Cardiac neurosis (heart phobia) – causes, treatment & prevention

Herzneurose (Herzphobie)

Cardiac neurosis ( heart phobia ) is a psychosomatic illness that causes those affected to believe they are suffering from an acute heart condition. It is often unconscious fears that lead to supposedly dangerous symptoms in patients with cardiac neurosis and can often only be remedied by lengthy therapy.

What is cardiac neurosis (heart phobia)?

If a cardiac neurosis (heart phobia) is present, the patient is convinced that he is experiencing a serious heart disease, although no physical causes for an actual heart disease can be proven. For this reason, a cardiac neurosis is counted among the psychosomatic disorders and is often referred to as cardiac phobia.

Even if the disease is mainly found in men between the ages of 40 and 60, younger patients can also be affected by cardiac neurosis. As a rule, it can be assumed that on average 30% of all people who consult a doctor because of heart problems do not have any organic reasons for a pathological heart condition.


Cardiac neurosis can have many different causes, which, however, are usually never physical. In most cases, a cardiac neurosis is caused by fears that unconsciously burden the affected person.

An imaginary heart disease thus distracts from the patient’s real concerns and transfers his psychological problems to the heart. It is often drastic experiences such as death or separations that trigger a cardiac neurosis.

In many cases, the patient is also in contact with a person who has an actual heart condition. Mental illnesses such as depression can also lead to cardiac neurosis. In rare cases, it is again misunderstandings during a doctor’s visit that lead the patient to believe that he is suffering from a heart disease due to insufficient communication.

When to the doctor?

In general, a doctor’s visit is fundamentally advisable in the case of a cardiac neurosis, since the symptoms that occur can be very similar to those of a heart attack or other threatening heart diseases.

Heart palpitations (tachycardia), profuse sweating, heart stitches, cardiac arrhythmias such as palpitations, fear of death , increased blood pressure, tremors , shortness of breath, tightness in the chest and radiating heart pain are symptoms that occur with cardiac phobia. In the case of heart disease with a physical cause, however, this can also indicate life-threatening conditions and should always be clarified by a doctor if you are unsure.

However, if a cardiac neurosis is diagnosed and numerous examinations have ruled out other heart diseases or heart defects, a medical examination is not absolutely necessary if symptoms occur. The probability that the medical examination will show results other than an increased heart rate and blood pressure is then very small. Those affected quickly find themselves in a vicious circle of symptoms occurring more and more frequently and numerous visits to the doctor without any result.

Nevertheless, you should see a doctor if you experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness and tachycardia if they last for an unusually long time and are associated with a significant deterioration in your general condition. This also applies if the symptoms that occur differ significantly from those that the patient is already familiar with from the cardiac neurosis. If fever is an additional symptom, a doctor’s visit is also necessary.

symptoms and course

Typical symptoms of cardiac neurosis:

  • chest pain

Even if the person affected does not have any real heart problems during a cardiac neurosis, they often feel similar symptoms, the origin of which is assumed to be in the heart. The most common symptom is chest pain, which can spread to the shoulders or arms.

Patients often experience a strong feeling of pressure, painful stinging or extreme burning in the chest area. In addition to heart palpitations, acute shortness of breath or hyperventilation can also represent symptoms of cardiac neurosis. All of these signs are perceived by the patient as a great danger and can manifest themselves in seizures or panic attacks as the disease progresses . Many cardiac neurosis patients also restrict their everyday lives in order not to strain their bodies and thereby further aggravate their supposed illness.


In order to diagnose a cardiac neurosis, possible organic causes of an existing heart problem must first be ruled out. This is done as part of medical check-ups, in which different methods can be used. In many cases, for example, the heart functions are checked with the help of a blood pressure measurement or blood test . Cardiac processes can also be recorded and then checked by performing an ECG or stress ECG . Acute heart disease can also be diagnosed by a cardiac ultrasound or an X- rayexclude the incubator. However, the possible presence of a cardiac neurosis is often considered only after many examinations have been carried out.


Cardiac neurosis or cardiac phobia rarely leads to truly life-threatening complications. It is merely a functional disorder, but it has a high disease value. Those affected feel very severe heart problems, which are reminiscent of angina pectoris or cardiac arrhythmias . However, there are no organic findings. But that is the real problem. The main complication of this disease is the anxiety disorder, which becomes more and more intensified in the sense of a vicious circle. The patient is afraid of a possible heart attack and creates heart symptoms through his imagination, which confirm his fear.

In addition to the intensification of fears, the lives of those affected become more and more complicated because they can no longer take part in everyday life due to fear. This can lead to complete social isolation. The next of kin are also constantly drawn into the problems, so that living together can become increasingly difficult. Another complication is that therapy is extremely difficult.

A heart neurotic usually does not accept psychotherapy because he is convinced of the organic causes of his heart problems. Although there are no organic causes, a cardiac neurosis can actually end fatally in rare cases. Overall, physical performance decreases more and more over time, because fear of heart attacks stops all measures that serve to maintain health. Finally, persistent untreated heart phobia can also lead to real heart disease.

treatment and therapy

Since cardiac neurosis is a psychosomatic disease, it should primarily be treated by a psychotherapist. It should be carefully explained to the patient that his body is in a healthy state and that the symptoms present are merely a sign of his unconscious fears .

During a doctor’s consultation, it should also be made clear that the symptoms are in no way really threatening for the person concerned. If the case is particularly serious, medications such as antidepressants , benzodiazepines or beta- blockers can also be used to help the heart neurosis recover. Benzodiazepines are primarily prescribed when anxiety disorders or similar mental illnesses are present in addition to the cardiac neurosis.

If signs of depression are present, antidepressants are again used for the person concerned. When using the drugs, however, it should always be made clear that they do not work against heart problems, otherwise some patients may consider the treatment with drugs as evidence of organic causes of their heart problems.

Apart from drug treatment, it is usually helpful to gradually reduce the avoidance behavior that may have developed in certain situations and to reintroduce previously avoided everyday activities as part of the therapy. Sports such as jogging , Nordic walking , yoga or muscle relaxation exercises can be helpful , which make it clear to those affected by cardiac neurosis that their body can be resilient.


As a rule, it is not possible to specifically prevent cardiac neurosis. Only an early detection of psychosomatic causes of the heart problems can accelerate an improvement of the existing symptoms. It is therefore also important for successful therapy to make it clear to the person concerned that their suffering is not based on any organic causes. As a result, there is an improved prospect of successful therapy for the cardiac neurosis and subsequent stabilization of the patient’s state of health.

outlook and prognosis

If left untreated, heart phobia, like all anxiety disorders, tends to become chronic and generalized. Fear of the next panic attack develops. More and more situations are perceived as stressful and cause anxiety and the avoidance behavior is expanded. If a heart phobia is diagnosed early, it can in many cases be treated and completely cured.

The earlier therapy begins, the faster progress can be observed and the higher the chances of recovery. The psychotherapeutic prognosis after an existing long-term illness is significantly worse, but not hopeless. Even if the symptoms do not completely subside, therapy improves the quality of life of most of those affected.

Unfortunately, in about 50% of cases, a chronic course of the disease develops, as a result of which, in the worst case, a real physical heart disease can develop. Patients with chronic cardiac neurosis show more physical symptoms than actual heart patients and their physical resilience is severely limited. Patients often suffer from accompanying depression or other anxiety disorders. The risk of becoming addicted to alcohol or drugs is also increased.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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