Jaw pain
Jaw pain can be excruciating. Those affected often suffer from diffuse discomfort in the jaw area and do not know that this pain can also be harmful in the long term. Jaw pain should always be checked out by a dentist or an orthodontist.
What is jaw pain?
Jaw pain is understood to mean all pain that can be localized in the jaw area. However, jaw pain can also be triggered by tension in the back or in the head area!
Specialists often speak of the so-called craniomandibular dysfunction. This is defined as a malfunction of the temporomandibular joint with a variety of causes. Jaw pain can occur in children, adolescents and adults. They often first appear in connection with stress and tension.
The causes of jaw pain can be different. Many children and young people need braces because of misaligned teeth or progenia (jaw misalignment) . A wrong bite because of such a misaligned tooth can cause jaw pain, for example. That is why jaw pain in children and adolescents always needs to be clarified by an orthodontist. He can find out whether the jaw pain is caused by the teeth and how this can be remedied.Jaw pain can also be caused by tension in various muscle groups. It is well known that muscular tension in the neck area can also cause severe pain in the jaw. Tensions can be the result of sitting too much and not exercising enough, but also from too much stress. For example, if you keep clenching your teeth because of stress, you put increased pressure on your jaw. This can then erupt in stabbing jaw pain, especially at night.
Teeth grinding can also be a cause of jaw pain. Doctors are finding that more and more people are suffering from postural defects , some of which are serious . This results in incorrect strain on the back and neck area. This can also be a cause of severe jaw pain.
When to the doctor?
Short-term jaw pain from a distortion does not require immediate treatment. Nevertheless, a visit to the dentist or orthodontist is recommended to prevent long-term problems in the event of misalignments. The same applies to tension caused by unfavorable body and head posture when working at a desk or in front of the computer. Excessive tooth wear indicates nightly grinding of teeth (bruxism), which, if left untreated, causes lasting damage to the teeth and puts enormous strain on the joints.
Acute, very painful jaw pain belongs under all circumstances in the hands of a competent specialist. Even physical complaints that are initially far away sometimes have the jaw as their origin. The transmission of stimuli causes pain in completely different regions. Infections caused by bacteria or viruses usually require drug treatment.
Even the spine can be affected by referred pain in the long term, having a significant impact on patients’ daily and professional lives. If there are already noticeable symptoms and tormenting side effects in addition to the problems in the jaw area, professional clarification is definitely advisable. The doctor treating you can then form an opinion about the possible causes and the extensive side effects of the symptoms and arrange an appropriate therapy.
Persistent jaw pain without an obvious dislocation or injury is always a serious warning signal from the body. Unnecessarily delaying the outstanding doctor’s visit must therefore be avoided at all costs. In many cases, a quick examination promises a better prognosis.
diagnosis and course
For a precise diagnosis of jaw pain, the path should always lead to a dentist. This can initially be ruled out by visual examination and further diagnostics such as X -rays as the cause of the jaw pain. The dentist can also refer you accordingly, for example to an orthodontist or to a general orthopedist, because pain in the jaw can also come from legs of unequal length, for example.
If left untreated, the course of jaw pain can be serious: many sufferers find the pain particularly severe at night. The quality of life can sometimes be severely impaired as a result. Commercial painkillers often help to get over the strongest jaw pain. However, the constant use of analgesics creates new health problems such as liver stress or stomach problems .
Jaw pain leads to increased visits to a dentist. Because of this, many people experience anxiety . The thought of a visit to the dentist can trigger behavior changes and mood swings. In severe cases, panic attacks occur. Palpitations, sweating or aggressive behavior are possible. If the visit to the dentist is rejected, the symptoms spread. The pain and irritation increase.
If the jaw pain persists, weight loss often occurs . The symptoms affect the act of swallowing. As a result, the person affected consumes less food and liquids. Dehydration or an eating disorder are possible consequences. If pain-relieving medication is taken for the symptoms, there is a risk of further side effects. They include abdominal pain, nausea or headaches. There is a risk of addiction if the drug is taken for a long time.
The jaw pain leads to tension in the neck and a bad posture of the back. The muscles in the shoulders, neck and upper arms are heavily used and also begin to hurt. The experience of pain triggers an impairment of general well-being. Sleep is disturbed and the necessary rest phases can no longer be maintained. The condition often lasts for several weeks. If the jaw or teeth are misaligned, surgical interventions or wearing braces are necessary.
treatment and therapy
The treatment of jaw pain depends on the individual cause. In the case of inflammatory problems, the dentist must carry out the appropriate rehabilitation. If a craniomandibular dysfunction is diagnosed, the doctor usually prescribes physiotherapy . The corresponding muscle groups are relaxed and vertebrae can also be mobilized again. Longer orthodontic treatment is often necessary for children and adolescents. As a rule, braces have to be worn regularly for years in order for them to be successful.
Especially when the causes are also to be found in the mental sphere, the problem of jaw pain must be tackled with different approaches. In addition to ruling out a physical illness, those affected must learn various relaxation techniques. This is to relieve the stress. If the bite also changes and tension is reduced, the jaw pain is usually reduced as well. In individual cases, psychotherapy may also be necessary. Jaw pain can also be treated osteopathically. More and more health insurance companies are also covering the costs of osteopathic treatment of jaw pain.
Depending on the cause, jaw pain can be prevented in a sensible way. Everyone should first go to a dental check-up every six months. In this way, the dentist can see whether all the teeth are healthy and strong. Anyone who goes to the dentist regularly prevents the development of large-scale inflammation and jaw pain that results from this. Parents must ensure that children and young people wear braces regularly. This is the only way to permanently correct the jaw, which can also prevent jaw pain in the long term.
Anyone who knows that they are suffering from great stress and are prone to tension should learn appropriate relaxation techniques at an early stage. Due to the popularity of this topic, many adult education centers also offer corresponding courses today. Many sufferers also respond well to osteopathy. Regular osteopathic treatments can prevent jaw pain. In general, it makes sense to exercise regularly. Sport relaxes the muscles and thus reduces the corresponding cramps. Sport is therefore a good basis for lifelong prevention of jaw pain. Light gymnastics can also help to keep tense areas loose and adopt a better posture.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.