Rattling breath
Wheezing breath is a symptom characterized by a specific sound. It occurs in the area of the lungs and breathing. The diseases associated with it can be serious and milder in nature. A rattling breath occurs as a symptom in adults as well as children and the elderly.
What is rattling breath?
A rattling breath is basically a disturbance in the normal sounds of breathing. Normal, healthy breathing is barely audible. If the breath becomes rattling, these are noises that follow one another in rapid succession and often sound dull and metallic. In many cases they can be heard from a distance. The resulting noise originates from the affected person’s breathing, which is usually impaired by an illness. As a pathological breathing noise, great importance is attached to rattling breath, because in many cases this symptom indicates chronic diseases of the respiratory tract. Often there is no healing and the symptoms can only be alleviated. Anyone who suffers from rattling breath should therefore contact a doctor at an early stage.
The causes of rattling breath can be varied. As a rule, this is a temporary phenomenon, an acute illness or a chronic disease. In some cases, the rattling breath occurs after tremendous physical exertion and disappears on its own after a short time. Often these are smokers who start exercising.
In most cases, however, the cause of the rattling breath is due to a chronic or acute illness. It usually affects parts of the body that directly affect breathing, such as the bronchi , lungs or trachea . In most cases, the rattling noise only occurs as an accompanying symptom. The rattling breath is often caused by accumulations of mucus or threads of mucus in the nose and throat area.
Then, when the affected person breathes in and out, the mucus is set in motion, creating the rattling sound. The secretion formed can be both viscous and fine-bubbled, which is also reflected in the noise that is produced. The rattling breath is often caused by an unhealthy lifestyle or environmental pollution.
When to the doctor?
Rare breath that occurs after strenuous physical exertion and goes away on its own after a short period of time is generally harmless and does not require a medical examination. Rattling breath, which also sounds dull and metallic, almost always indicates a serious illness. In the context of a cold, the doctor should be consulted at the latest when heavy breathing is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, chills or shortness of breath . These symptoms indicate a disease of the lungs, bronchi or trachea. Here, a medical clarification of the causes is urgently required in order to counteract pneumonia or chronic bronchitis in good time.
Smokers should consult a specialist as soon as the symptom occurs for the first time, as this group has an increased risk of lung and larynx cancer. Rough breath can also be caused by a buildup of mucus in the throat and nose. In addition to a bacterial infection, an allergic reaction can also be a possible trigger. If rattling breath always occurs shortly after a certain event, for example consuming a certain food or after contact with a pet, the doctor should be asked for an allergy test.
diagnosis and course
Basically, if the rattling noise during breathing lasts for several days, you should definitely see a doctor. The diagnosis of the rattling breath symptom is then made according to the intensity and occurrence of the phenomenon. In many cases, the affected person has to take deep breaths in and out while the treating doctor listens to the lungs and airways. The doctor often feels the throat.
In many cases, bronchitis caused by viruses or bacteria is diagnosed. Here the bronchioles are inflamed. Sometimes there is also pneumonia, which is also caused by bacteria. The pneumonia goes with flu-like symptoms such as fever , [cough]] with expectoration and chillsalong. The chronic diseases that can trigger rattling breath include what is known as COPD – the abbreviation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – or asthma. In particularly severe cases, it can also be lung cancer. If the cause of the rattling breath is not treated, it is not uncommon for the affected person to suffer from this symptom for months to years, which can worsen over time.
A rattling breath is caused by fluid that has accumulated in the lungs, as is the case with pulmonary edema. If this fluid stays in the lungs, the tissue can become inflamed, causing pneumonia. If the body reacts incorrectly, this inflammation can spread throughout the body and cause sepsis . This can lead to septic shock, the affected person suffers a sharp drop in blood pressure and important organs are no longer supplied with blood and can fail. This condition is life-threatening and fatal if left untreated.
Chronic pulmonary edema can lead to fibrosis, i.e. scarring of the lung tissue. The person affected suffers from a dry cough and shortness of breath, which can even lead to a lack of oxygen. This can also lead to a lack of supply to the organs. In addition, there is a risk of status asthmaticus in the case of asthma. This leads to very severe shortness of breath, which can lead to overinflation of the alveoli. The result is pulmonary emphysema. The air sacs in the lungs can burst and air can escape into the pleural space, causing a pneumothorax. In addition, with emphysema, the blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries is increased, so that the right heart has to work harder, which can result in weakness (right heart failure).
treatment and therapy
The treatment of rattling breath is usually not based on the individual symptom, but on the underlying disease. Diseases caused by viruses or bacteria – such as bronchitis or pneumonia – are usually treated with antibiotics . In addition, bed rest is prescribed. To relieve the throat, it is often recommended to drink warm drinks. In the case of pneumonia, cough suppressants and fever-reducing drugs are often given to relieve the symptoms.
Sometimes home remedies also prove to be very useful here: breathing can be made considerably easier by inhaling eucalyptus or thyme and steam baths.
If it is a more serious disease, the treatment and therapy is much more difficult. There is currently no cure for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD for short. Here, the symptoms of the disease – such as rattling breath – can only be suppressed and alleviated. Drugs with the active ingredients glucocorticoids or bronchodilators are often prescribed.
Even in the case of existing lung cancer, the therapy is often complex and lengthy. The best chances of recovery are surgical removal of the tumor or chemotherapy . Basically, the causes of rattling breathing must be combated. For example, if the person concerned is a heavy smoker , this bad habit should be avoided in the future – this is the only way to have a real chance of recovery and relief.
If you want to prevent pathological breathing noises such as rattling breathing, you should pay attention to intensive protection of the respiratory tract. Environmental influences and pollution also play a role, but it is particularly important to avoid toxins such as nicotine . A healthy immune system also prevents most diseases associated with rattling breathing. A healthy diet and sufficient physical activity therefore also ensure prevention.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.