Silica – Effect, Application & Risks


Silica consists largely of silicic acid , which contains the trace element silicon. In the form of finished preparations and dietary supplements, silica is used as a natural remedy. Homeopathy and Schuessler salts use silica under the scientific name Silicea.

What is silica?

The scientific name of silica is Silicea terra. Historically, this designation is very vague, because all minerals and sediments with a high silicon content are referred to as silica. The semi-metal contained in silica occurs in nature only in oxygen compounds. Silicon oxides in the form of silica are found in quartz or sea sand. However, they contain a high proportion of quartz, which can be harmful to health.

Effect and medical application

Silica in its capacity as “real healing earth” is obtained from diatoms, since the cell envelope enriched with silicon remains after the plant dies. Silica preparations are sold under this generic term, but it is not the earth itself that is important for the human organism, but the silica it contains. The silicic acid contains the important trace element silicon. This mineral trace element is responsible for special processes in the body, which contains traces of silicon in bone, cartilage and connective tissue. It supports the structure and build-up of hair , nails and teeth. It builds the structure of connective tissue and bones, forms collagenous tissue and ensures sufficient elasticity of skin and tissue.

Since the body cannot produce silicon itself, this trace element must be supplied through food . The silicon content in the body decreases with age, mainly skin , connective tissue, bones and teeth are affected. The elasticity of the connective tissue decreases, the first wrinkles appear, hair and nails become brittle. These signs of aging can be alleviated if the human organism is supplied with sufficient silicon in the form of silica. It ensures strong fingernails, strengthens hair and bones and stimulates the formation of elastin and collagen in the connective tissue fibers.

In the form of gel or cream, silica acts against germs and binds wound secretions. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes the healing of cold sores , sunburn , minor burns and wounds. Silica counteracts stomach and intestinal problems and is suitable for the treatment of cellulite and allergies . In the form of dietary supplements , homeopathic medicines and Schuessler salts, silica is used to treat psychological complaints, states of exhaustion and weakness, digestive problems, abscesses, boils , body odor and acne.

shapes and groups

Furthermore, silica is a component of homeopathic medicines and the Schuessler Salt No. 11. Both remedies are listed under the scientific name Silicea. These funds are suitable for long-term treatment. They are available as globules and tablets. Since silica preparations are not available in pharmacies, supermarkets, health food stores and drugstores also sell these medicines in the form of tablets, capsules, powder, gel and creams. Well-known manufacturers are Klosterfrau, Doppelherz, Altapharma and Abtei.


Most dietary supplements contain 200 mg of silica per capsule. The consumption recommendation is given with three tablets daily. As a homeopathic medicine, Selicia is taken as a tablet three times a day. Alternatively, five globules are administered three times a day. The Schuessler Salt No. 11 is taken three times a day. The recommended consumption of silica powder is one to three teaspoons a day. Silica combines well with vitamin B , biotin , zinc and brewer’s yeast preparations, which have a similar effect.

Herbal, natural and pharmaceutical alternatives

There are also alternative preparations to treat the aforementioned ailments. Orthomed Orthonom® from Nutrisell, tablets in different dosages from Taxofit and Neurodoron® from Weleda are suitable for combating tiredness and exhaustion . Wobenzym®plus- and Phlogenzymaktiv® from Mucos Pharma, Bone Strength Calcuium 600+ from Abtei and frankincense tablets from Kräuterhaus Sanct Bernhard help to support stable bone formation.

Pantovigar® from Merz Pharmaceuticals and brewer’s yeast tablets from Doppelherz support the growth of hair and nails. Solidago Steiner from Aristo Pharma and Wobenyzm® act against inflammation and pain in the bones . Lasea® softgels are a lavender-based herbal calming agent that counteracts restlessness, nervousness and anxiety.

Interactions and side effects

If silica is taken orally in the form of tablets, powder, homeopathic medicines or as Schuessler salt in normal amounts, it is non-toxic. Before users decide to take silica preparations, they should read the packaging and the manufacturer’s instructions critically. Some time ago, these preparations fell into disrepute as harmful to health. Physicians and consumer associations criticized the lack of scientific evidence for the healing properties of silica.

Due to their ingredients, these preparations were classified as harmful to health and their marketability was doubted. However, the criticism was not directed against the effectiveness of silica as such, but against the composition of the preparations. However, the products criticized were not preparations made from real, high-quality silica, but products that were manufactured on the basis of the quartz and sand crystals found in quartz and sea sand.

High-quality silica is extracted from fossil deposits and is not harmful to health. Urinary and kidney stone formation can only occur if silica is taken in very high doses over a long period of time . Allergic reactions rarely occur, interactions with other natural and pharmaceutical drugs are not known. If you stick to the manufacturer’s dosage recommendations, you don’t have to fear unwanted side effects and reactions. Since there is no scientific evidence to date, many manufacturers point out on their package inserts that the healing effect is based exclusively on experience and tradition.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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