Sweet Chestnut – Uses & Health Benefits


Sweet chestnuts are known to most people for their tasty nuts. They are called chestnuts and are eaten roasted. In the Middle Ages, sweet chestnut trees were the only means of subsistence for the poor inhabitants of mountain villages. One tree could feed a person enough for a whole year. Hildegard von Bingen used the popular sweet chestnut mainly as a remedy.

Definition and Occurrence

The sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa) belongs to the beech family (Fagaceae) and is also called sweet chestnut because its nuts are edible. They are often incorrectly referred to as chestnuts, although the chestnut is actually an independent breed from the sweet chestnut. The sweet chestnut is the only chestnut species found in Europe. The tree grows up to 25 m high and branches out at a relatively low altitude.

Its sprawling crown has thick branches. The sweet chestnut bears fruit for the first time from the 30th year. It has strong shallow taproots with sturdy side branches. Their young branches are covered with smooth reddish-brown bark that turns gray-silver in later decades of life. The leaves of the sweet chestnut sprout in early May. When flowering a month later, male and female inflorescences about 20 cm high are formed. The ripe fruits fall of their own accord from the tree in September. Their green, prickly fruit cups burst open and release the round, reddish-brown, shiny fruits (nuts).

The sweet chestnut originally comes from the Caucasus region, where it grew in prehistoric times. With the triumph of the Roman Empire, the tree spread to all parts of the European world. It has been cultivated in the Mediterranean countries for its fruit (chestnuts) and wood since the 9th century BC. In Central Europe it only occurs as a park tree. The sweet chestnut loves moderately moist, loose, sandy, humus-rich and acidic soil.

Ingredients, effect and dosage

The sweet chestnut contains many essential nutrients and vital substances. It can be used in many ways: as a whole fruit, flakes, leaves, extract, flour, puree, chips, honey and spread. It can be eaten roasted and made into bread or pasta . Dried fruits have a starch content of 41%. The sugar content is 16%, the raw fiber content is 13.8%. It also contains 6% proteins .

The sweet chestnut scores with lots of vitamin A , C , vitamin B2 , B3 and other B vitamins, calcium , phosphorus, magnesium , sulphur, potassium , many essential amino acids, the omega 6 fatty acids linoleic acid and linolenic acid, tannins, flavonoids and triterpenes. The health-promoting effect of sweet chestnut products was already known to the famous nun Hildegard von Bingen. She mainly praised the astringent properties of sweet chestnuts, which primarily prevent annoying diarrhea.

What does the sweet chestnut help against?

  • Nervous exhaustion

importance to health

The fruits of the sweet chestnut are alkaline and can therefore be used for an alkaline or alkaline-excessive diet . Therefore, they are also recommended for people suffering from rheumatic diseases. Gluten- free foods are particularly appreciated by celiac disease patients and people with gluten sensitivity. In contrast to real nuts, which are very high in fat, chestnuts have only a low fat content and can therefore also be eaten as a small snack in between meals that does not burden the body weight.

Thanks to their high content of potassium and B vitamins, sweet chestnut nuts have a nerve-strengthening effect if they are consumed frequently. They improve the ability to concentrate. As a small snack, they make you more resistant to stress and nervous exhaustion. Thanks to their high potassium content, they also regulate high blood pressure: As an antagonist of sodium , potassium ensures that excess sodium in the body is increasingly excreted through the urinary tract.

In cooperation with the vitamin C also contained in the nuts, it not only prevents high blood pressure, but also cardiovascular diseases, cardiac arrhythmias, strokes and arteriosclerosis. The vitamin C also has an anti-inflammatory effect , against colds and tightens connective tissue (anti-cellulite effect). Calcium and phosphorus ensure strong bones and healthy teeth . Since the calcium in the sweet chestnut fruit occurs together with potassium, it can be stored even better in the bone substance: the potassium binds calcium in the bone tissue. In this combination, it also has a muscle-strengthening and cramp -relieving effect .

The flavonoid rutin helps with vein problems. It also lowers the total cholesterol and LDL levels that are too high . Because of its antioxidant effect , the sweet chestnut also protects against premature skin aging and cell-damaging influences from free radicals. Their lignans and flavonoids lower the risk of developing colon and breast cancer.

The sweet chestnut also relieves gastrointestinal symptoms such as heartburn, gastric mucosal irritation and a feeling of fullness. Their high tryptophan content promotes restful, beneficial sleep . In Bach flower therapy , the sweet chestnut is known under the name Sweet Chestnut. There she ensures inner balance in the case of severe psychological problems.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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