Healthy nutrition: what nutrients does the body need – health guide & encyclopedia

Healthy nutrition: What nutrients does the body need

Proper nutrition is a prerequisite for a healthy body . It increases the immune system and everyday performance. In addition to the balanced supply of nutrients, the amount and timing of the meal also play an important role. The metabolism differs from person to person. However, there are guidelines that are essential for a healthy diet.

What constitutes a healthy diet?

A healthy diet should be balanced and provide the body with the nutrients it needs. In addition, industrially processed foods are not part of a balanced diet. These are, for example, ready meals that contain large amounts of fat, salt and sugar. The flavor enhancers it contains are also harmful to health.

The preparation of fresh and unprocessed ingredients is therefore important for a healthy diet. The healthy nutrients are retained when the food is cooked gently. Cooking at a low level is a gentle way of preparing the food. Frying or roasting food is unhealthy because it adds fat and burns off the essential nutrients. In addition to nutrient-rich and low-fat dishes, exercise is also important for a healthy diet. Sufficient activity stimulates the metabolism and food is digested faster.

What nutrients does the body really need?

The most important source of energy for the body are carbohydrates. However, simple carbohydrates are unhealthy because they are burned quickly and don’t make you feel full for long.

Unhealthy carbohydrates include fructose and glucose. Complex carbohydrates , such as cereals and potatoes, are therefore important for a healthy diet . These provide longer energy and keep you full for longer.

Another source of energy are fats. Unsaturated fatty acids, which are mainly found in vegetable oils and fish, are part of a healthy diet. However, saturated fat is not part of a healthy diet. These are contained, for example, in ready meals or sausages. The third source of energy are the proteins. They are found in eggs and yoghurt, among other things. Proteins are important in the evening, while fats and carbohydrates are only part of a healthy diet in the morning and at lunchtime. In addition to energy suppliers, the body also needs vitamins from vegetables and fruit. Fiber, such as legumes, is also one of the essential nutrients.

How often should you eat?

A healthy diet should not contain too many snacks. Because frequent meals increase the feeling of hunger and food intake. Therefore, three meals a day are recommended. However, the optimal number of meals also depends on the metabolism and daily rhythm. Main courses can therefore be supplemented with low-calorie snacks. Ideally, these consist of small portions of fruit and vegetables. However, too many snacks are not healthy. Eating too often does not give the body enough time to digest the food. Therefore, the focus of the meal plan should be on breakfast, lunch and dinner. A healthy diet also includes serenity during meals. After eating, exercise promotes digestion.

What and how much should you drink?

In addition to a balanced diet, fluid intake is also essential. The body needs about 2.5 liters of fluid a day. One liter of this is ingested with food. Therefore, about 1.5 liters of liquid should be drunk daily. Water is best for this, as it is low in calories and provides the necessary minerals. Sugary drinks, on the other hand, are unhealthy. Fruit juices should also only be part of a healthy diet in moderation. They contain fructose and are often enriched with sugar. Too much coffee is also unhealthy as it can increase blood pressure. A healthier alternative is unsweetened tea. Freshly squeezed fruit juices are also healthy. Fruits with a low sugar content are particularly suitable.

Fruit and vegetables as the basis of the diet

Fruit and vegetables are the basis of a healthy diet. They provide important nutrients such as fiber, vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, eating fruits and vegetables prevents diseases and strengthens the immune system . Ideally, five units of fruit and vegetables should be on the menu every day.

Vegetables in particular play an important role. It is suitable as a snack or as an accompaniment to the main course. However, the vegetables differ in the amount of carbohydrates. Potatoes and corn are high in carbohydrates and high in calories. Therefore, these are only healthy in small amounts. Low-carb vegetables are better. Examples include lettuce, tomatoes, and carrots. High-fiber vegetables are particularly suitable.

Fiber stimulates digestion and prevents fat formation. Examples of high-fiber vegetables include cabbage, broccoli, and sauerkraut. These should be included in all main meals if possible.

Fresh vegetable products are healthier. They contain more vitamins and fiber than frozen vegetables. That is why healthy nutrition is based on the seasons. Fresh vegetables such as peas and asparagus are available in summer. In winter you can use leeks, mushrooms and red cabbage.

The types of fruit in a healthy diet also depend on the season. Oranges and tangerines are particularly fresh in winter. There is also a similar difference between low-carb and high-carb foods when it comes to fruit. Fruits and bananas in particular contain large amounts of fructose, which quickly enters the blood. Therefore, these types of fruit should only be eaten in small quantities. Fruits such as apples and tangerines are better suited as a snack. They contain little fructose and lots of vitamins. Fruits like apples and pears also contain fiber. Therefore, they strengthen the immune system and provide the body with healthy energy. In addition, the consumption of tangerines stimulates healthy fat burning.

