitting, bending your legs or touching your kneecap .


  • Tract Syndrome

When to the doctor?

Knee pain when running can occur due to overuse. After a long run, such as a marathon or endurance run on a piece of fitness equipment, knee pain is very common. The person concerned should rest their legs to reduce the symptoms. In most cases, the pain goes away without further medical treatment. If the knee pain persists for a long time, a doctor should be consulted.

If knee pain occurs suddenly and spontaneously while running, you should consult a doctor. There may be damage to the joint, bones or muscles that need to be clarified. If the person concerned suffers from knee pain even with slight movement, a doctor should always be consulted. There may be chronic medical conditions that need to be evaluated and treated.

If you are overweight , you often experience knee pain when walking. If the person concerned needs help with a necessary weight loss, a doctor’s visit is recommended. In order to relieve the pain, the affected person should not take any medication without consulting a doctor. Possible risks and side effects should be considered before taking the drug. If there is swelling of the knee or restricted movement of the knee joint, further examinations must be initiated. A doctor’s visit is necessary for this.

diagnosis and course

If the knee pain does not subside while running, a doctor should be consulted. This usually quickly diagnoses runner’s knee based on the typical symptoms on the outside and underside of the knee. The iliotibial band often appears tense and shortened. If the pain decreases after a targeted local anesthetic, this is another indication of a runner’s knee.

In some cases, other injuries or illnesses are behind the knee pain when running. This can be damage to the meniscus or osteoarthritis. To rule out these causes, the doctor performs an X-ray examination . Sometimes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is also performed. The course of a runner’s knee depends on the behavior of the patient. If he takes it easy on his leg for a long time, the symptoms go away after one to two weeks. However, in order to prevent the knee pain from reoccurring, the joint must not be put under excessive strain again. Otherwise there is a risk of chronic knee damage with cartilage impairments that are not reversible.


Knee pain when running leads to a reduction in movement. In severe cases, there is a disability. Leisure activities are reduced and the fulfillment of everyday tasks can no longer be pursued sufficiently. Knee pain can lead to an inability to drive. Emotional problems and reduced well-being are the consequences. The general load capacity decreases immensely with knee pain when running. Conflicts in interpersonal relationships arise and a reorganization of everyday life has to take place.

Knee pain when running is often a sign of wear and tear on the joints. These are irreparable and continue to spread. The use of walking aids or a wheelchair are possible temporary solutions. Despite measures that protect the knee and therapies to relieve the knee, surgical intervention is often necessary. With this, parts of the bone are stabilized or the knee joint is replaced with an artificial knee. Knee pain can indicate chronic diseases. Rheumatism , arthrosis or osteoporosis are possible. The symptoms threaten a bad posture of the body. The muscles are strained on one side and cause pain. These extend to the upper back and neck. In some cases, headaches are caused by muscle tension.

treatment and therapy

Reducing the acute pain is an important part of the mostly conservative treatment of knee problems. Cooling the knee with ice is considered an effective first aid measure. In the further course of therapy, pain- relieving and anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken. If the pain is severe, the doctor can inject a local anesthetic into the knee joint. A bandage is used to stabilize the knee.

In order to permanently avoid knee pain when running, it is important to rest the joint for two to three months and to avoid running during this period. After the symptoms have subsided, the patient can carefully resume training. However, he must not exert any excessive or incorrect loads on the knee. A combination of training and physiotherapy exercises is also useful . For example, the muscles can be built up with special equipment exercises. However, for this purpose, the guidance of a professional is recommended. Losing body weight is also considered helpful, as this prevents further tractus syndrome.

outlook and prognosis

Knee pain while running can vary greatly depending on the cause and treatment. Short-term knee pain is often caused by a strain or bruise , which should go away after a few days or weeks. Sore muscles or an injury to the knee can also be cured quickly with appropriate treatment. The prognosis for pain as a result of chronic knee problems is worse. The treatment is then often lengthy and requires surgery and other measures.

Overloading can also cause pain again and again. With diseases such as knee joint arthrosis, there is no prospect of a full recovery. Instead, therapy focuses on relieving pain and slowing the progression of the disease. The outlook and prognosis for knee pain when running therefore depend to a large extent on the cause. The prognosis can be improved through early diagnosis of the knee pain and through careful behavior. Sometimes lifestyle changes, including weight loss and dietary measures, can improve the chance of pain-free movement.


Knee pain while running can be prevented. Regular stretching and warm-up exercises before running and the selection of suitable running shoes make sense . The right running technique is also important.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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