Bronchopneumonia is a serious respiratory disease and should not be underestimated. A long-lasting cough and mucous sputum are a classic symptom of bronchopneumonia in the early stages. The disease and its causes are explained in more detail below.
What is bronchopneumonia?
Bronchopneumonia represents the special course of an inflammation of the lungs ( pneumonia ) and, as the name suggests, affects the bronchi. Pneumonia can affect different parts of the airways.
In the case of the disease, the inflammation spreads near the bronchi, where several foci of inflammation of different sizes form as the disease progresses. Bronchopneumonia is the most common form of pneumonia.
There are various causes for the development of bronchopneumonia, but pathogens such as viruses , bacteria , fungi or parasites are almost always involved in its development.
It is relatively often preceded by bronchitis, i.e. a relatively harmless inflammation of the bronchi. If this is not treated and comes into contact with other pathogens, it can worsen and, as a consequence, degenerate into bronchopneumonia. Other contributing factors are allergies and, in rare cases, contact with irritants or toxins such as tear gas.
In small children in particular, small parts that are swallowed while playing can get stuck in the lungs and often lead to serious inflammation. In older people, on the other hand, it is often leftover food that accidentally gets into the lungs and has the same effect.
In both groups, influenza can also lead to bronchopneumonia. A weakened immune system can also promote the disease by making it easy for viruses and bacteria to spread and multiply in the lungs.
When to the doctor?
A doctor should be consulted as soon as a persistent cough develops. If it increases in intensity or other symptoms appear, a doctor must be consulted at the latest. Colds are often suspected in the case of fever, tiredness or a sore throat . A doctor’s visit is necessary if coughing causes sputum production. If this is also bloody, a medical examination should be initiated as soon as possible.
If the affected person suffers from chest pain, shortness of breath or noise when breathing , a doctor should be consulted. Mucus in the throat and throat should be checked once it has been present for several days. If there is a racing heart or high blood pressure, the symptoms should be clarified by a doctor. If a fear of suffocation sets in due to shortness of breath, it is advisable to ask a doctor for help.
Vomiting, difficulty swallowing, or changes in weight are considered to be of concern and should be investigated. A doctor should also be consulted in the event of reduced performance or impaired attention. If the symptoms mean that you can no longer carry out everyday tasks as usual, you should consult a doctor. If you hear noises, a feeling of pressure or pain in the region of the lungs, you must consult a doctor immediately.
symptoms and course
Typical symptoms of bronchopneumonia:
The first sign of bronchopneumonia is usually a strong, persistent cough, which can often be accompanied by mucous or sometimes even bloody sputum. In the further course, fever and unnatural, moist rattling noises often occur when breathing in and out. In addition, a general malaise with tiredness and weakness sets in. Sick children can also suffer from vomiting, cramps and chest pains. If bronchopneumonia is already in an advanced stage, acute shortness of breath can also occur, which can lead to death from suffocation without medical help.
The first steps towards a reliable diagnosis of bronchopneumonia are the analysis of the medical history and the acute symptoms of the person concerned by a doctor. The subsequent listening to the chest using a stethoscope usually provides basic information as to whether the lungs are inflamed or not. For a definitive and reliable diagnosis, an X-ray of the lungs, a lung function test and an analysis of the sputum can also be carried out. If there are still residual doubts as to whether bronchopneumonia is really present, the additional performance of a blood gas analysis is another diagnostic tool.
Bronchopneumonia leads to a number of different complications and symptoms in the patient, which mainly affect the lungs and airways. Those affected suffer from a strong cough, which is often associated with fever. It is not uncommon for the cough to cause chest pain and, in severe cases, shortness of breath.
In many patients, shortness of breath and coughing up blood lead to the development of a panic attack. The person concerned feels tired and is restricted in his everyday life by the bronchopneumonia. There is also a feeling of weakness and a lack of drive . If acute respiratory distress occurs, the patient may also die of asphyxiation if help is not provided or treatment is not initiated.
Bronchopneumonia can be diagnosed relatively well, so that early treatment can take place. This takes place mainly in the form of bed rest and medication, with no particular complications occurring if the patient takes it easy and rests. With successful treatment, life expectancy is not reduced by bronchopneumonia.
treatment and therapy
The treatment and therapy of bronchopneumonia basically consists of a combination of two components: On the one hand, a recovery component, which is intended to give the body strength and energy to fight the inflammation through regenerative measures.
This includes bed rest, drinking and eating a lot to strengthen the body and its immune system, and targeted breathing exercises to relieve the lungs. In addition, the healing process should be promoted in a gentle way through inhalation and physical therapy, such as tapping massages.
If there is already acute shortness of breath, oxygen is administered using a nasal tube to rule out undersupply. Since these measures alone are not sufficient in most cases to bring about a complete cure, the second component of the therapy consists of taking medication.
The choice of medication depends on whether the bronchopneumonia is bacterial or viral. If bacteria are the proven trigger, antibiotics are used.
If the exact type of bacteria can be determined, a specially designed antibiotic is used, otherwise a broad-spectrum antibiotic. On the other hand, antibiotics do not help with viral inflammation and so-called antiviral drugs have to be used, which are not as effective. To combat the symptoms of bronchopneumonia, for example, expectorant or antipyretic drugs are used.
The most reliable way to prevent bronchopneumonia is to minimize exposure to viruses and bacteria. Regular hand disinfection, especially in autumn and winter, and avoiding direct physical contact with people who are already ill are particularly effective. For people with an already weak immune system as well as for seniors and small children, a flu vaccination is also a good idea to prevent bronchopneumonia as a result of flu.
The first signs of a possible illness, especially in small children, should not be underestimated and should be checked with a doctor immediately in order to avoid serious health consequences.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.