Arm pain – causes, treatment and prevention

Arm pain

Arm pain or pain in the arm can indicate harmless muscle soreness , but it can also indicate chronic tennis elbow , a nerve block or a heart attack . Therefore, you always have to distinguish how and where arm pain occurs, whether it has understandable reasons and how it develops.

What is arm pain?

The general term arm pain only says something about the localization of the arm pain, but not about its cause or the exact place where it takes place. It must first be localized in the anamnesis whether skin , muscles , bones, veins or other things are affected.

Arm pain is defined as pain in the arm area, i.e. between the shoulder and the hand. These, too, can be affected by arm pain. Shoulder -arm syndrome is an example of such arm pain. The definition of arm pain does not say whether it is radiating arm pain with a different origin.


There are many different triggers that can cause arm pain. First of all, the doctor has to determine where the arm pain is located and how intense it is. In addition, there may be radiating pain. In this case, the cause of the arm pain is not in the arm, but elsewhere in the body.Triggers for arm pain include acute joint injuries, rheumatism and arthrosis, arthritis, acute tendinitis and carpal tunnel syndrome, muscle tension or osteoporosis, various skin diseases or tumors in the arm area.

It can be an accidental broken arm or the effects of a so-called tennis elbow. You can identify certain types of pain that can give an indication of the cause of arm pain. Redness and swelling , for example, indicate an inflammatory process, while restricted movement is more likely to indicate joint diseases or joint damage or muscular arm pain.

Numbness , numbness , or paralysis provide further clues as to what may have caused the arm pain. Overexertion and one-sided activities at the computer can be identified as the cause of many arm pains. The famous tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow are examples of stress-related arm pain. A modern diagnosis is the “Repetitive Strain Injury”.

Arm pain after bursitis, osteoporosis, acute or chronic circulatory disorders and blood clots in the arm are well known. So-called bottleneck syndromes or a ganglion can also be responsible for arm pain. Bone tumors and other types of tumors can also cause arm pain. Likewise, arm pain can also occur after certain surgeries, such as breast cancer surgeries.

Diseases with arm pain

Diagnosis and course

The diagnosis and course of arm pain vary depending on the trigger. After the initial consultation, the doctor will carry out various examinations if you have arm pain. In the case of a fracture or joint damage, X-rays , sonography or MRI examinations are usually essential.

Palpation findings may precede swelling. Skin damage and diseases can be diagnosed at sight. If necessary, a swab will be taken or a cell removal will be considered to find the cause of the arm pain. Poor blood values ​​indicate inflammation in arm pain .

Whether they are in the arm is not said. In addition, one can determine the rheumatism values ​​​​in the case of arm pain. Heart examinations are occasionally necessary for radiating arm pain – if the arm pain turns out to be a heart attack or the result of a stroke . After a dislocation, the arm can be used again sooner than if it was broken or has a chronic inflammatory disease.

Muscle tension can be treated, but often goes away on its own. Arm pain caused by sore muscles usually does not require treatment. Ultrasound , neurological or electrophysiological examinations, arthroscopy or joint puncture can be used to diagnose arm pain . If the cause of the arm pain is treated, the pain can usually be brought under control.

Treatment and therapy

Treatment depends on the type of arm pain. A distinction is made between unilateral or bilateral as well as acute or chronic arm pain. In the case of skin damage, ointment dressings are useful, sometimes cortisone as an ointment or injection helps. In the case of joint and muscle problems, arm pain can initially be treated with anti-inflammatory ointments or ointment bandages.However, if the arm pain persists, medical or surgical measures are necessary. Immobilization with plaster splints or orthopedic adjustments are often carried out. In some cases, painkillers are indicated, especially if the arm pain is caused by fractures, accidental injuries, rheumatism or inflammation.

Some types of arm pain can be treated well with cooling or heat treatments, while others are better relieved with massage or physio-tape. Arm pain can be treated with physiotherapy, muscle training, water and bath therapy, electrotherapy and ultrasound therapy.


To prevent arm pain, rest, massages and, above all, avoiding one-sided activities are recommended. A healthy and exercise-friendly lifestyle prevents heart attacks. Drinking plenty of water and exercising keeps the blood hydrated. Moderate muscle training and sports that don’t put too much strain on the arms are preferable.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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