Burning stomach pain – causes, treatment and prevention

Burning pain in the stomach

Burning stomach pains are usually the symptom of a serious illness. If they occur in connection with symptoms such as acid regurgitation, you should act quickly. Prevention is not always possible.


urning stomach pain is pain in the stomach area that is characterized by the characteristic burning sensation. They mostly occur in the upper part of the stomach and almost always result from heartburn or inflammation in the stomach. Nevertheless, the diagnosis can only be made after some examinations. The treatment is also sometimes difficult, as those affected often have to change their entire eating habits. Burning stomach pain can be prevented with simple remedies.


Burning stomach pain can have a variety of causes. Heartburn is often the underlying cause. The initially digested food flows back into the esophagus and triggers a burning sensation that can spread to the stomach area. In addition, an infection can also be the cause. In particular, the gastric mucosa and intestines are susceptible to infections.

If they are affected, there is burning pain that can radiate to all organs in the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, it is difficult to attribute the pain to an infection. A food intolerance also leads to burning stomach pain. It occurs mainly in the intestinal area and often spreads to the stomach. The pain only disappears when the corresponding nutrient has been excreted.


  • Magentumor
  • esophageal cancer

When to the doctor?

Stomach pain can also have harmless causes, especially if it only occurs once or if the person affected can perhaps identify the possible cause themselves. Maybe the last meal was too spicy, too greasy, too rich or was eaten in a hurry?

However, if the pain is inexplicable for the person concerned or if it is very severe or cramp-like, he should consult a doctor. Even if the pain lasts for days or recurs repeatedly for several days, the affected person should consult a doctor.

It is also advisable to see a doctor if other symptoms such as fever, vomiting or blood in the stool occur. Then a serious medical condition could be the cause of the symptoms.

If the burning pain radiates towards the breastbone or if symptoms such as shortness of breath and dizziness occur at the same time, it is essential to see a doctor. A heart attack or an angina pectoris attack can also be accompanied by stomach pain. Both clinical pictures require immediate medical treatment.

diagnosis and course

The diagnosis is made by those affected themselves. However, burning stomach pain is difficult to localize and radiates to all organs, which is why those affected often misinterpret the cause. Still, there are some clear symptoms that pinpoint burning pain. Acid regurgitation or heartburn is characteristic. In addition, those affected feel a strong burning sensation in the stomach area.

The exact diagnosis can be made by a doctor. The doctor first carries out a comprehensive anamnesis and thus determines the type and severity of the pain. In addition, important information such as the previous medical history, the occurrence of the disorder in the past and, in general, eating habits are requested. This allows the doctor treating you to rule out many causes.

The physical exam may include blood tests , a colonoscopy , and other measures , depending on what the doctor thinks. A colonoscopy in particular is a tried and tested means of getting a close look at the condition of the gastric mucosa. This is extremely important for the treatment and progression of the disease.

Burning stomach pains have a very individual course. If they are caused by a food intolerance, they disappear again when the corresponding nutrient is avoided. If they occur due to inflammation of the gastric mucosa, appropriate preparations must be prescribed. The course is then also positive. It is only in the case of stomach tumors and other serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that a cure cannot always be assumed. The burning stomach pain can be alleviated by the administration of painkillers , but the course of the underlying disease can be very negative.

treatment and therapy

Burning stomach pain is usually caused by heartburn. This disorder can be corrected with medication and a change in behavior. So it is advisable to position your head higher if you have frequent heartburn. If drugs are administered, they usually have the effect of reducing the effect of stomach acid . Burning stomach pains that occur as a result of a food intolerance can be treated by avoiding the foods in question. In addition, medication can be taken.

In addition, the consequences of the burning stomach pain may need to be treated. One of the most severe forms is esophageal cancer, which can result from untreated heartburn. Once it has occurred, special therapies must be initiated. In the case of the mild form of burning stomach pain, those affected can also do a lot themselves. So it is advisable to look at your own eating habits and remove highly acidic foods from your diet.

In general, it is important to protect the stomach so that inflammation can heal. The esophagus should also be stressed as little as possible. It can therefore also make sense to chew food well. This relieves the stomach and protects the esophagus.


The best way to prevent burning stomach pain is to eat a healthy diet . This prevents inflammation in the stomach area from the outset. A balanced diet includes the reduction of fat as well as the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates . In addition, prescribed medication should be taken as directed by the doctor.

Anyone who is already suffering from burning stomach pain should be examined by a doctor regularly to ensure that no secondary diseases develop. In addition, the symptoms can be significantly alleviated by taking appropriate measures. Finally, a doctor should be consulted immediately at the first symptoms such as heartburn or slight pain in the stomach area. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the higher the chances of recovery. This applies in particular to serious diseases such as esophageal cancer or tumors in the stomach. If action is taken at an early stage, the chances of recovery are high. In addition, possible secondary diseases are prevented.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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