Swelling under the eye – causes, treatment and prevention

Swelling under the eye

Anyone who has swelling under the eye or finds that one – or both – eyes are swollen has to contend with a common everyday problem. There are many reasons why swelling occurs under the eye or the eyes are swollen. It often doesn’t always have to be a disease hiding behind the swelling; hereditary and age-related causes are also possible.

What is eye puffiness?

When swelling occurs under the eye, edema is often to blame. The swelling ultimately affects one or both eyelids or the entire eye and its region. The swelling can not only appear acutely (suddenly), but also become chronic.

It is important that the affected person has it checked to see whether the swelling is due to an allergy, an illness or no illness-related reason. However, swelling can also occur because of the bags under the eyes. This swelling of the bags under the eyes is an age-related cause that is not a disease in the usual sense. Even eyes that are swollen in the morning after getting up do not represent a disease value.


The reasons why swelling under the eye can occur are different and varied. Above all, the hereditary situation or family history can be decisive for the eyes to swell slightly. Another possibility is an allergic reaction to cosmetics. The swelling often occurs in connection with redness and itching . In a few cases, the entire face can swell due to the allergic reaction.Trauma – the familiar blow to the eye – can also cause swelling. If the swelling only occurs in the morning, it is possible that the lymph flow is disturbed. Above all, there is a disturbance in the lymph flow in that the position in bed is “too flat”. However, different foods consumed the day before can also cause eye swelling overnight. Among other things, protein-rich meals as well as snacks and alcohol are classic triggers for swelling that occurs under the eye.

Women often suffer – during menstruation – from swelling of the eyes . Swelling can also occur before ovulation. Other reasons are duvets filled with feathers, dry air (heating) or a kidney disorder such as the thyroid gland. Even high blood pressure can be a cause. In some cases, colds are also responsible for swelling under the eye.

Swelling under the eye can also be associated with a dental problem. Significant swelling can develop, especially with severe toothache . Dry and swollen eyes are also possible with long periods of computer work. Sometimes the swelling can also be caused by the contact lenses (if they are worn for too long). Inflammation of the eyelid margins, styes or inflammation of the conjunctiva are other factors that cause swelling. Bacterial inflammation can also sometimes be responsible for swelling under the eye.


When to the doctor?At first glance, swelling under the eye is not a clinical picture that needs to be examined by a specialist. As a rule, it is only a matter of water accumulation in the eyelids or in the tear sacs. Such swelling should go away on its own after a few hours.

However, swelling can also be caused by a bacterial infection. A stye, for example, is quite a painful affair that should not be taken too lightly. Such an infection should be observed very closely. As soon as the pain or the formation of pus increases, a doctor must be consulted immediately. This inflammation can only be contained and combated with appropriate ointments and creams.

If a foreign body in the eye is responsible for the swelling, a specialist should also be consulted. Self-experiments should definitely be avoided in this context. The human eye is a very sensitive organ that can be damaged very quickly. If it is only a small grain of sand, it can be rinsed out with a little water. Other foreign bodies should only be removed by an ophthalmologist.

diagnosis and course

In the end, the swelling under the eye has no pathological value. However, it is important that – in the event of spontaneous or recurring swelling – a doctor is consulted. Above all, the doctor should be contacted if not only swelling occurs, but the eye is itchy or reddened or the patient complains of pain.

In old age, swollen eyes can also indicate a weakening of an organ . In some cases, chronic diseases are also responsible. While acute swelling can be treated relatively easily, with chronic swelling it is important that the cause is identified. So there is no treatment of the swelling, but the treatment and therapy of the underlying disease, which is responsible for the symptom.

treatment and therapy

If the swelling is due to a cold, it can be treated with various cold medicines. Furthermore, light food and bed rest are recommended so that the body can regenerate. If the swelling occurs due to high blood pressure or if kidney or thyroid disorders are responsible, a specialist will use targeted therapy. Here, drugs are mainly administered to treat the underlying disease; the swelling is not treated.

If the swelling is the result of an allergy, the allergy must first be diagnosed. In treatments against allergic reactions, cortisone or antihistamines are mainly used. When treated by the ophthalmologist, he uses eye ointments as well as different eye drops . If the swelling under the eye occurs after a hard night’s sleep, cold compresses can provide relief.Cold tea bags or cucumber slices also work wonders. If there is inflammation , these agents should not be used. Here mainly anti-allergic bedding or air filters help.prevention

As a preventive measure, the patient should drink enough fluids or make sure that he gets enough sleep . In the case of underlying diseases, it is not possible for the swelling under the eye to be prevented or prevented.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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