Abdominal pain in children – causes, treatment and prevention

Abdominal pain in children

Abdominal pain in children can come on suddenly and be very severe. The context in which this pain appears is crucial for self-treatment. If the symptoms are clear, relief can be achieved with simple home remedies. In all cases that do not show a clear cause, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

What is abdominal pain in children?

Abdominal pain in children is often not easy to spot when the child is not yet able to express themselves verbally. Babies cry, curl up, and refuse to eat. Often the mother can feel a tightening of the abdominal wall when she gently touches the abdomen. These signs can also be observed in small children; the children usually point to their stomachs or can already name the pain . With a baby or toddler, a doctor should always be consulted immediately if pain occurs.


The causes of abdominal pain are varied. An infection, inflammation or constipation can trigger the symptoms. Babies, especially boys, also experience colic, which subsides around 6 months of age. It is important to be able to clearly determine the causes of the pain in order to start effective treatment. A slight stomach irritation or the effects of a gastrointestinal infection can be cured with home remedies , in the case of a severe infection with major fluid loss or appendicitis, children should be treated by a specialist.The general state of health plays a major role here and serves laypersons as a point of reference for deciding whether a doctor needs to be consulted. If conspicuous exhaustion or a massive sensation of pain is observed, the child should not be left without an immediate medical diagnosis. The situation is different if siblings had a slight infection, the symptoms suggest an infection and the general condition of the child only indicates an indisposition. Then home remedies are a good choice. If symptoms persist for a longer period of time, the doctor should be consulted and an exact diagnosis should be obtained.


When to the doctor?

Abdominal pain is often a very unspecific symptom in children. It goes hand in hand with viral and bacterial infections of a harmless nature as well as with stress and anxiety . Parents should be alert if the abdominal pain is accompanied by new symptoms. Severe abdominal pain combined with a high fever is always a reason to see a pediatrician.

Since the fever indicates that the body has to defend itself against an infection, acute events such as appendicitis should be ruled out with certainty. Caution should also be exercised if there is severe abdominal pain accompanied by violent vomiting. Although vomiting and nausea are part of a normal gastrointestinal flu , the vomiting occurs at very short intervals and if the child complains of severe pain in the abdominal area at the same time, a medical examination should be carried out promptly.

This is especially true in children who are prone to constipation. Fecal stones can appear here, which cause severe pain to a child. Rare, but dangerous, is the complication of an intestinal blockage, which can also manifest itself as abdominal pain in children. For example, the pediatrician can use a targeted palpation of the abdomen to clarify whether further examinations or rapid medical intervention are necessary.

Diagnosis and course

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. He will feel the abdomen, a soft abdominal wall usually indicates less serious diseases. The blood count can be checked to see whether the inflammation parameters show questionable values ​​and it is tested whether the child can pull up its legs. With appendicitis, pulling your knees up against your body causes a lot of pain. In this case, a referral to the hospital is appropriate.

If infections are involved, stool samples are also part of the usual examinations. Pathogens can be detected in these samples. A possible infestation with worms can also be ruled out in this way. This condition is particularly common in younger children, who often explore their fingers or toys with their mouths.

Worm eggs or adult animals can be detected in the stool samples. The symptoms can be treated with medication after a medical diagnosis. Infections usually begin violently and last for varying lengths of time. Noroviruses often only affect the patient for a few days. Despite this, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract greatly weaken a child.


Abdominal pain in children must be urgently clarified by a doctor if the pain starts very suddenly and is very severe or abdominal pain that is already improving suddenly flares up again. Harmless causes such as mild infections, stress or flatulence usually do not cause very severe pain symptoms in children and can be awaited at home and alleviated with home remedies. In the case of very severe abdominal pain of unclear origin, however, complications from diseases in the gastrointestinal area should be considered. For example, an untreated constipation can, in the worst case, develop as a complication into an intestinal obstruction.

Severe abdominal pain with vomiting can be an indication of this. Acute rupture of the appendix is ​​also usually associated with very severe abdominal pain, which may have been felt beforehand as getting better. Both cases are medical emergencies that require immediate treatment. Complications related to abdominal pain in children also indicate sudden high fever . Fever can be an indication of a possible inflammatory process in the body and should also be clarified by a doctor as soon as possible.

Treatment and therapy

An infestation with worms is quickly forgotten after a few treatments with an anthelmintic. Follow-up treatment is usually carried out after the first dose of the anthelmintic in order to kill any worm eggs that may still be present and whose worms later hatch. Diarrhea caused by improper nutrition with irritating foods , too much of a food or generally too high food intake can be treated well with a light diet and a tea cure.

Stomach inflammation can also be cured well with a tea treatment and a rolling treatment with chamomile tea . Again, a diet of low-fat foods is important. Appendicitis belongs in the hands of specialists. In the hospital, the patient can be observed while cold packs may be used to try to contain the inflammation. However, sometimes an operation cannot be prevented. Under no circumstances should you delay a visit to the doctor with a child who is suspected of having appendicitis.Heat packs with a grain pillow often help with colic, slight abdominal pain or the after-effects of infections. A chamomile tea or a fennel tea soothe the irritated intestinal mucosa. With a light diet of rusks, tea, mashed potatoes and grated apple, you can quickly regain strength in the little patients. Glucose should be added to the tea. With a little bed rest and lots of attention, children can be given the rest they need for recovery. Security and a loving environment allow the little ones to relax and promote recovery.

Outlook and prognosis

The prognosis for abdominal pain in children is very good in most cases. The organism in children often reacts to small changes with abdominal discomfort. A change in diet very often leads to abdominal pain. Once the conversion phase is complete, there are no more complaints. New and previously unknown foods trigger the stomach pain. Reducing the amount consumed leads to an alleviation of the symptoms.

Children very often react with abdominal pain when their living conditions change. Moving, the separation of parents and the loss of a loved one or pet often lead to stomach ache in children. They need emotional support and encouragement so that the symptoms can be alleviated and there is a chance of healing. School enrollment, exams and exams are also events that often lead to abdominal pain.

In many cases, abdominal pain is caused by an incorrect breathing technique when eating or exercising, hectic eating or excitement. All are temporary situations that need to be managed. Spontaneous healing then occurs in most cases. In rare cases, the child suffers from an ulcer or tumor in the stomach. The removal of the diseased tissue is the prerequisite for minimizing the abdominal pain.


Herbal tea and good hygiene are always the best means of prevention. Freshly prepared food is preferable to other diets. Parents should make sure they drink enough fluids.


Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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