Thigh strain
In the case of a thigh strain , the musculature of the thigh is unphysiologically overstretched. This causes severe pain. Along with bruises and torn muscle fibers, muscle strains are among the most common sports injuries.
What is a thigh strain?
The thigh in particular is often affected by strains. The muscle strain is more harmless than the muscle fiber tear or than the muscle tear. A strain damages the smallest functional units of the thigh muscles. These units are called sarcomeres. All thigh muscles can be affected. The thigh muscles are made up of extensors, flexors and adductors.
The extensors, also called stretchers, form the front thigh muscles. These include, for example, the quadriceps femoris muscle and the sartorius muscle. The flexors form the rear muscles of the thigh. This is also known as the hamstrings. The hamstring muscles include the biceps femoris muscle, the semimembranosus muscle, and the semitendinosus muscle. The pectineus muscle, adductor longus muscle, adductor brevis muscle, adductor magnus muscle and gracilis muscle form the inner thigh muscles. They are also called pre-leaders or adductors.
Thigh strains are usually caused by straining the thigh muscles during physical activity. Skeletal muscle consists of several fiber bundles. These in turn are made up of muscle fibers and myofibrils. The smallest functional unit of the myofibril is the sarcomere. In the event of a strain, the sarcomeres are unphysiologically stretched. This affects the function of the entire muscle.However, muscle strains usually do not occur without prior impairment of the muscle. A risk factor is, for example, a static imbalance in the spine or in the legs. A muscular imbalance in the back area and in the area of the extremities can also cause tension or tension in the muscles . This in turn favors a strain. Overloading and overtiredness of the thigh muscles due to constant excessive demands are also risk factors for a thigh strain.
Unfavorable weather conditions during sports activities increase the risk of slipping or making an unfavorable movement. The lack of elasticity in the thigh muscles is also a risk factor. Previous injuries that have not healed can also lead to a strain in the thigh muscles.
Strains are particularly easy to develop in sports that involve jerky movements and fast sprints and stopping movements. These include, for example, football, squash or tennis. Blows that hit the stretched muscle can also lead to a strain. Such blows can occur, for example, in an accident or in a collision with another athlete. Doping with anabolic steroids also promotes muscle strains. Muscle mass grows unnaturally fast as a result of doping and can no longer withstand stress as well. In addition, sites of inflammation within the body increase the risk of muscle strain.
When to the doctor?
If a thigh strain occurs spontaneously, without any apparent reason, you should see a doctor. If the thigh strain recurs at regular intervals, there is often a deficiency symptom in the organism. This must be clarified by a doctor so that the missing substances can be compensated. If the strain lasts for several days, a doctor is needed to determine the cause. A doctor’s visit is also necessary if the symptoms spread to the lower leg or the other leg, for example. In the case of additional back problems , a doctor’s visit is strongly recommended.
Additional symptoms must also be presented to a doctor so that countermeasures can be initiated. They include pain or discomfort in the thigh. Sensory disturbances are often an indication of a circulatory problem that needs to be treated. Hypersensitivity or numbness lasting several days is worrying and should lead to a doctor’s visit.
A doctor is required if the body is not in the correct position or if there are restrictions on the range of motion. There is a risk of permanent damage to the skeletal system, which must be repaired before further diseases or complaints occur. If the thigh strain is triggered by certain physical activities, these should be discussed with a doctor. There may be unhealthy movements that need to be corrected before permanent impairment occurs.
diagnosis and course
Those affected often suffer from pain for some time before the actual strain occurs . The musculature can be hardened, possibly the ability to move is already restricted. The actual strain suddenly causes severe and persistent pain. The affected muscle part can no longer be used. Muscle strength can no longer be exerted with the thigh. The natural movement is disturbed. Running or normal walking are often no longer possible. Those affected adopt a relieving posture and limp. Tightening the thigh muscles increases the pain. In addition, the thigh may swell or show hematomas . In the thigh area, the tone of the muscles, i.e. the muscle tension, is increased.
The doctor will first question the patient in detail about the course of the accident and the symptoms. Frequently, the suspicion of a thigh strain already exists after the patient’s description. The medical history is followed by the physical examination. The doctor checks the function and the external appearance of the thigh. A thigh strain is usually a diagnosis of exclusion.
In order to rule out a muscle tear and a muscle fiber tear, an ultrasound examination must be carried out. In addition to the swelling, cracks are also visible in the ultrasound image. If in doubt, magnetic resonance imaging can also be performed. A strain cannot be made visible using magnetic resonance imaging. The damage to the sarcomeres is not visible there, but can be felt by an experienced doctor. In individual cases, thigh strains can be detected in the ultrasound examination.
A thigh strain causes severe pain in the leg. The pain can spread to the pelvis or lower leg. Every movement of the leg triggers the complaints, which entails a protective behavior. The muscles are overstretched or have been overworked. The healing of the injured fibers takes several weeks. No sporting activities can be carried out during this time and the possibility of everyday movement is greatly reduced. The affected person limps or cannot carry out usual activities, such as driving a car. This leads to mental problems. Dissatisfaction, irritability or a depressed mood set in. Everyday life has to be temporarily restructured, which can lead to conflicts and interpersonal disagreements.
A thigh strain can cause inflammation. If left untreated, the symptoms will spread. The skin suffers from sensory disturbances . Tingling of the skin, numbness or hypersensitivity to touch, cold or heat are possible. A thigh strain puts additional strain on the healthy leg. Knee problems or muscle pain may occur. In addition, limping can lead to pelvic pain or tension in the back. The body is stressed on one side and suffers as a result. In severe cases, poor posture threatens permanent damage to the skeletal system.
treatment and therapy
After a muscle strain, the thigh muscles should be rested immediately. The affected limb should be elevated. Cooling with ice or cold water immediately after the strain can prevent swelling and bleeding. The ice must not be placed directly on the skin , as there is a risk of frostbite. A bandage should be applied for compression. However, this must not impair arterial blood flow.
The four measures:
- Pause (P),
- Ice (E) ,
- Compression (C) and
- Elevate (H)
can be easily remembered by the first letters. The measures taken after a muscle injury are referred to as the LUCKY rule.
It is also advisable to consult a doctor. This can clarify which injury has occurred. Thigh strains are treated conservatively. The doctor treating you may prescribe physiotherapy or massages . Painkillers may be prescribed to relieve pain. In individual cases, anti-inflammatory drugs are also used.
outlook and prognosis
It is very difficult to provide an accurate outlook and prognosis for a thigh strain, since the course of this clinical picture depends very much on the severity. In most cases, a thigh strain is caused by overuse. The ligaments and muscles in that region are overstretched, resulting in a strain. If this existing clinical picture remains untreated, then of course further complications are to be expected. Especially if the respective region continues to be heavily loaded, it can even lead to a muscle tear . In such a case, medical treatment is of course absolutely necessary. The affected person must reckon with severe impairments in the movement process.
If a thigh strain is treated appropriately from the start, a quick and complete recovery can be expected in a timely manner. After about a week, the person concerned should not be able to hear any restrictions. The following therefore applies: A thigh strain severely restricts the person in question in their movement and in everyday life. Severe pain can also occur at rest. If an appropriate treatment is resorted to, a significant improvement can be expected after about a week. If this is not done, then in the worst case even permanent damage can remain.
Warming up before exercising reduces the risk of muscle strains. Balanced body statics and varied movement sequences can also prevent muscle strains. Most hamstring injuries result from overuse. Sports training should therefore always be adapted to your own training condition.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.