Knee swelling
When the knee swelling is visible and palpable , bodily fluid collects inside the joint, which is not normally to be found there. Knee swelling as a concomitant disease is defined in the following section. This is followed by paragraphs on the causes, the diagnoses and the treatments of knee swelling and its causative diseases. Finally, preventive measures are mentioned.
What is knee swelling?
In technical jargon, knee swelling is referred to as joint effusion. Three types of joint effusions are distinguished. The bloody joint effusion (hemarthrosis) is usually due to a complex injury or a bleeding disorder. The pus -filled effusion (pyarthros) is based on an infection .
But the accumulation of serous and fibrinous body fluids are also the cause of joint effusion. Due to the knee swelling, the mobility of the joint is severely restricted. The painful knee swelling is usually accompanied by redness and overheating.
A common, non-inflammatory cause of knee swelling is changes in the knee joint caused by wear and tear (arthrosis). Due to long-term overloading, the elastic cartilage layer in the joint is thinned out, so that the thigh and lower leg bones rub against each other. Older age, obesity , lack of exercise, but also hereditary predisposition play an important role.Injuries to the knee joint and internal joint damage such as torn meniscus and ligaments are often the cause of painful knee swelling in younger people who are physically active. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the inflammatory causes of knee swelling. This chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease affects the synovial fluid. This can no longer positively influence the friction caused by movement of the joint and the knee joint is destroyed.
However, this arthritis occurs in at least three different joint regions. Borreliosis caused by a tick bite can be responsible for knee swelling on just one knee. Acute inflammation , knee pain and knee swelling also occur with crystal deposits in the cartilage, a pseudogout attack.
When to the doctor?
In the case of heavy physical exertion by lifting heavy objects or after intensive sporting activities, a doctor does not necessarily have to be consulted if there is swelling in the knee. In most cases, resting and cooling the knee is sufficient. In the hours that follow, the swelling in the knees subsides. However, as a precautionary measure, these activities should be refrained from in the future. If the symptoms last longer than a day, a doctor’s visit is necessary.
If the knee swelling occurs after an accident, a fall or an unintentional excessive turning movement, a doctor must be consulted immediately. There are injuries that require initial treatment as soon as possible. They include damage to vessels, joints or muscles. Imaging methods provide certainty and lead to a diagnosis by the doctor.
If the knee swelling continues to spread or if there is pain in the legs , a doctor’s visit is advisable. A doctor should also be consulted as soon as movement is restricted by the swelling. If there is a change in posture or restricted mobility, a doctor should be consulted. Within a few days, muscle tension and other complaints appear that need to be counteracted. If everyday tasks can no longer be performed due to knee swelling, then a trip to the doctor is necessary.
diagnosis and course
During the questioning (anamnesis) and the physical examination, the doctor clarifies where the knee swelling is coming from. The accumulated fluid inside the joint is drawn off with a fine hollow needle. After the joint puncture, the fluid is examined in the laboratory. This gives rise to possible indications of pathogens, rheumatoid inflammation or deposits of calcium crystals. The latter would indicate pseudogout.
The doctor determines the medical history, the exercise and diet, the hereditary predisposition. He also finds out about possible causes of injury. X-rays and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used when wear or injury to the joint is suspected.
In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, which ultimately leads to the destruction of the joint, in addition to the physical and imaging examinations, the duration of the inflammation and the results of the blood tests are decisive, such as rheumatoid factor, autoantibodies, and inflammation parameters. Sonography can be used to assess inflammatory changes in the synovial membrane and knee swelling.
Knee swelling can occur after a fall or a bruise . The blood vessels or muscle fibers are damaged, causing the swelling. Bruises form and pain sets in. Freedom of movement is restricted and walking or running is no longer smooth. If the meniscus is damaged, surgery is required. A correction is made to reduce the discomfort. The healing process lasts for several weeks or months. It is often associated with a longer period of disability and the use of walking aids.
With knee swelling, everyday activities such as moving around or driving a car can no longer be carried out without problems. The load possibilities of the knee are limited, which leads to a bad posture of the body. Tension in the muscles sets in, which is painful. If a chronic disease such as rheumatism or arthrosis is behind the swelling of the knee, permanent damage to the bone or joint occurs. The symptoms slowly spread and lead to a deformity of the knee.
In addition to everyday limitations, the practice of leisure or sporting activities is impaired. Knee swelling causes emotional problems by reducing range of motion. General well-being is reduced and mood swings occur . Dissatisfaction and irritability set in.
treatment and therapy
In the case of knee swelling, cooling ice packs and elevating the joint reduce the pain. The joint puncture also has a pain-relieving effect, since the pressure inside the joint is reduced by the withdrawal of the fluid. The knee swelling subsides and the knee joint becomes mobile again. To prevent pathogens from getting into the knee joint from the skin, the skin around the knee swelling is thoroughly disinfected.
The doctor inserts the cannula into the joint space and the fluid is suctioned out. Medication can also be injected through joint punctures. In the case of arthrosis, however, the knee swelling forms again. Constant punctures increase the risk of infection. In order to counteract knee swelling, the causative disease must be treated. Rheumatoid arthritis is treated holistically to inhibit inflammatory processes and maintain the strength and functionality of the joints.
outlook and prognosis
Knee swelling can occur for a variety of reasons, so an accurate prognosis and outlook depends on the severity. In many cases, swelling of the knee is caused by external forces. If there is no internal damage to the bone or cartilage , the swelling should subside within a few days. In particularly bad cases, bone damage can occur, making a visit to the doctor inevitable. If a corresponding treatment is not carried out, then the swelling in the knee will definitely not go down. The swelling will increase and the pain will also get significantly worse.
If there is a fracture, an operation may even be necessary. Otherwise, the fracture cannot heal properly, so the swelling will remain. Consequential damage is also possible in many cases, so that the knee can take on permanent damage. Only if treatment takes place promptly can the prospect of a full recovery be guaranteed. Swelling is always an indication of a serious injury, so the prognosis is by no means positive without appropriate treatment.
Since knee swelling is a concomitant disease, preventive measures must be taken in relation to the causative diseases. Moderate exercise through joint-gentle sports such as swimming, cycling and Nordic walking and a balanced diet lead to a reduction in body weight.Obesity damages hip and knee joints. Regular exercise slows down the breakdown of articular cartilage, builds muscle strength and regenerates synovial fluid. This ensures smooth functioning of the knee joint.
On the other hand, the constant strain from competitive sports and the risk of injury from high-risk sports damage the knee joint. In order to exclude knee swelling and all functional impairments of the knee joint, a safe, moderate sport should be practiced.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.