The term aneurysm comes from the Greek and means enlargement . An aneurysm is a local widening (bulge, bulge) of the blood vessels and in particular of the arteries (arteries). An aneurysm is a typical vascular disease that occurs mainly in old age – the development can be favored by risk factors such as high cholesterol levels , high blood pressure or arteriosclerosis.
What is an aneurysm?
An aneurysm is a cranial widening (bulge, bulge) of the arteries. An aneurysm can be spindle-shaped or sac-shaped, for example.
An aneurysm poses a risk because the affected area of the artery can rupture due to the stretching – this can lead to life-threatening internal bleeding. Aneurysms near the heart or in the brain are particularly dangerous.
An aneurysm often occurs, especially in the early stages, without any side effects or symptoms. Symptoms can only occur in the respective body region when the vessels spread and the pressure on the surrounding organs increases significantly.
An aneurysm, i.e. a vascular dilatation in the chest region, can cause problems with swallowing or breathing, as well as coughing and hoarseness.
If an aneurysm occurs in the abdominal area, symptoms such as the urge to urinate, back pain, diarrhea or constipation can indicate this.
The larger the circumference of an aneurysm, the less resistance the blood vessel can provide and the greater the risk of the vessel wall rupturing. In the worst case, internal bleeding (cerebral hemorrhage) can occur, which can mean severe physical damage or even death.
Aneurysms are more common in older people. Common causes of an aneurysm are the presence of risk factors such as: high blood pressure and/or hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis).In the context of arteriosclerosis , the walls of the arteries harden and deposits of blood fat or calcium occur; the vessel walls are less elastic and due to the deposits, the blood flows through the arteries with higher pressure. Heart attacks are also a risk for the formation of an aneurysm in the heart wall.
For example, another type of aneurysm can result from a slight tear in an artery wall caused by an injury; this can occur, among other things, in the course of diagnostic examinations using cardiac catheters when a heart attack is suspected.
Less commonly, an aneurysm can be a result of various infections and the following inflammations: congenital heart defects or weaknesses in the connective tissue can also be the cause of one form of aneurysm – an aneurysm can arise here due to layers of the artery wall separating.
When to the doctor?
Aneurysm disease manifests itself through numerous symptoms. An aneurysm can cause chest pain , coughing, and abnormal breathing sounds. Hoarseness, difficulty swallowing and shortness of breath can also occur. The disease often causes recurring inflammation of the airways, which should be medically clarified.
Aneurysm is accompanied by pain, which is mainly located in the lower abdomen. From there, they usually radiate into the back or into the legs. The pain is usually stabbing and persistent and does not vary with body position. Digestive problems often occur as well. A medical professional should always be consulted if the aneurysm ruptures. This causes severe abdominal pain, which is accompanied by heavy bleeding. As a result, blood pressure drops rapidly and circulatory shock occurs.
If the popliteal artery is affected by an aneurysm, there is increased pain in the calf. Those affected perceive tingling or numbness and cold feelings. These symptoms should always be evaluated by a medical professional, as the aneurysm can also result in a blood clot and an embolism .
symptoms and course
Typical symptoms of aneurysm by location in the body:
An aneurysm usually only causes symptoms when it presses on internal organs. Symptoms then appear in the area of the body where the aneurysm is located. An aneurysm in the wall of the heart can, for example, trigger cardiac arrhythmia or acute cardiac insufficiency. On the other hand, if it occurs in the abdomen, this can result in abdominal and back pain, an increased urge to urinate and blood clots in the arms or legs. The latter often result in circulatory disorders in the arms and legs. Aneurysms can also form in the chest. There it can cause symptoms such as coughing, hoarseness, swallowing or breathing difficulties. In some cases, this can also lead to circulatory disorders in the arms and brain. If an aneurysm ruptures, it causes severe, persistent pain in most cases.
An aneurysm often remains inconspicuous for years and does not cause any symptoms. In rare cases, however, it expands more and more, thereby gaining in size and circumference and at some point inevitably presses on the organs in its immediate vicinity. If such a threatening development remains undetected, the risk of a rupture increases. If such a tear occurs, bleeding occurs, which can be life-threatening and, if left untreated, can lead to the death of the person concerned.
An aneurysm is usually discovered incidentally during another medical examination. Patients with an aneurysm are often completely symptom-free. But a different blood pressure in the arms or a changing pulse rate can indicate an aneurysm.
It is less common for patients to have aneurysm symptoms such as impaired nerve function or paraplegia and then consult a specialist.
An aneurysm can be detected by listening to the blood flow sounds in the arteries. If the aneurysm is in the limbs, it can be seen externally or by palpation. If patients are not too fat, the doctor can even feel an aneurysm in the abdominal aorta.
The ultrasound examination enables a reliable diagnosis if an aneurysm in the abdominal aorta or the iliac artery is suspected. Doctors use computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging to determine the size of the aneurysm and whether it could rupture. In addition, angiography can be done to detect the extent of the aneurysm and occlusive disease of the vessels.
It is quite possible for an aneurysm to not cause any symptoms or complications for years. In principle, however, there is a risk of serious consequences due to an arterial protrusion. These primarily include the rupture of the extension. The course depends primarily on whether there is a tear and whether additional complications such as bleeding occur.
Some aneurysms can develop their own dynamics and expand more and more. However, this also increases the risk of the extension rupturing, which in turn can lead to life-threatening bleeding. The rupture of the vascular wall can take place near the heart area or in the patient’s head, which means increased risk of death for the patient. Without immediate medical help, permanent brain damage or paralysis is possible.
Complications from an aneurysm can affect both older and younger patients. The same applies to victims of accidents. There are also risks in the surgical treatment of an aneurysm. However, these can usually be calculated. They are usually the result of inflammation.
Cardiovascular problems, infections and pneumonia are common complications associated with an operation on the sac . If a stent is placed, a so-called leakage of blood is also possible. This causes blood to enter the aneurysm sac. Furthermore, an intervention on an aortic aneurysm threatens circulatory disorders that occur in the legs, kidneys or intestines.
treatment and therapy
The treatment of an aneurysm depends, among other things, on the location and severity of the aneurysm. If an aneurysm grows steadily and poses an acute danger from the aneurysm – for example, if it is close to the heart – an operation may be necessary; During such an aneurysm operation, the corresponding part of the blood vessel is opened and a stable plastic prosthesis is inserted, which is then covered again with the tissue of the artery wall.
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In the treatment of an aneurysm located in the brain (intracranial aneurysm), so-called endovascular treatment has been possible since the 1990s. Instead of a surgical intervention, micro-spirals (also called coils) are inserted into the aorta at waist height, which are advanced through a catheter to the aneurysm. The coils cause a blood clot to form in the aneurysm – preventing blood from continuing to flow to the aneurysm.
It is difficult to prevent an aneurysm directly. However, it is helpful to address risk factors that favor an aneurysm.Since high blood pressure is one of these risk factors, it is recommended, among other things, to have your own blood pressure checked – doctors can sometimes recommend appropriate medication for very high blood pressure.
An aneurysm can also be favored by high blood lipid levels , which can contribute to arteriosclerosis .
In order to prevent aneurysms, sufficient physical exercise, a balanced diet and avoiding obesity are recommended. The consumption of alcohol and nicotine can also promote high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis and thus an aneurysm.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.