Joint Pain – Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Joint pain

Joint pain affects our joints, which are important parts of the musculoskeletal system. Due to their anatomical conditions, healthy joints are sometimes very sensitive and at the same time resistant and amazingly resilient. This depends on the type of movements.

What is joint pain?

Joints are the flexible connections between the bones and make movements possible in the first place. Depending on the type of movement, there are different types of joints.

Joint pain can be movement-specific, i.e. as a result of certain movements, or as chronic permanent pain.

Joint pain is classified as either arthralgia or arthritis , depending on its severity and causes, into pain associated with inflammation or pain without inflammatory impairment .

Joint pain that occurs within a single joint is considered monoarthritis. If the pain occurs in several joints, it is referred to as oligoarthritis. If joint pain is noticed in more than four types of joints, polyarthritis is present.


In connection with pain in the musculoskeletal system, joint pain is one of the impairments that can almost be described as a widespread disease due to its frequency.There are various causes for the development of joint pain, which are also diverse. In principle, joint pain can be promoted and caused if the joints are overloaded on one side or in their entire anatomy. These additional loads occur in connection with one-sided and constantly recurring movement sequences.

Tendonitis , a sprain , a torn ligament or dislocations can cause joint pain. In addition, different diseases such as arthrosis , gout or Bechterew’s disease contribute to joint pain.

Arthrosis is one of the so-called degenerative changes in the joints, which lead to the destruction of the entire joint or special components and are sometimes accompanied by massive joint pain. In this context, excessive body weight , hormonal causes, incorrect stress or joint injuries play an important role.

Inflammatory rheumatic inflammations , which are known as rheumatoid arthritis, sometimes lead to very severe joint pain. Injuries from movements during sports, tick bites or bacterial diseases such as Lyme arthritis cause joint pain.

When to the doctor?

Joint pain is a common problem, but only one in three Germans goes to the doctor with it. Joint pain can be harmless and treatment is not always necessary. However, serious diseases such as arthrosis can also be behind it. The earlier this is recognized by a doctor and the earlier appropriate treatment is started, the better the prognosis for the patient.

Anyone suffering from joint pain for more than three days should not hesitate and consult a doctor. With regard to the musculoskeletal system, an orthopedic specialist is the right contact person. If other symptoms such as fever , swelling of the joint or reddening of the surrounding tissue occur in addition to the joint pain, a doctor should be contacted as soon as possible.

In the case of movement-induced pain, it is also advisable to consult a doctor. If the pain spreads from one joint to other areas, a specialist should rule out possible diseases or injuries. A necessary visit to the doctor should not be delayed unnecessarily. The more time passes, the more severe possible late effects can be.

diagnosis and course

Joint pain can have different characteristics. The symptoms usually occur during or after movement of the joints. The pain is often accompanied by swelling , joint stiffness and the resulting restricted movement. In the further course, it can even lead to a deformation of affected joint regions. In severe cases, the pain leads to a complete inability to move and be mobile.

The causes of joint pain can be very complex. Inflammatory diseases (rheumatism) or arthrosis are often the reason for the pain. In principle, it is important to consult a doctor as early as possible if the symptoms persist. The faster a diagnosis is made, the sooner the patient can hope for freedom from pain. A blood test and/or imaging methods such as X- rays or magnetic resonance imaging (MRT) can be used to analyze possible underlying diseases.


There are a number of complications associated with joint pain. Joint pain can severely affect everyday work and private life. A typical complication associated with joint pain is osteoarthritis. If joint pain progresses, the joints can stiffen and deform, ie deform. Simple activities such as walking, holding on or grabbing an object can be problematic for the person concerned. The pain can become so severe that it is almost unbearable. There may also be permanent disability. In addition, the private quality of life is severely restricted. Consequently, psychological problems cannot be ruled out.

Joint pain can be associated with rheumatism or gout. Another complication is osteoporosis . Rheumatism and gout as well as osteoporosis are usually associated with pain, a change in diet and lifestyle, the permanent use of medication and at least a temporary reduction in quality of life. If joint pain is caused by tendonitis, the tendon walls can become rough and become inflamed.

treatment and therapy

In addition to natural remedies and procedures, effective home remedies also play a role in the treatment of joint pain. In addition to the causal symptomatic therapy for joint pain is also necessary.

In this regard, drugs that allow you to relieve pain and reduce swelling in the joints are particularly appropriate. In addition, drugs that have anti-inflammatory properties also play an important role in joint pain. It is important to weigh up whether the joint pain is acute or chronic. In addition, the therapeutic measures for joint pain vary between general measures and so-called further treatments.

In the majority of cases, the specialists recommend immobilization of the joints. In addition to cooling, warming the joints can also support freedom from symptoms. Due to the different causes, these must be eliminated or reduced in order to eliminate joint pain. In many cases, surgical interventions are helpful. In the case of joint pain, it is often necessary to treat the elements of the surrounding supporting apparatus such as ligaments, muscles and tendons.

outlook and prognosis

If the joint pain is triggered by physical overload, the symptoms regenerate completely within a short time. As soon as the body is spared and gets sufficient rest, the prognosis for this cause can be classified as very good. Recurring pain occurs only when overuse occurs again.

If the joint pain develops gradually over a period of several years, treatment must always be carried out so that the symptoms can improve. Spontaneous healing is unlikely here. Depending on the triggering condition, full recovery may occur. In most cases, however, the treatment plan is designed to relieve the pain and make it more bearable in everyday life. Complete healing is very rarely possible, as the joint is usually irreparably damaged.

If there is a surgical intervention and thus a replacement of the joint, there are very good chances of recovery. Medical progress makes it possible for those affected to achieve freedom from symptoms with an artificial joint (e.g. an artificial hip joint ). Joint pain caused by inflammatory processes has a good prognosis. The causative mechanisms can be combated by administering medication, so that a full recovery occurs. A fracture or bruise also has a good chance of healing if you receive quick and good medical care.


The preventive measures against joint pain are based on regular and appropriate physical activity. During physical activity and in everyday life, care should be taken to ensure that no monotonous and one-sided movement sequences occur that lead to overstressing of some joint areas.Erroneously, these are not only sports such as tennis and golf, but also cycling and jogging . Unsuitable shoes also contribute to joint pain. It is therefore important to choose the right running shoes and to use the right running technique .

In this context, joint-gentle sports such as swimming, water aerobics, Nordic walking and hiking are suitable for preventing joint pain. In addition, it is beneficial to reduce excess weight in order to reduce the stress on the joints.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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