Pus in ear
Painful abnormalities, hearing disorders and pus in the ear are among the symptoms that occur in both small children and adults of different age groups.
What is pus in the ear?
Pus in the ear is a process based on bacterial pathogens . Behind the term pus is a natural degradation product, which is caused by the immunizing forces of the organism.
Pus in the ear, also known as pus in the ear in medical jargon, is caused by the decomposition of tissue and the leukocytes ( white blood cells ) involved in the immune system, which usually include the lymphocytes. Pus in the ear is a process called suppuration or purulent discharge.
As with any disease that is accompanied by the formation of pus, very different triggering criteria can also be considered for pus in the ear. In addition to an inflammation of the ear canal or otitis externa, this reaction can also be caused by a middle ear infection or otitis media as well as injuries and foreign bodies.
The causalities of pus in the ear are expanded by the inner ear infection. Sometimes there are also irritations of the skin, which are caused by friction and turn out to be a purulent pimple or abscess .
These inflammatory processes associated with pus in the ear are caused by bacteria. Various viruses and fungi that have gotten into the ear, for example, through the ingress of water, are also considered to be the cause of pus in the ear. There is also a range of allergies, minor injuries and metabolic diseases that can cause pus in the ear.
- inner ear inflammation
When to the doctor?
Pus in the ear is always a sign of inflammation. If there is a purulent discharge in the inner ear, in most cases it is a simple middle ear infection. Such an inflammation does not necessarily have to be treated by a doctor if the inflammation subsides within two to four days.
If purulent discharge persists after this time , antibiotics should be resorted to. If there is no improvement after that, you should urgently seek the advice of a doctor. A supposedly harmless middle ear infection can turn into a dangerous infection.
If blood comes out of the inner ear in addition to pus, this is a sign of a damaged eardrum . If the discharge of pus from the middle ear cannot drain properly, internal pressure builds up in the ear. This pressure can lead to a rupture of the eardrum.
If you experience severe and unusual pain from an infection, you should see a doctor immediately. In general, an ear infection should not go untreated. Anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken from the start. If the purulent discharge increases, further measures must be taken urgently.
diagnosis and course
The course, in which pus accumulates in the ear or simply drains through the auricle, is characterized by various unpleasant symptoms. Since pus in the ear is primarily an infection and inflammation , the typical symptoms are heat, redness and swelling , and earache .
Since pus in the ear does not always manifest itself externally, a targeted diagnosis is required. For these measures, the general or ear, nose and throat doctor relies on special instruments. An assessment of the auditory canal by means of an examination with a so-called ear mirror initially brings clarity to pus in the ear.
If the intensive palpation of the ear cartilage proves to be painful, if purulent or bloody deposits appear in the ear canal or hearing impairments, these can be important indications of pus in the ear. Persistent itching of the ear canal and massive redness are also indications of pus in the ear.
If there is pus in the ear, this is usually due to an acute middle ear infection. It is most often the result of a viral or bacterial infection in the upper respiratory tract, which then spreads to the middle ear. Pathogens rarely get through the perforated eardrum.
In the case of a middle ear infection, the so-called Eustachian tube (= auditory tube), which forms a connection between the middle ear and the nasopharynx, usually swells up. As a result, there can no longer be a pressure equalization between the middle ear and the environment, and negative pressure develops in the middle ear. As a result, a secretion is formed, which accumulates in the middle ear and forms a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, which can continue to multiply under the circumstances.
Severe earache with impaired hearing is the result. As a result, more and more pus accumulates, which, however, can only flow with difficulty through the swollen auditory tube, increasing pressure builds up, which puts a strain on the middle ear and especially the eardrum, which can tear so that the pus can flow out. This can scar the eardrum and cause permanent hearing damage.
Further complications are, on the one hand, the dreaded mastoiditis , an inflammation of the bony mastoid process on the temporal bone. The inflammation can also spread to the meninges or the brain, meningitis and brain abscesses are the consequences, which can be accompanied by paralysis. The inner ear can also be affected, resulting in inner ear deafness or unpleasant ringing in the ears.
treatment and therapy
Depending on the causes, very different variants can be considered for the treatment of pus in the ear. For example, if the ear canal is inflamed and pus has formed in the ear, only surgical removal of the pus can help. In contrast, pus in the ear caused by an otitis media is much easier to get rid of.
It is enough to allow the outflow of pus in the ear by inserting a small tube. This treatment option fulfills two functions: on the one hand, pus in the ear can drain continuously and, on the other hand, the healing process of the middle ear is accelerated through better ventilation. Boils in the ear, which are manifested by improper cleaning of the ears or by an infection, also lead to pus in the ear.
In addition to the administration of antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drugs , the introduction of ointments with cortisone can bring relief. If pus accumulates in the ear in the boils, causing pain, the pus must be surgically removed with the boil. In most cases, even the surgical opening of the furuncle can be enough to allow pus to flow out of the ear by itself.
outlook and prognosis
In most cases, pus in the ear is caused by a bacterial infection. The course of the disease is very difficult to predict, as it depends very much on whether treatment takes place. If there is an accumulation of pus in the ear, there is a high probability that there will also be severe pain in the ear.
If there is no treatment by a doctor, the existing pain will significantly worsen. Under certain circumstances, such an infection can spread throughout the body, resulting in a bacterial infection. Headaches , an elevated temperature, nausea or vomiting occur .
If you see a doctor early on if you have pus in your ear, you can avoid or effectively combat the complications just mentioned. The inflammation is alleviated by anti-inflammatory agents, so that the production of pus fluid is curbed. Within a few days, the affected person should be able to hear a significant improvement.
If an infection is already present, treatment by a doctor is of course unavoidable. In particularly bad cases, it can even lead to a flu-like infection , so that the lives of older people can be in acute danger. Pus in the ear can take a varied course of the disease.
In order to avoid pus in the ear, it is advisable to implement individual preventive rules that are quite easy to implement. Especially with small children, it is important to make sure that they do not sit in drafts. Wearing a hat is mandatory both in the summer wind and in cold seasons.If the ears are cleaned, special care must be taken. Proceed gently to ensure that no pus develops in the ear due to injuries or earwax being pushed back into the auditory canal and the inner area of the ear.
If there are problems with cleaning the ears, this can also be done by a doctor so that no pus can be released in the ear. If you are unsure, only the outer ear should be cleaned. If possible, no foreign bodies should get into the ears of small children or adults. This can also be dust that leads to pus in the ear.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.