Low carb rules for beginners – health guide & encyclopedia

Low carb rules for beginners

Low carb is a very healthy form of nutrition and the all-time favorite when it comes to losing excess pounds. However, especially as a beginner, you should follow a few rules and tips in order to be successful. In the following article we have put these together so that nothing stands in the way of changing your diet.

Slow entry

Anyone who starts to deal with the low-carb method should plan a slow start or a slow change in diet in order to have long-term success. Because anyone who has never tried low carb before or dealt with it will find it difficult to do without rolls or bread in the morning.

Also for a sweet snack at lunchtime, pasta, pizza or lasagne in the evening. Likewise, the body itself is overwhelmed with a change that is too rapid. We recommend a gradual change at this point, so that your head and stomach can slowly get used to it.

Replace individual meals

Regardless of whether it is a single low-carb diet or a long-term change in diet, individual meals should first be replaced with low-carb dishes. Experts recommend starting with lunch or dinner. At lunchtime there is the advantage of not falling into a midday slump after a light low-carb meal.

Changing what you eat in the evening has the great advantage that the body can concentrate more on sleeping and less on digestion at night. Benni’s great and varied low-carb recipes make it easier to get started.

Tips for beginners

In the following section we have put together valuable tips for changing your diet with low carb:

reduce carbohydrates

Low carb does not mean no carb , which means that carbohydrates do not have to be completely avoided. The daily amount of carbohydrates is around 115 g for women and around 150 g for men. Especially at the beginning of the change, the value can be a little higher, although a reduction in carbohydrates must still be aimed at. If, for example, you still don’t want to do without your beloved pasta in the evening, you should definitely switch to whole grain products and reduce the portion size of the pasta. But you can eat more sauce or a salad instead.

More healthy carbohydrates

In order to simplify the change, you should generally switch from white flour products to whole grain products. These contain significantly more dietary fiber, which z. B. has been shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer . In addition, they fill you up better and are good for digestion .

Likewise, sugar should be significantly reduced , because sugar consists of carbohydrates and is known to be unhealthy for the human organism. Every now and then fructose is healthier and tastes better.

Using the power of protein

Protein consists of proteins, among other things, and is therefore a great friend of low carb . It fills you up and, unlike carbohydrates, does not cause blood sugar fluctuations. It also helps build muscle , which in turn is essential for weight loss. The rolls at the breakfast table could be replaced by an omelette or scrambled eggs after a certain time.

Drink enough water

Water is another ally on the low carb team. It is calorie-free, fills you up and is healthy. At least two to three liters of water should be drunk daily. If that is too boring for you, you can also have hot or chilled (unsweetened) tea.

Find a low carb partner

No matter what you want to change in your life, it is always easier when you are not alone. This also applies to the change in diet with low carb. This task is much easier if you z. B. has a partner who participates.

Eat what tastes good

Likewise, there is no point in giving up everything that tastes good or even eating things that do not taste good at all. You should n’t worry about the diet either. Occasionally you should cook your favorite dish, only then we don’t eat quite as much of it earlier. Or treat yourself to an ice cream or a delicious piece of cake, but at longer intervals. But there are also delicious low-carb options here.


If you want to change your diet to low carb in the long term, you should take the above tips to heart. Nevertheless, you should take it slow and not make a “marathon” out of the whole thing, otherwise the desire can fall by the wayside. If you have successfully changed your diet, there are numerous delicious and healthy low-carb dishes to feast on.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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