Lung diseases
Lung diseases are diseases whose symptoms appear in the lungs or cause effects on the important organ. They are considered a subgroup of respiratory diseases. The medical specialty that is responsible for the examination and treatment of lung diseases is called pneumology (lung medicine).
What are lung diseases?
There are many different lung diseases. In medicine, they are subdivided either according to duration into acute or chronic or according to pathogenesis into non-inflammatory or inflammatory. The most common diseases of the lungs are bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, lung cancer and pulmonary hypertension, which causes the vessels between the heart and lungs to narrow, which in turn causes high blood pressure . Lung diseases exist when the bronchi, the blood vessels of the lungs, the pulmonary lining, the alveoli (air sacs) or the pleura are affected.
The lungs are one of the most important human organs. Every minute, with an average of fifteen breaths, around nine liters of air are exchanged. Diseases of the lungs can therefore cause breathing problems.
The causes of lung disease are manifold. Acute diseases such as bronchitis are caused by viruses. Sometimes bacteria can also be responsible for them. Acute bronchitis is usually accompanied by a common cold or influenza . They are usually transmitted by droplet infection or smear infection. If bronchitis becomes chronic, it can turn into pneumonia without treatment. In most cases, bacteria such as pneumococci are responsible for pneumonia. It can also be triggered by viruses, parasites or fungi. Occasionally, harmful gases or dust that the patient inhales are also the cause of the lung disease.Asthma is a common lung disease. It can be caused by both respiratory infections and allergies. Other causes are tobacco use or the use of certain medicines.
Smoking is considered the main cause of a variety of lung diseases such as lung cancer, pulmonary emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or pulmonary hypertension. Tobacco smoke contains toxic substances that have a harmful effect on the lungs and destroy them over the long term. Around nine out of ten lung cancer patients are smokers. The same applies to COPD. If the patient continues to smoke, this leads to additional damage to the lungs.
Lung cancer can sometimes also be triggered by exposure to asbestos. This substance used to be commonly found in residential buildings. Inadequate protective measures mean there is a risk that the carcinogenic substance will penetrate the lungs and cause lung cancer even decades later.
symptoms and course
Typical symptoms of lung diseases:
Each lung disease has different symptoms. However, numerous lung diseases have common symptoms. In addition, general symptoms such as cold symptoms can occur. These primarily include a runny nose , sore throat , headache , fever , chills and body aches. With some diseases, such as lung tumors, there are often no symptoms at all or only slight symptoms noticeable in the early stages, which is why they are often diagnosed late. Other general symptoms can be tiredness, exhaustion, weight loss, night sweats or loss of appetite. These occur, for example, with tuberculosis.
Typical symptoms of a lung disease, which are triggered by the lungs themselves, are pain and tightness in the chest, coughing, which can be associated with or without sputum, and breathing disorders such as shortness of breath or shortness of breath (dyspnea).
The course of a lung disease varies and depends on its extent. The start of medical treatment also plays a role. If the lung disease is treated promptly and professionally, the prognosis is usually positive. In the case of lung cancer in particular, however, the disease often takes a negative course.
types and shapes
Medicine distinguishes between acute and chronic lung diseases.
Known acute forms are:
- the acute bronchitis
- the pneumonia
- bronchopneumonia , which is a progressive form of pneumonia
The chronic forms include:
- pulmonary emphysema (bloating)
- diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia (DIPNECH)
The most serious lung diseases include malignant tumors in the lungs such as bronchial carcinoma (lung cancer).
Other lung diseases are:
- pulmonary tuberculosis (consumption)
- pulmonary hypertension (increased blood pressure within the pulmonary arteries)
- Cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis)
- a pleural effusion
- inflammation of the pleurisy (pleurisy)
- interstitial lung disease affecting the alveoli or the interstitium
(intermediate tissue) of the lungs
- the sleep apnea syndrome
A lung disease always requires medical examination and treatment. There are a number of methods that can be used for diagnosis. First, the pulmonologist draws up the medical history of the patient and asks him about his symptoms. The next step is the physical examination of the patient. The doctor listens and taps the chest.
If necessary, different imaging methods can be used. These include taking x-rays , lung scintigraphy, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). There is also the option of lung function diagnostics, in the context of which the pulmonologist determines the performance of the lungs. The most important methods are spirometry and whole-body plethysmography.
Another possible diagnostic method is endoscopy, in which primarily bronchoscopy (airway reflection) and mediastinoscopy are used. The doctor uses a special bronchoscope that he inserts into the trachea to get an idea of the lung disease.
treatment and therapy
The treatment method used for a lung disease depends on its type and extent. There are still diseases of the lungs that cannot be cured. For this reason, treatment is limited to relieving symptoms.
If there is only acute bronchitis, therapy with cough suppressants or home remedies such as inhalations is sufficient. If there is severe bacterial bronchitis, the administration of antibiotics usually provides relief. Antibiotics are the most important part of treating bacterial infections such as tuberculosis or pneumonia.
Asthma is one of the incurable lung diseases. However, the use of medication can achieve a significant reduction in the symptoms, so that the patient can lead an almost symptom-free life. In order to alleviate the constant inflammation of the airways, those affected inhale cortisone preparations .
In the case of acute symptoms, sprays can be administered, which cause the airways to widen after just a few minutes. Lung damage caused by COPD or emphysema cannot be reversed. However, it is possible to stop the lung disease from progressing by administering bronchodilators such as cortisone.
The prognosis of lung diseases varies greatly due to the diversity of the ailments. A more favorable course can often be achieved by not smoking tobacco products.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.