High diaphragm
A high diaphragm is a change in the position of the diaphragm, which then arches toward the thorax. There are various causes for an elevated diaphragm, which do not always have to be treated medically. Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath are typical symptoms of high diaphragm.
What is an elevated diaphragm?
The diaphragm separates the abdominal and thoracic cavities and is dome-shaped. It is said to be the most important muscle for breathing, with contraction of the muscle leading to inhalation (inspiration). An elevated diaphragm is a protrusion of the diaphragm that points upward. The muscle-tendon plate is shifted towards the chest . The change in position can occur on one side or on both sides of the diaphragm.
In most cases, the high diaphragm is a side effect of an existing disease and leads to symptoms such as flatulence or shortness of breath. The diagnosis is very often an incidental finding and the therapy depends mainly on the disease that is causing the change in position. However, there is also a risk that an elevated diaphragm will be confused with a so-called diaphragmatic hernia. This refers to an opening in the diaphragm, through which the abdominal organs are relocated to the chest.
An elevated diaphragm very often occurs as a result of a change in the thoracic abdomen, which means that the original position of the muscle-tendon plate cannot be maintained. The reason for this can be pneumonia or a lung malformation, for example. Another trigger is an existing scoliosis , but a heart attack , congestion or fatty liver or a tumor or cyst in this area can also lead to an elevated diaphragm.
In the case of a congested liver, the liver changes due to a backlog of blood in the organ. The venous blood can no longer be transported away and collects in the liver parenchyma. One speaks of a fatty liver when increased levels of triglycerides are stored in the tissue of the liver, causing it to change pathologically. Another cause of an elevated diaphragm is paralysis of the diaphragm caused by damage to the phrenic nerve. The symptoms can also be caused by an enlarged spleen . The diaphragm often bulges upwards during pregnancy as the fetus grows.
symptoms and course
Typical symptoms:
Patienten, die an einem Zwerchfellhochstand leiden, klagen häufig über Atembeschwerden, Kurzatmigkeit bzw. Atemnot. Da die Zwerchfellatmung eingeschränkt ist, kommt es nach der Nahrungsaufnahme sehr oft zu Blähungen im Oberbauch. Bei körperlicher Belastung treten ebenfalls Probleme bzw. Beeinträchtigungen beim Atmen auf. Im Normalfall steht bei einem Zwerchfellhochstand die rechte Zwerchfellkuppe etwa vier Zentimeter höher als die linke. Der Grund dafür ist, dass das Herz das linke Hemidiaphragma nach unten bzw. die Leber das rechte Hemidiaphragma nach oben drängt.
If an elevated diaphragm is suspected, the doctor first conducts a detailed discussion with the person concerned. This allows the symptoms and a possible cause to be determined. An X-ray is then taken to make sure whether there is an elevated position of the diaphragm or to make the change in position visible. A diagnosis can also be supported by MRI or CT scans. The further course then depends on the disease on which the elevated diaphragm is based. There is no need to worry if the bulge occurs during pregnancy as it will regress after the baby is born. A fatty liver that remains untreated, however, can cause moretrigger liver diseases or lead to tumor formation.
treatment and therapy
After the diagnosis of an elevated diaphragm, the doctor chooses the appropriate treatment method, which depends on the underlying disease. No treatment is necessary during pregnancy, as the diaphragm will recede as soon as the uterus has returned to its normal size. However, side effects such as breathing problems or flatulence can be treated if they are particularly severe.
The doctor treats an existing pneumonia with appropriate medication. Because pneumonia is mainly caused by bacteria , antibiotics are prescribed to help fight the infection. If the high diaphragm is caused by being overweight , it is advisable to reduce your weight . Eating small portions also relieves the pressure exerted on the diaphragm.
If the liver is fatty, the person’s weight may also need to be reduced. A change in diet is also advisable. A tumor or cyst is surgically removed to restore the normal condition. In the case of cancer, chemotherapy is also carried out to prevent the growth of cancer cells.
In some cases, an elevated diaphragm can definitely be prevented. It is possible to prevent fatty liver and obesity with sufficient exercise and a healthy diet .
An unhealthy lifestyle also promotes some cancers, which can also be prevented by changing certain habits.
It is always advisable to reduce excess weight so that possible secondary diseases can be avoided. Anyone who constantly suffers from breathing problems and severe flatulence should consult a doctor who can determine whether there is an elevated diaphragm and can identify the underlying disease.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.