Meat and sausage products only in moderation

As a source of protein, meat and sausage are part of a healthy diet. However, they should only be eaten in moderation, as many types of meat are fatty, salty and bad for cholesterol levels. Also, eating large amounts of processed sausage is carcinogenic and can lead to gout. Therefore, processed products such as sausages, meatballs and meat loaf do not belong on the daily menu. Bread toppings such as salami, bacon and ham also contain fat and are therefore not part of a healthy diet. Unprocessed meat products also differ in their fat content. Certain animal species contain less fat than others. For example, pork is unhealthy. Red meat contains less fat. Examples include beef and sheep. But chicken is also a healthy source of protein.

In general, only little meat may be eaten and only fresh meat should be chosen when buying. A healthy meal plan includes between two and three meat-based meals per week. In addition, only organic meat should be chosen, as other products may contain medicinal residues and anabolic steroids. These can cause disease and antibiotic resistance. A good alternative to meat is fish. Fish contains less unhealthy fat and more healthy omega 3 fatty acids . A vegetarian diet can also be healthy. However, it is important to ensure that you have sufficient intake of proteins and vegetable fats.

Milk and milk products with important nutrients

Milk contains many important nutrients, including calcium , iodine , proteins , and fats. Milk can therefore serve as an important source of protein, especially if the increased meat consumption is avoided. In addition, the calcium-rich milk is good for bone structure. Milk is therefore healthy, especially for adolescents. But the nutrient calcium is also important for adults, as it prevents osteoporosis and strengthens muscle growth . That is why milk is considered a good source of nutrients. However, the fats in milk are saturated, so consuming a lot of milk can lead to fat production. Therefore, it should only be drunk in small amounts.

Milk also contains lactose, which makes it intolerable in large quantities. In many adults, lactose causes bloating and thus slows down digestion. Therefore, the body cannot tolerate more than 400 milliliters of milk a day. Nevertheless, a glass of milk does not harm a healthy diet. It can also be used in muesli without hesitation if there is no lactose intolerance. Fresh milk is healthier than UHT milk. About ten percent of the vitamins in milk are lost when it is heated. However, the calcium content remains the same. Therefore, UHT milk is just as healthy. In addition, it lasts longer. That is why fresh and heated milk mainly differ in taste.

Owner als Protein supplier

Eggs contain all nine essential amino acids. Therefore they are the best protein suppliers. In addition, eggs contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids. That’s why they ensure a healthy feeling of satiety and are good for muscle building. They also provide important vitamins, such as vitamins B and A. In addition, eggs are low in calories and carbohydrates. Especially in the evening they are very suitable as a high-protein and low-carbohydrate meal.

too much sugar is harmful However, the bad influence of eggs on cholesterol levels is often emphasized. Eating too many eggs can be harmful, especially in older adults.

However, if eaten in small amounts, eggs can even prevent coronary heart disease. Eggs only increase cholesterol levels in large quantities and in combination with fatty side dishes such as bacon. In addition, cholesterol is an essential nutrient.

Nevertheless, there should not be more than one egg a day on the healthy menu. If eggs are not eaten every day, several eggs may be eaten at one meal. When eating eggs, it is important that the chickens have not been treated with drugs or genetic engineering. That is why organic eggs are particularly healthy. In addition, the eggs should be stored in a cool place and not kept for too long. This reduces the risk of salmonella.

Fish contains valuable omega-3 fats

Fish is rightly recommended as a valuable food because of its high-quality protein content. In contrast to beef or pork, fish is easily digestible and is also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 fatty acids). These fats are vital (essential) and have a variety of health-promoting properties. Essential fats cannot be produced by the body itself. Even plant-based foods such as oils, nuts or seeds cannot adequately compensate for the need. There is hardly any real alternative to eating fish. In particular, high-fat seawater fish has a high proportion of the valuable omega-3 fatty acids. These include the following fish:

  • tuna
  • Sardine
  • Schellfisch

Furthermore, fish is rich in vitamin A, vitamin D and various B vitamins. In addition, saltwater fish in particular is an important source of iodine. The trace element is involved in important metabolic processes in the body and is therefore essential for the human body.

Fish can be eaten raw (sushi), smoked, steamed, boiled or fried. When eating raw, it is important to ensure that the fish is fresh. Spoiled fish can cause serious fish poisoning .

Due to the many positive properties, fish should not be missing from a healthy and balanced diet. Nutritionists recommend eating fish twice a week.

Too much sugar is bad

Sugar is one of the carbohydrates and is needed by the body as a source of energy. However, excess sugar consumption easily leads to obesity and type 2 diabetes. In addition, sugar quickly causes tooth decay . Especially short-chain sugars, such as table sugar, are not part of a healthy diet. The unhealthy sugar is found in many products. These include honey, pastries and cakes. However, it can also be found in less obvious products. Canned fruit and fruit juices also contain sugar, for example, and are therefore unhealthy. Therefore, the sugar intake should be as low as possible. You can do this with unsweetened yoghurt and freshly squeezed juice, for example.

