Scratchy throat
Everyone knows it, especially in the colder season – the scratchy throat up to severe sore throat follows young and old. Once a cold is on the rise, pharmacies sell tons of pain-relieving lozenges and similar preparations that promise to relieve the pain. But where does the scratchy throat come from? What is the cause of this and how can it be cured or at least alleviated? And can it be dangerous or even indicative of serious illnesses?
What is sore throat?
Anyone who speaks of a scratchy throat means a painful, scratchy feeling in the throat and palate area, which is usually a bacterial or, more rarely , viral inflammation (e.g. tonsillitis or angina tonsillaris or overexertion of the vocal tract (e.g. after a long, loud “bawling” or false singing) is the basis.
It is also usually difficult to speak, swallowing is painful and sometimes leads to reduced food intake. The severity of these symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe pain and even shortness of breath.
The causes of a sore throat include inflammatory processes in the body, as already described, for example bacterial or, more rarely, viral infections or an overload reaction of the palate, pharynx, larynx, vocal cords and the entire vocal tract, which is also associated with a massive cough can occur with a cold. Pathological causes can therefore be, for example, angina tonsillaris (tonsillitis), laryngitis, vocal cord inflammation or pharyngitis.
When to the doctor?
A sore throat doesn’t have to be the first sign of severe flu. People who talk a lot know the phenomenon just as much as people who often consume or smoke high-proof alcohol. Drinking plenty of fluids, gargling with salt water, and not consuming the irritants usually help. If the scratchy throat does not subside, a doctor must be consulted.
This is especially true when the scratching becomes painful and is accompanied by severe hoarseness and difficulty swallowing. Difficulty swallowing can indicate tonsillitis, which quickly becomes chronic and can then only be treated with tonsillectomy. A scratchy throat in connection with a stuffy nose and a headache or a slight fever indicate the onset of a cold. Here, too, a doctor should be consulted as a precaution.
Anyone who regularly strains their voice or smokes heavily has an increased risk of laryngitis. Signs of this are a scratchy throat combined with severe hoarseness, a broken voice and difficulty swallowing. In this case, too, a doctor must be consulted immediately.
diagnosis and course
The diagnosis of sore throat is usually done visually, the doctor will examine the pharynx with tools if necessary. A CRP rapid test can answer whether the infection is bacterial or viral in nature. Greenish or whitish deposits can also provide clues to the cause.The examination by the doctor is preceded by the pain sensation of the patient, who notices the painful scratching in the throat and will consult a doctor at the latest in connection with a reduced general condition ( pain in the limbs , fever ). Scratchy throat occurs less often on its own. This is usually a side effect of an infection, such as the flu or a common cold.
Frequent coughing irritates the throat, which promotes the colonization and spread of pathogens. It comes to the smallest injuries – by coughing – which triggers the colonization with germs.
Depending on the type and duration of the disease, such symptoms can last from ten days to two weeks. A permanent scratchy throat can indicate chronic diseases, for example “singer nodules”, cancer, nervous disorders or accompanying symptoms of a stroke . In the vast majority of cases, however, a sore throat is completely harmless and disappears quickly, shortly after a cold has subsided, for example.
There are a number of complications associated with a sore throat. Scratchy throat can lead to cold symptoms such as coughing and runny nose. If irritated vocal cords are the cause of a sore throat, there is a risk of temporary loss of voice – especially with further vocal stress or high nicotine consumption. The vocal cords can also become permanently damaged, especially if they continue to be overused.
If a sore throat is caused by a viral or bacterial laryngitis, the mucous membranes can swell and lead to severe shortness of breath . If itchy throat and hoarseness last for weeks, it may be a malignant tumor of the larynx.
Itchy throat can also be related to inflammation of the thyroid gland. If the inflammation is not treated, the vital thyroid gland can be significantly restricted in its function. Chronically inflamed tonsils can also cause a sore throat. As a result, bacteria can spread throughout the body and cause damage to the kidneys, heart, and joints.
Itchy throat can also be related to an allergic reaction to an insect bite or to certain foods. Without medical treatment, a life-threatening state of shock can be triggered. Other complications associated with a sore throat can include fever and pneumonia .
treatment and therapy
Treatment for sore throat always depends on the underlying condition. A common cold or flu or a bacterial cause must be treated accordingly. While a viral cause can hardly be cured with medication, antibiotics can be given for bacterial inflammation, which usually relieves the symptoms very quickly.
Anyone who has caused the scratchy throat by overexertion, i.e. by bawling or singing out loud, it helps, no matter how simple this may sound, to remain silent as much as possible. In general, it is advisable not to speak or hardly speak when you have a sore throat. If the patient still needs to say something, he should either write it down or speak quietly. Whispering should be avoided, it worsens the symptoms, since the “hissing” exhaled air leads to increased irritation of the throat, which is not so much the case with soft speaking.
As a rule, pain-relieving drugs, such as lozenges or sprays, should be used, which do not eliminate the cause, but make eating easier and improve the reduced general condition. Nevertheless, the patient should always take it easy so as not to unnecessarily prolong the healing process.
outlook and prognosis
A sore throat usually only occurs for a short time and does not require any medical investigation. It usually occurs with colds, allergies or overuse of the vocal cords and disappears on its own as soon as the causative ailment has been cured. Medical treatment usually does not take place insofar as the symptom disappears with the recovery of the underlying disease. However, if the scratchy throat persists, there may be a serious condition of the vocal cords.
The outlook and prognosis then depend on the cause and the treatment measures taken. Bacterial inflammation can be treated reliably and quickly with antibiotics. In the case of a vocal cord injury, an operation is sometimes necessary. In general, however, the symptoms should disappear after a few days or weeks at the latest. Only in the case of an allergy or a serious illness such as larynx cancer or a head and neck tumor can scratching in the throat become chronic. Although injuries to the vocal cords can be treated surgically, sometimes the scratching persists beyond that. In this case, the suffering can be alleviated by medication, but not permanently eliminated.
To prevent a sore throat, it is generally recommended to strengthen the immune system , eat a diet rich in vitamins, avoid stress and speak at a reasonable volume. People who talk a lot, such as teachers, pastors or singers, should also contact a voice coach if they often have problems with a scratchy throat.This can help to use the vocal tract correctly so that it does not become overloaded. However, you can hardly do anything further. Once the pain in your throat is there, you have to endure it and heal.
But as already mentioned, it is usually a harmless cause and the scratchy throat is quickly gone. If in doubt, it is always advisable to contact a doctor and, if possible, not to guess for too long what you could do and take.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.