Vitamin B12 deficiency – causes, symptoms & therapy

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

A whole series of external and internal causes can lead to an undersupply and a vitamin B12 deficiency in the human organism . Many people often suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency without even knowing it.

What is vitamin B12 deficiency?

The expression vitamin B12 deficiency hides a special condition of the organism. In this context, it is about the fact that there is too little vitamin B12 in the body . Vitamin B12 deficiency affects the organic substance also known as cobolamine. If there is too little of this active vitamin, various health impairments can result, so that a permanent vitamin B12 deficiency is definitely noticeable.

A healthy person needs to consume at least 3 micrograms of this organic substance every day to avoid vitamin B12 deficiency. People who are grouped into special risk groups and in whom a vitamin B12 deficiency is predominantly observed are particularly common.


Within the framework of the etiology, the disease triggers responsible for vitamin B12 deficiency, there are several causes. Vitamin B12 deficiency can develop when patients live without a stomach, who have been diagnosed with chronic gastritis or who need very specific medications.Without a stomach, no so-called intrinsic factor can develop, so that the body can no longer absorb the vitamin B12 supplied through food. People who no longer have a stomach after cancer surgery usually suffer from a vitamin B12 deficiency. A strict vegan or vegetarian diet, an infestation with fish tapeworm and celiac disease are also responsible for subsequent vitamin B12 deficiency.

The causal relationships between a vitamin B12 deficiency and internal and influencing factors are expanded by the presence of autoantibodies against the parietal cells responsible for the intrinsic factor. These are destroyed by the body’s own immune system, resulting in a vitamin B12 deficiency. Diseases with genetic causes such as Imerslund-Gräsbeck syndrome are also associated with a vitamin B12 deficiency.

symptoms and course

Typical symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency:

The vitamin B12 deficiency shows itself in predominantly clear signs. If the undersupply is not compensated for after a long time, pernicious anemia occurs as a result . Too little hemoglobin is formed, those affected are pale, weak, tired, have breathing problems (usually bluish lips and fingernails) and feel weak.

In addition, a vitamin B12 deficiency can trigger failures and diseases in the nervous system and cause painful symptoms and paralysis. The skin and mucous membranes show massive changes with a persistent vitamin B12 deficiency. Those affected by a vitamin B12 deficiency also show symptoms such as an increased sensitivity to pain, muscle weakness, high blood pressure , headaches and problems concentrating, as well as depression and allergies .


The diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency is based on the specialist’s visual perception and various blood tests, as well as a bone marrow examination and a biopsy of the stomach tissue when pernicious anemia is suspected. Liver values ​​are also examined. In the foreground of the diagnosis of a vitamin B12 deficiency is the information provided by the patient ( stomach pain , pregnancy ).

In the context of modern early detection of vitamin B12 deficiency, a so-called sensitive biomarker can also be important. The lifestyle of those affected also plays an important role in diagnosing a vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 deficiency is quite common in infants and alcoholics.

treatment and therapy

The therapy for an existing vitamin B12 deficiency is always based on the results of the general and differential diagnostics. The fact that a vitamin B12 deficiency is already a widespread disease can already compensate for an undersupply by changing the composition of the diet and taking dietary supplements . This approach to an existing vitamin B12 deficiency is particularly recommended for vegetarians and vegans.

In conventional medicine, specialists rely on correct treatment for vitamin B12 deficiency, which they implement by prescribing drugs with hydroxocobolamine or cyanocobolamine. These drugs are beneficial against vitamin B12 deficiency if the patient has an intact digestive tract.

In addition to the drugs in tablet form for oral intake, injections with vitamin B12 can also be helpful. If the vitamin is administered by intramuscular injections, this must always be done in combination with folic acid so that better absorption through the stomach can be achieved.

The injections are usually carried out several times throughout the year, so that a continuous supply of vitamin B12 against a vitamin B12 deficiency can be achieved. Pharmaceutical preparations that are available as lozenges or dragees are also particularly cheap. These are mainly prescribed to pregnant women against a vitamin B12 deficiency.


A vitamin B12 deficiency can be prevented with high doses of food supplements and a balanced, healthy diet if there are no health problems with the digestive tract (no stomach).Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers can also counteract vitamin B12 deficiency in good time by taking the recommended dose of 3.5 to 4 micrograms. This can be implemented with food, with foods high in vitamin B12 or with suitable medication.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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