Pus under the nail
Pus under the nail is caused by nail inflammation. A distinction is made between nail bed and nail wall inflammation.
What is pus under the nail?
One of the most common side effects of painful nail infections is the accumulation of pus under the nail. Pus forms as a result of tissue breakdown and is considered a biological breakdown product of the body. The pus is usually a yellowish discharge and is caused by an inflammatory reaction in the cells. The formation of pus is a signal that the organism is fighting inflammation. Chief among these inflammations is nail inflammation, which occurs on either a toenail or a fingernail.
Fingernails and toenails are made up of the nail, which in turn consists of keratin, the nail plate, the nail fold, the nail wall and the nail bed. There is a firm connection between the nail plate and the nail bed underneath. At the edges of the nail there is a seamless transition into the deeper layers of skin. A fold of skin surrounds the nail on its sides. While the two side sections are called the nail fold, it is the area at the nail root around the nail wall, which is covered by a cuticle.
However, the transition region between skin and nail is extremely susceptible to infection. If the nail fold or cuticle is injured, there is a risk of harmful germs penetrating the organism and spreading to the nail wall and nail bed, where they cause purulent inflammation. Depending on where the inflammation of the nail occurs, doctors differentiate between nail wall inflammation and nail bed inflammation.
Pus under the toenail or fingernail forms as part of various infections. Most purulent inflammations appear in the sensitive transition region between the nail and the adjacent skin . Bacteria are responsible for the infections . These include primarily streptococci and staphylococci . In some cases, however, fungi can also be responsible for inflammation. The microorganisms enter the body through small injured areas on the nail fold or cuticle. From there they multiply and penetrate further into the adjacent tissue.
Not infrequently, the small skin injuries are caused by too intensive care of the toenails or fingernails. One of the most common causes of pus build-up under the toenail is the ingrown toenail, which usually occurs on the big toe. Cutting the big toe incorrectly or wearing shoes that are too tight are usually responsible for a purulent ingrown toenail. The pressure causes the edge of the nail to shift into the nail bed, which in turn irritates the skin and usually results in purulent inflammation. Sometimes toenail ingrowth is also inherited.
Also at risk for purulent nail infections are people who frequently bite their fingernails . But nail injuries such as bruises are also among the triggers for the formation of pus under the affected nail. There is also a high risk potential for nail inflammation in diabetics. This is more common in them than in healthy people.
The development of pus under the nail is accompanied by redness, swelling of the tissue, overheating and pain. The latter occur primarily when the abscessed area is touched. In some cases, a rhythmic throbbing can also be felt. The severe pain is due to the pressure of the pus that has accumulated under the nail. In the case of a nail infection, it is difficult for the pus to escape to the outside, resulting in accumulation in the tissue. In addition, there is a risk that the infection will spread further and affect soft tissue, joints , bones or tendon sheaths. The chronic form is less painful than the acute purulent nail inflammation. This often shows up on several nails.
- nail inflammation
- nail injury
When to the doctor?
Pus under the nail often develops when the nail or nail bed becomes inflamed. In most cases, it will heal on its own after about a week. Nail damage has external causes or can be triggered by a deficiency in the organism.
To clarify the internal symptoms, a doctor should be consulted. This carries out appropriate tests to show the deficiency of the vitamin or mineral. In the case of external causes, nail care should be checked and optimized. A dermatologist can provide helpful support.
If the finger is cut, contamination of the wound can lead to the formation of pus, which spreads under the nail. The wound heals within the next few days and does not require medical attention. If the pus formation persists for a long time or if it spreads further, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Diseases such as diabetes, bone inflammation or an infection can hide behind the symptom of pus under the nail.
You should also see a doctor if you develop other symptoms such as pain or restricted movement of the finger in question. If the pus occurs after an accident or a bruise , only a doctor can clarify whether there is further or permanent damage to the finger.
diagnosis and course
If the formation of pus does not go away after three days and the patient suffers from severe pain and swelling, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The doctor can usually identify the nail inflammation based on the typical symptoms. In some cases, he makes a smear from the abscessed area of skin. This sample is then analyzed in detail under a microscope in a laboratory to identify the pathogen. If chronic nail inflammation is suspected, the doctor will ask about the patient’s lifestyle and investigate possible causes.
The course of a purulent nail infection depends on its extent and when treatment is given. An untreated inflammation of the nail can lead to complications such as bone inflammation or tendonitis, which are very painful and require complex therapy. However, if the purulent inflammation is treated medically at an early stage, it can be expected to heal after just a few days. Since the pus under the nail is a side effect of the inflammation, it also disappears when the infection improves.
treatment and therapy
To treat a purulent nail bed infection, the discharge of the pus is necessary. For this purpose, a minor surgical procedure is performed, during which the patient is given a local anesthetic. In the case of superficial nail bed inflammation, a fine cut along the nail wall is usually sufficient. If, on the other hand, the inflammation goes deeper, the edge of the nail must be exposed. If the accumulation of pus is under the nail, it is opened or even completely removed. In this way, the pus drains to the outside, which quickly leads to an improvement in the symptoms.
If the purulent inflammation of the nail is caused by an ingrown toenail, the surgeon removes the affected corner of the nail, which burrows into the tissue. After that, the purulent inflammation quickly subsides. Since the sore spot is extremely sensitive for the first few days, it should be temporarily protected from irritation with a bandage or plaster .
outlook and prognosis
Pus under the nail is caused by an existing inflammation, which leads to the formation of pus. A positive outlook is very much dependent on whether drug treatment is taking place or not. If no treatment is given at all, the production of pus under the nail will increase significantly. The pain will also increase, so that the affected person will be severely restricted in everyday life. Such an inflammation can last for several weeks, resulting in a very unpleasant course of the disease.
However, if the affected person opts for drug treatment, then the healing and prognosis for an early healing looks much better. With appropriate medication, the inflammation can be combated in a targeted and effective manner, so that a significant improvement can be expected after just two to three days. The formation of pus will also decrease significantly, as will the existing pain. Anyone who finds pus under their own nails can positively influence the prospect of healing with appropriate treatment. Complications are not to be expected, so that there is absolutely nothing standing in the way of a full and speedy recovery.
If purulent nail inflammation occurs more frequently, it is recommended to avoid the triggering factors for prevention. Careful nail care and wearing well-fitting shoes are also important.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.