Hoarseness – causes, treatment and prevention


Hoarseness is an irritation of the pharynx and throat. Strictly speaking, it is an irritation or overloading of the vocal cords or vocal folds (e.g. due to screaming). Hoarseness often causes the voice to change and the mucous membranes to hurt. In some cases, there may even be a temporary loss of voice. This is often the key symptom of a classic cold .

What is hoarseness?

Hoarseness describes the condition of the mucous membranes in the pharynx and throat, which cause the voice to rasp and sound cold. This can already occur with a simple overload of the vocal cords.

Hoarseness is also commonly referred to when the voice changes due to a cold, because the nose is blocked and the throat is scratchy. Activities that intensively use and strain the voice are no longer possible with hoarseness, this even applies to speaking loudly.

Therefore, schoolchildren, students, teachers and people who have to speak or sing in front of others for work reasons are often affected by hoarseness.


The cause of the hoarseness can already be that you have overloaded the vocal cords. For example, someone who had to give a long lecture in front of others, sing or simply speak loudly or shout for a long time may notice the hoarseness the following day or immediately afterwards.It is then simply a matter of overloading the vocal cords, which quickly disappears again. Hoarseness is often due to an inflammation in the sense of a cold. This does not even have to be mainly in the throat area – even if the nose is blocked, a hoarseness develops, which at least the other people perceive as such.

In connection with a flu-like infection, there is often an inflammation in the area of ​​the larynx ( larynx inflammation ), the epiglottis ( epiglottitis ) or the vocal cords ( vocal cord inflammation), often the cause of hoarseness.

Rarely does the hoarseness, together with other symptoms, indicate esophageal cancer, other serious respiratory diseases or, more often, long-term tobacco and alcohol consumption .

When to the doctor?

Hoarseness does not always require immediate medical attention. Hoarseness is not uncommon as a symptom of a cold. It is often enough to suck soothing throat drops, drink a lot of tea and water and ensure increased humidity. If it is a symptom of the voice breaking in young men, a doctor’s visit is also not necessary. This is where voice training can help.

On the other hand, it becomes critical if the symptoms persist for a longer period of time, apparently without reason. Long-lasting and increasingly severe hoarseness can be a warning signal. The cause can be, for example, a disease of the larynx. Tumors in the larynx area are also not excluded. An ear, nose and throat doctor should therefore be consulted if the hoarseness lasts longer than ten days.

If the reason for the hoarseness is known and no acute treatment of the cause is required (such as with a cold), two to three weeks can pass. However, the voice should not be absent for longer. Serious illnesses do not always have to be behind the hoarseness. In some cases, a doctor should be called immediately. This is especially true if the hoarseness occurs with shortness of breath , there are difficulties in swallowing or the hoarseness is associated with severe pain.

symptoms and course

The hoarseness itself is already the leading symptom. A real hoarseness, coming directly from the vocal cords, or at least from the throat and throat, can be recognized by the fact that the voice has changed and become rough, independent of other symptoms.

In addition, speaking out loud is no longer possible; in severe cases, the hoarseness even causes the voice to disappear completely and not return until the hoarseness has resolved.

Hoarseness due to other causes such as a stuffy nose can be recognized by the fact that the affected person appears short of breath and obviously has a cold. One can then assume that the hoarseness was caused by the interaction of a sore throat and a blocked nose.


The hoarseness usually disappears after a few days and does not necessarily require a doctor’s appointment. If hoarseness lasts for a longer period of time (several weeks) or is accompanied by symptoms such as difficulty swallowing or shortness of breath, a doctor should definitely be consulted.

The doctor will ask you when the symptoms first appeared and, if so, what circumstances (e.g. irritating environmental substances) triggered them. This is followed by the physical examination, during which the doctor carefully examines and scans the throat and throat area. As a further diagnostic step, a blood analysis and a swab of the tonsils can provide information. Imaging methods such as X -rays or ultrasound are also possible diagnostic tools in this case.


Many people experience hoarseness several times in their lives. This can have a variety of causes and will disappear on its own after a few days if you take enough care of your voice. However, regardless of whether it is a weak or strong hoarseness, it should never be taken lightly or even ignored. If a hoarse voice is not spared and continues to be strained by talking loudly or a lot, nodules can form on the vocal cords and further lead to chronic laryngeal or pharyngeal inflammation . The formation of such nodules also has a favorable effect on cancer in the throat area.

If hoarseness does not subside within a few days, even after appropriate rest, the causes are usually more serious. In any case, a doctor should be consulted. In addition to laryngeal cancer , thyroid disease or psychological causes, the cause could also be reflux disease, i.e. excessive heartburn. The constant cauterization of the vocal cords with the rising stomach acid can lead to permanent damage to the vocal cords.

treatment and therapy

Hoarseness caused by overloading the vocal capacities can best be treated by protecting the vocal cords. You should only speak as loud as you can – people around you have to accept that. There are over-the-counter liquid medications that you can gargle with to get rid of your hoarseness as quickly as possible.If it is a cold with accompanying hoarseness, those affected must decide for themselves whether they want medical help. If the voice disappears as a result, it is appropriate so that, for example, antibiotics can be prescribed.

It is helpful to treat yourself by sucking hard candy to moisten the throat area, lots of fluids such as warm tea or hot milk with honey, warm clothing and as much rest and relaxation as you need when you are not feeling well.

outlook and prognosis

If the vocal cords are overloaded by loud or prolonged speaking, singing or screaming, hoarseness occurs temporarily. With enough rest on the voice, full recovery occurs within a few days. A bacterial or viral infection usually lasts a few weeks before healing occurs. Hoarseness increases early in the illness, but symptoms decrease as the cold, inflammation, or flu subsides. Full recovery occurs once the underlying disease is completely cured.

In the case of a congenital malposition of the larynx or the vocal cords, healing must be assessed individually. Corrective surgery is usually carried out to reduce the hoarseness. If the hoarseness is caused by inhaling toxic gases or by regular smoking, it usually heals quickly within a few days. As soon as the environment is changed and the organism is no longer supplied with toxins through breathing, the symptoms disappear.

If there is a tracheotomy or if vascular constrictions in the throat or throat are the cause of the hoarseness, relief will only occur when the underlying disease has healed. This must be assessed individually depending on the disease. In some progressive or chronic diseases, permanent hoarseness can develop.


Hoarseness caused by overexertion can be prevented with gargling solutions that are available in pharmacies. These protect the vocal cords and you can survive longer, stressful performances with your voice unscathed. Otherwise, the known rules for protection against colds, which would cause hoarseness, apply. Warm clothing, as little stress as possible, plenty of vitamins , a healthy diet and careful hygiene around people who have a cold are the be-all and end-all.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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