Stomach flu – causes, symptoms & therapy

Abdominal influenza

Gastrointestinal flu ( gastrointestinal infection , gastroenteritis ) is one of the most common inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract . Due to the typical symptoms – vomiting and diarrhea – this infection is also known as vomiting diarrhea .

What is Stomach Flu?

Gastrointestinal flu is known in technical terms as gastroentritis. This is not actual flu (influenza); literally it means gastroenteritis. Gastrointestinal flu is one of the most common infectious diseases worldwide and also occurs in large numbers in this country every year.

The disease is usually caused by viral and bacterial pathogens. The viruses or bacteria cause inflammation of the lining of the stomach and small intestine.

The gastrointestinal infection, also known as gastroenteritis in technical terms, usually occurs quite suddenly and is characterized by typical symptoms such as diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting as well as stomach pain . This vomiting usually leads to a significant loss of fluids, which can cause circulatory problems.

In some rare cases, the gastrointestinal infection can also be accompanied by fever. However , gastroenteritis has little in common with a classic influenza flu.

The causes of gastro-intestinal flu are mostly bacteria and viruses, which in our part of the world are spread immediately, especially in air-conditioned rooms, while in other areas it is primarily a lack of hygiene that causes epidemics. Spoiled food also leads to gastroenteritis, as has recently been shown again. In most cases, the disease can be cured without medication.

Babies and small children in particular develop gastroenteritis relatively often – in the first three years of life children are usually affected once or twice a year. Gastroenteritis can occur all year round, but this disease is more common in the months from October to March.


In most cases, stomach flu is caused by viruses, but in some rare cases it is also caused by parasites or bacteria . The best known viruses that transmit this disease are noro , rota, astro and corona viruses.In most cases, this disease is transmitted by the smear infection. The bacteria first get into the mouth via the hands and finally into the stomach – this is why hand washing is so important.

The pathogens are excreted in the stool and vomit of the patient and are thus distributed throughout the environment.

Gastrointestinal flu can also be transmitted through the so-called droplet infection – tiny droplets containing the virus are in the air and immediately infect other people. This is also the reason why gastroenteritis occurs more frequently in facilities in which many people are present, for example in kindergartens, schools or old people’s homes.

However, it is also possible to become infected through certain foods – fish and seafood are particularly dangerous here.

symptoms and course

Typical symptoms of gastroenteritis:

Gastrointestinal flu usually manifests itself in the form of vomiting and diarrhea. Abdominal pain also occurs; in severe cases, the diarrhea may also contain blood. The disease is usually accompanied by fever, as well as dizziness and general weakness, as there is a severe loss of fluids.

The high fluid loss that occurs over a long and severe course can be quite dangerous: In many countries, gastrointestinal flu still leads to many deaths, with cholera being the most extreme manifestation of the disease. In our latitudes, gastrointestinal flu usually subsides after a few days, provided you don’t overexert yourself and follow the doctor’s advice.


Stomach flu usually begins with abdominal pain or even stomach cramps, which lead to loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. The cause can usually be diagnosed quite quickly by the doctor treating you. It is often sufficient to have the symptoms described in detail. The doctor asks precise questions about the extent of the (emetic) diarrhea, how long it has been occurring and whether, for example, fever or body achesor cramps are present. Acute occurrence of symptoms indicates gastrointestinal flu. An additional physical examination, in which the abdomen is palpated, for example, can also be helpful in the diagnosis. A blood test can be used to clearly determine whether a pathogen is present in the body and, if so, which one it is.

More comprehensive examinations of the patient are usually not necessary in the case of gastroenteritis. More detailed blood , stool and urine tests can only be carried out in rare cases in which there is a more serious previous illness or complications . The doctor may also order an endoscopy ( colonoscopy ) or an abdominal ultrasound to rule out complications.

treatment and therapy

The diagnosis of vomiting diarrhea is usually quite clear based on the symptoms described. However, in order to determine the pathogen, a stool sample is often examined in the laboratory.

Since you usually lose quite a lot of fluid when you have gastroenteritis due to diarrhea, it is important to compensate for this loss of fluid.

It is therefore very important to drink enough – preferably mineral water or unsweetened herbal tea. Electrolytes and nutrients should also be replaced as soon as possible.

Gastrointestinal flu usually goes away on its own after a few days; Medication is rarely prescribed. Vomiting usually stops after a day or two, while diarrhea can last up to seven days.

In general, bed rest helps a lot. A stay in the hospital is only necessary if the loss of fluid is very large. Water loss can quickly become dangerous, especially for infants, small children and the elderly.


In order to prevent gastroenteritis, you should ensure adequate hygiene, because the pathogens can be found on many objects and foods.In particular, when preparing and eating food and after each visit to the toilet, you should make sure to wash or disinfect your hands thoroughly.

So it is not surprising that gastroenteritis occurs frequently, especially in developing countries with poor hygiene – here it is also transmitted via food or drinking water.

If you have gastroenteritis, the tried and tested home remedy “Coke and pretzel sticks” is very helpful for adults.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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