Salt only in small amounts

Large amounts of salt also damage a healthy diet. Too much salt causes high blood pressure and can therefore lead to strokes. Salt also promotes water retention in the arms and legs. Too much salt is therefore unhealthy, especially for pregnant women and overweight people. However, in small amounts, salt is important for the body. Because it contains essential nutrients. For example, it provides sodium, which supports metabolism and blood circulation. Salt also contains the important nutrient iodine. Nevertheless, 5 grams of salt already cover the daily requirement. This corresponds to about a teaspoon. However, salt is also contained in sausage, cheese and rolls. Therefore, adding salt is particularly unhealthy.

Fats – Unsaturated fats are essential to life

Fats are one of the three sources of energy. They also act as carriers of secondary plant substances and some vitamins. Therefore, they are an important part of a healthy diet. However, fats should not be the main source of energy, as they have the highest calorific value of the energy sources. Therefore, excess fat is stored in the cells.

Only 25 to 30 percent of the energy should come from fats. In physically active people, the increased calorie consumption means that there is a greater need for fat. Otherwise, 60 grams a day are sufficient. The unsaturated fatty acids in particular are healthy. The body needs these for cell construction and the formation of hormones. They are also important in blood clotting and in promoting anti-inflammatory effects. Unsaturated fatty acids are found in fish and vegetable oils, for example. Therefore, these foods are considered healthy in small amounts.

Saturated fatty acids, on the other hand, should not cover more than 10 percent of energy intake, as they increase cholesterol levels. This is why industrially produced fats are unhealthy. Animal fats should also be avoided in a healthy diet. The animal omega-3 fatty acids are an exception. These provide energy and promote muscle growth. They are therefore part of a healthy diet and are particularly found in nuts and fish.

Bread, pasta, pastries & Co. – prefer whole grain instead of white flour

White flour is rich in carbohydrates and therefore gives the body energy. However, white flour is unhealthy because it is made from ground flour. The important nutrients in the grain shells are lost in the process. Therefore, white flour consists largely of high-carbohydrate starch. This is why the carbohydrate-rich white flour is quickly converted into sugar by the body. It is high in calories and does not reduce hunger pangs. Products that contain white flour are therefore unhealthy. These include, for example, bread, pastries and pasta. These should only be eaten in small amounts.

White flour products are particularly unhealthy in the evening and before longer periods of rest. The body then does not need the rapid supply of energy and stores the energy in the fat cells. They are better suited in the morning or at lunchtime. The healthier alternative is therefore wholemeal flour. It contains fiber and vitamins. Therefore, the whole grain flour keeps you full for longer. In addition, it promotes digestion. Healthy foods are therefore, for example, wholemeal bread and wholemeal pasta. Dark wholemeal bread keeps you full for longer and contains fewer calories.

Acrylamide in food

Acrylamide is formed when starchy foods such as baked goods, potatoes and coffee are heated. There has long been a suspicion that acrylamide is carcinogenic and has a negative effect on DNA.

Acrylamide has been used in the production of plastics and in wastewater treatment for more than 50 years. If foods that contain carbohydrates such as starch and sugar are heated to over 120 degrees Celsius and then combine with the protein building block asparagine, acrylamide is formed. Acrylamide formation is particularly intense when temperatures are above 180 degrees Celsius.

Acrylamide in food

Acrylamide came into public focus in 2002 when animal studies revealed that acrylamide could alter DNA and thus be a cause of cancer. It is also suspected that the nervous system can be damaged at high doses.

However, these results have not yet been concretely demonstrated in humans. There are also no set guideline values ​​for acrylamide in food.

The experts disagree on the assessment of the risk. For as long as food has been cooked, humans have always consumed certain amounts of acrylamide.

reduce acrylamide

  • It is recommended to keep exposure to acrylamide as low as possible due to a possible risk to health. The following tips should help you reduce your intake of acrylamide:

Avoid excessive tanning

  • Basically, the darker the rolls, French fries or other potato products are, the more acrylamide they contain. So be careful not to over-bake or fry these foods.

Gentle preparation:

  • Above 180° Celsius, a lot of acrylamide is formed. So try not to exceed the temperatures when frying, baking or cooking. When baking, you can use baking powder or baking soda instead of staghorn salt (ammonium carbonate), as this promotes the formation of the possible pollutant.

Proper storage of food:

  • Potatoes, for example, should not be stored in the refrigerator for a long period of time. Otherwise, at cool temperatures, more sugar is produced from which acrylamide is formed. Also do not store in too dark, otherwise the potatoes will get green spots, which contain a high proportion of acrylamide.

Consume foods containing acrylamide in moderation:

  • Products such as cookies, potato chips, coffee and french fries have the highest concentrations of acrylamide. Consciously enjoy these foods and prepare them yourself if possible. Then you have an influence on the browning of the food.
Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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