Honeymoon Bladder Infection (Honeymoon Cystitis)
The honeymoon bladder infection (honeymoon cystitis) occurs primarily in sexually active women, is usually without complications and is easily treatable. Honeymoon cystitis can be efficiently avoided with just a few measures.
What is honeymoon cystitis?
Honeymoon cystitis is a bacterial , painful, but in most cases uncomplicated and easily curable urinary tract infection that affects women and can be triggered by sexual intercourse.
Nearly 70 percent of all women will experience honeymoon cystitis (honeymoon cystitis) at least once in their lives. Honeymoon cystitis is also commonly diagnosed in women over the age of 50, which is related to sexual contact with a new partner after a long-term relationship, often accompanied by abstinence.
Honeymoon cystitis affects almost exclusively women and rarely occurs in men. This is because, compared to men, women have a much shorter urethra of only about four centimeters in length, which makes it easier for germs to ascend into the bladder. The exchange of bodily fluids during sex changes the vaginal environment, which leads to a rapid multiplication of already existing, otherwise only partially pathogenic bacterial pathogens, which ascend into the urethra and spread in the bladder.It’s also possible that honeymoon cystitis is caused by bacteria from the man that the woman ‘s immune system first encounters. This is why women who start sexual activity after a long period of abstinence or with a new partner are particularly often affected by honeymoon cystitis. Once the bacteria have arrived in the bladder, they cause an infection there that leads to irritation of the inner wall mucous membranes.
When to the doctor?
During the honeymoon, many couples engage in an intense sex life. By stimulating the genital area, the woman’s bladder is also heavily involved. The symptoms are therefore not worrying from a medical point of view and are regarded as a natural consequence. In most cases there is no need to see a doctor. Since the symptoms are less linked to the honeymoon event and more to the frequency of the sexual act, the symptoms can also occur independently of the honeymoon.
For the women affected, a change in technique or abstaining from sex with vaginal penetration is often sufficient to alleviate the symptoms. The bladder needs rest and protection in order to be able to regenerate. After a few days, the symptoms improve even without a doctor’s consultation or care. Full recovery often occurs within a week.
However, if the symptoms persist despite reduced sexual activity or if they increase in intensity, a doctor should be consulted. In the case of severe pain, fever or loss of control over the sphincter, a doctor’s visit is necessary. If you continue to feel unwell , dizzy or your lifestyle is affected, it is advisable to have a doctor carry out further examinations to clarify the cause.
symptoms and course
Typical symptoms of honeymoon cystitis:
- abdominal pain
The first clear symptom of a honeymoon cystitis (honeymoon cystitis) is an increased urge to urinate, which leads to unusually frequent urination, even during the night’s sleep. Only minimal amounts of urine are released during voiding, but the urge to urinate does not decrease. This is accompanied by severe burning when urinating, as well as pain in the abdomen and bladder area.
The urine may be bloody or cloudy and often has an unpleasant odor. In addition, during a honeymoon cystitis (honeymoon cystitis) purulent discharge from the vagina, general malaise and fever can occur. In the case of an uncomplicated honeymoon cystitis (honeymoon cystitis), the immune system gradually adapts to the pathogens, which leads to the infection healing after a few days.
However, in severe cases, if left untreated, honeymoon cystitis can spread and cause pelvic inflammatory disease, which poses a serious health risk and can lead to chronic inflammation.
Doctors diagnose honeymoon cystitis with a urine test. After giving a urine sample, the doctor can usually see at a glance whether it is purulent or bloody and whether it has the typical smell. A rapid urine test can detect nitrite, which is formed as a breakdown product of the bacteria.
The analysis also shows whether there is mucus, white or red blood cells, or dead cells in the urine, which indicate honeymoon cystitis. In severe cases, a blood test, an analysis of the urine under a microscope or an ultrasound examination of the bladder and kidneys can provide information about the exact causes of the honeymoon cystitis (honeymoon cystitis).
If it is an uncomplicated honeymoon cystitis, there are usually no serious complications to be feared. This also applies if the bladder infection occurs repeatedly. However, if honeymoon cystitis takes a chronic course and spreads to the entire bladder wall, there is a risk of damage to the organ. In addition, other body structures can be affected by the inflammation. The risk of the honeymoon cystitis spreading to other parts of the body is considered low. Even without medical treatment, only about two percent of all sick women are affected. Patients often suffer from symptoms such as burning when urinating, abdominal pain or a constant urge to urinate. The urine may also become cloudy and blood may appear in the urine.
In rare cases, there is a risk that the triggering germs will rise up the ureters and penetrate to the kidneys. There they often trigger inflammation of the renal pelvis (pyelonephritis). If the course is severe, there is a risk of complications such as urosepsis . Bacteria or their toxins damage the vascular skin, which in turn causes holes in the blood vessels. Without appropriate therapy, urosepsis leads to the death of the affected person within a few hours or days. Antibiotics are usually given to treat urosepsis. If the bladder infection takes a chronic course, the risk of permanent scarring of the urethra increases.
treatment and therapy
In order to treat honeymoon cystitis effectively, action should be taken immediately after the first symptoms are noticed. If you are not pregnant or have a serious pre-existing condition, a few gentle measures can provide quick help, even without medical treatment. The use of heating pads and hot water bottles, wearing warm clothing and bed rest alleviate the symptoms, full or hip baths with natural additives from camomile or lavender blossoms have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Sufficient fluid intake in the form of still water, unsweetened herbal teas, especially special bladder and kidney tea mixtures and highly diluted juices flush the bacteria out of the bladder and urethra. You should always stay away from alcoholic beverages, citrus fruit juices and coffee, as they can exacerbate irritation of the mucous membranes. If there is no improvement in symptoms after a few days, you should definitely see a doctor. With the targeted administration of antibiotics , this can ensure rapid healing within a few days. In addition, herbal supplements can effectively support healing. American cranberry juice, a freshly prepared rosemary tea infusion or juniper berry extracts have an anti-inflammatory effect.
The administration of dandelion juice also shows success in the treatment of honeymoon cystitis (honeymoon cystitis), blister pads with eucalyptus or horseradish bring additional relief of symptoms. The use of certain homeopathic preparations such as Aconitum, Cantharis, Nux Vomica or Staphysagria have also proven successful in the therapy of honeymoon cystitis (honeymoon cystitis).
To prevent honeymoon cystitis caused by sexual intercourse, careful intimate hygiene of both partners is recommended immediately before sexual intercourse. Women who choose diaphragms, creams with spermicide or IUSs as contraceptives increase their risk of developing honeymoon cystitis (honeymoon cystitis).Condoms, on the other hand, can protect against infection. Urinating immediately after intercourse flushes pathogens out of the urethra before they can cause inflammation. Drinking regularly, avoiding aggressive cosmetics for intimate hygiene, wearing breathable cotton underwear and wiping in the right direction after defecation are also effective measures to prevent honeymoon cystitis (honeymoon cystitis).
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.