Pain in the sacroiliac joints
The term sacroiliac joint syndrome, which is called ISG syndrome for short, is used by physicians to describe back pain or pain in the sacroiliac joints . The task of the sacroiliac joint is to connect the hip bones to the sacrum. Pain in this area can occur not only in older people, but also in younger people and is often due to incorrect stress, poor posture or inflammation such as diseases.
The sacroiliac joint is an immovable joint (e.g. like the knee joint) and serves as a connection between the hip bones and the sacrum. Due to the fixation by means of the ligaments, mobility is relatively severely restricted. If pain occurs in the sacroiliac joints, the ISG syndrome can be primarily responsible. The sacrum is located in the lower part of the lumbar spine or between the coccyx and the lumbar spine and consists of five vertebrae. These vortices are fused together. If pain occurs in the sacroiliac joint, the joint surfaces usually rub against each other.
The patient complains of severe pain and an increasing restriction of movement . Due to the fact that, especially in the lower spine area, great loads are repeatedly exerted, degenerative changes can also occur. These can also be responsible for severe pain . Pain in the sacroiliac joint or the ISG syndrome is the most common type or form of back problems or back pain .
There are many reasons why the sacroiliac joints can cause pain. Predominantly it is a question of incorrect loading during a physical activity as well as a bad posture. Both of these factors cause wear and tear and, further down the line, back pain. Inadequate or underdeveloped muscles and a lack of exercise also sometimes promote the ISG syndrome.
However, diseases such as Bechterew’s disease, osteoporosis or arthritis can also trigger an ISG syndrome. In some cases, bacterial infections such as Lyme disease are also responsible for back pain. Inflammatory, degenerative changes in the sacroiliac joints (sacroiliitis) can cause severe pain in the lower spine.
In some cases, pregnant women often complain about pain in the sacroiliac joints. Above all, this area is heavily used during pregnancy, so that pain can occur. Psychological factors (such as stress) can also lead to muscle tension and trigger back pain or ISG syndrome.
- IGS-Syndrom
When to the doctor?
Consult a doctor if you have pain in the sacroiliac joints that lasts for several days or weeks. If the pain increases in intensity or spreads further, a doctor’s visit is also necessary to avoid permanent damage. A sudden sensation of pain gives cause for concern and should be presented to a doctor.
If the pain in the sacroiliac joints occurs after strenuous physical exertion, it is often sufficient for the affected person to take it easy. In many cases, the pain occurs after lifting and carrying heavy objects or a crooked posture when working while sitting. The causes can also include excessive sporting activities on strength and fitness equipment. Rest, warmth, stretching, and light massage are helpful to relieve the pain. A doctor’s visit is necessary if the symptoms do not reduce within the next 24 hours.
If there are other symptoms such as restricted mobility or emotional problems such as mood swings or irritability, a doctor should be consulted. In the case of numbness or sensitivity disorders of the skin, further examinations must be carried out. People who are severely overweight often suffer from pain in the sacroiliac joints. You should consult a doctor so that appropriate treatment measures can be initiated. The intake of pain-relieving medicine must be discussed with a doctor.
diagnosis and course
ISG syndrome is usually diagnosed by an orthopedist. The doctor uses various examination methods to clarify the disease or symptoms. First he collects the medical history of the patient. This means that the doctor will take the medical history as well as want to know the patient’s symptoms. After describing the problem, the doctor carries out different tests while lying down and standing up. In those tests, the advance phenomenon as well as the retrace phenomenon are preferably tested.
With these examinations, the doctor can check the mobility of the joint. Imaging methods are also used. However, the imaging procedures such as X -rays or magnetic resonance imaging do not ensure that the ISG syndrome is detected; Here attention is primarily paid to the fact that other illnesses and injuries can be ruled out.
A blood test also provides information about whether inflammation is responsible for the pain. The course of the disease can only be predicted to a limited extent in advance. Above all, the cause is crucial, which is why the patient suffers from an ISG syndrome. With the help of physiotherapy and various medications, it is possible for the symptoms to improve within a short time. However, around 30 percent suffer from chronic pain caused by the sacroiliac joints.
Pain in the sacroiliac joints leads to a stiffening of the lower back. Rotational movements or locomotion are only possible to a limited extent or not at all. The lack of exercise triggers emotional dissatisfaction and can lead to mental illness . In severe cases, there is apathy, persistent listlessness, or depression.
An increase in weight is possible due to the restricted movement. Emotional dissatisfaction leads many people to eat more. In addition to being overweight, there is a risk of an eating disorder . Illnesses such as cardiac arrhythmia, diabetes or a heart attack can occur. Hormonal problems and thyroid disorders are also possible. These have an impact on libido and the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives. This initiates partnership problems.
Pain in the sacroiliac joints can be caused by muscle or nerve inflammation. These spread through the vessels and can lead to further pain over the entire back and legs. Disc disease and abscesses can occur.
There are risks associated with an operation or the use of pain medication. Surgery can cause infections that cause pus to form. Painkillers attack the mucous membranes and can trigger organ failure. Circulatory disorders can result in a heart attack or stroke. Disorders of consciousness, attention deficits, general weakness, functional failures and tachycardia occur.
treatment and therapy
There are different treatment options that can be used. Physiotherapy is usually prescribed. So-called pain therapy can also be used in conjunction with physiotherapy . However, those treatment methods primarily only alleviate the symptoms; only then is the cause sought and treated adequately. If there is an infection, the patient is given antibiotics .
If there is a rheumatic disease , the patient receives cortisone preparations , which are administered in conjunction with painkillers . That combination is relatively effective and provides enormous relief from the symptoms. If the patient complains of severe pain, the doctor can also inject an anesthetic , among other things.
This is preferably injected directly into the joint space. The anesthetic relieves the patient’s pain and improves mobility. The liquid ensures that the joint surfaces no longer rub against each other. Physiotherapy is also prescribed as a long-term therapy, even if that treatment is primarily to be seen as an immediate measure so that the joints are relieved.
Other therapy options are electrical stimulation treatments, ergotherapeutic exercises as well as heat applications and underwater gymnastics. The aim of these exercises is to correct the bad posture, relieve the pain and significantly improve mobility. Alternative treatment methods such as progressive muscle relaxation , acupuncture and yoga can also sometimes bring positive results.
ISG syndrome can very well be prevented. It is important to avoid being overweight and to exercise. It is also advisable to pay attention to your own posture or to avoid incorrect posture or, in the case of mild symptoms, to treat it with physiotherapy.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.