Exhaustion – causes, treatment and prevention


Fatigue and exhaustion is a widespread symptom that should not be underestimated. Especially in the winter months, many people suffer from a feeling of exhaustion. The lack of light, which limits the body’s own production of so-called happiness hormones, lack of exercise, overwork and a one-sided, vitamin-poor diet lead to exhaustion.

What is fatigue?

In general, the symptom of exhaustion is understood to be both physical and mental exhaustion or fatigue. This condition is usually accompanied by symptoms such as lack of energy, lack of drive, fatigue and general weakness.

During these phases, the immune system is weakened and body tone (muscle or body tension) is low. It is often difficult for those affected to concentrate; a condition that can escalate to depression is experienced as unpleasant and inhibiting. Fatigue is usually a temporary condition, however.


The causes of exhaustion can be varied. Fatigue can accompany the flu and colds, but it can also follow any other type of stress.

Changed life circumstances (e.g. a trip, a change of residence or job, pressure, excitement or stress), even if they are personally assessed as positive, can put a strain on the body and manifest themselves in the form of exhaustion, exhaustion, lack of drive or simply tiredness.

It can become more dangerous if the symptoms of exhaustion result from a dysfunctional lifestyle. Overwork, the feeling of being overwhelmed, also due to excessive training, can lead to exhaustion and a much more serious burnout syndrome .

Sometimes a lack of iron ( iron deficiency anemia ) or a thyroid malfunction is the cause of exhaustion.

When to the doctor?

If you notice a feeling of exhaustion, this is usually not a cause for concern at first, but in most cases announces a cold or another banal illness.

However, if the symptom of exhaustion occurs over a longer period of time and independently of an illness or another stressful situation, it makes sense to consult a doctor. In general, fatigue is a very unspecific symptom and can have many triggers. In rare cases, it can indicate a serious or even life-threatening illness.

In order to be able to rule out such a case, a doctor should be consulted if you feel exhausted for a longer period of time without any recognizable reason. Persistent exhaustion weeks after recovering from an illness can also be a reason to see a doctor. As a rule, however, the symptom can be assessed as harmless.

Diagnosis and course

In general, prolonged fatigue should be checked out by a doctor. It is possible that behind the symptom there is a disease that cannot be recognized in self-diagnosis. A blood count is often helpful .

As soon as the exhaustion manifests itself in the form of insomnia , listlessness and reduced zest for life, countermeasures should be taken. A period of rest is the method of choice here. Sometimes overload, difficult situations or psychological stress have to be processed. In addition to rest, a herbal remedy such as St. John’s wort or the lavender preparation Lasea often helps.

After a week at the latest, in which the self-healing powers have received full support, the worst phase should be over. The lust for life returns and the exhaustion vanishes. If you do not recover, it is advisable to see your family doctor, exhaustion often also results in secondary diseases, the weakened immune system is susceptible to colds . It is also possible that chronic fatigue syndrome is emerging. It can last up to six months, but is often only the symptom of another weakening of the vital system.


Almost everyone has experienced the feeling of exhaustion. Too much work, little sleep or generally too much family or professional stress can be the trigger. But what if the exhaustion lasts longer and does not go away even with rest periods? In this case, competent advice is required. Especially when those affected have other symptoms in addition to general fatigue.

Feeling exhausted and exhausted can be an expression of a wide variety of illnesses or an indication of a serious disorder. If exhaustion becomes permanent, this can have unpleasant consequences for the person affected. In an emergency, there is even a risk of social consequences such as family tensions or ultimately losing a job if performance drops and affects work morale and ability to work. The visit to the family doctor should therefore not be delayed for long. This is the only way to determine the causes and avoid further complications.

Treatment and therapy

Anything that is useful in general support of vital functions is used to treat exhaustion. A balanced diet compensates for deficiency symptoms.

Foods that are rich in vitamins D , C and iron can have a positive effect on fatigue, and vitamin or iron supplements may also help. Moderate exercise after the first strict rest phase activates the cardiovascular system and thus improves blood circulation.

Depending on the situation and physical condition that caused the phase of exhaustion, various antidotes should be used.

Good nutrition, exercise, rest and a stable psychological environment form the first basis. The individual symptoms of exhaustion should then be treated, provided they are present and the exhaustion itself is not just an accompanying symptom of another illness.

Outlook and prognosis

The medical outlook for fatigue is difficult to predict. In many cases, the exhaustion decreases with therapy or goes away on its own after months or years. Slight exhaustion can often be dealt with simply by changing one’s lifestyle.

The prospect of a full recovery is difficult to assess due to the high rate of recurrence in possible conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome. Especially after infections, phases of physical exertion or periods of stress, the exhaustion can often come back all of a sudden and be even stronger than before.

In rare cases, the exhaustion gradually develops into a chronic fatigue syndrome and the symptoms increase. If the exhaustion takes such a course, the chance of a full recovery is much worse. Around 20 percent of CFS patients are permanently restricted in everyday life, often to the point of disability. Only the doctor treating you can make a reliable prognosis based on the underlying disease, the symptoms and how they develop.


Fatigue indicates that the affected person needs support. The cornerstones – nutrition, exercise, inner and outer peace and a balanced environment also serve to prevent exhaustion. It is good to know yourself and your individual attack surfaces and to protect them. This applies to both physical and mental health. In this way, the body-psyche system can be protected from exhaustion.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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