Pressure in the head
At least every second adult complains about an unpleasant and annoying pressure in the head in the course of the year. Headaches with the special sensation of pressure in the head are therefore widespread and a frequent reason for visiting a doctor’s office.
What is head pressure?
Pressure in the head is a common expression of so-called tension headaches. Patients usually describe the feeling of pressure in the head as dull, throbbing and occurring on both sides. In most people, this is a temporary phenomenon of a specific form of headache. However, if the pressure in the head persists for weeks and does not respond to any therapeutic measures, the symptoms tend to become chronic. In people plagued by headaches of this type, the symptoms typically occur several times a month, interrupted by seizure-free intervals.
Even if the symptoms persist or occur more frequently, the causes of a pulling or pressing in the head are usually harmless. To date, however, it has not been possible to find out exactly what causes the pressure in the head at the cellular level. Muscular tension in the neck, throat and shoulder girdle can be a trigger, as can so-called trigger points, which can also be painful under mechanical pressure.In addition, a disturbance in pain processing in certain brain regions could be determined in chronic courses. Other risk factors for the development of a feeling of pressure in the head in the sense of tension headaches are feverish infections , negative stress or genetic factors. It has been shown that pressure in the head can run in families.
Furthermore, certain patient groups have an increased risk of developing feelings of pressure in the head. These include, for example, diabetics , overweight people or patients with joint arthrosis . Only in a few cases is the pressure or pounding in the head an expression of a more serious or even life-threatening illness such as a brain tumor .
When to the doctor?
Long-lasting pressure in the head can have many different causes, so that medical and drug treatment may even be necessary. A bacterial infection is often responsible for permanent pressure in the head. Anyone suffering from pressure in the head for more than two days should see a doctor as soon as possible. Appropriate medication can be used to treat such an infection quickly and effectively. However, if you do not go to the doctor, you are taking a big risk. If the visit to the doctor is put off, the pressure in the head will most likely get much worse.
In addition, side effects appear in many cases, which also aggravate the condition of the person concerned. The side effects mentioned include an elevated temperature, nausea , vomiting, body aches and general malaise. Therefore, people who suffer from permanent pressure in the head should see a doctor as soon as possible. A serious underlying disease can only be recognized by treatment by a doctor. However, if you completely avoid treatment by a doctor in such a case, you must expect a significant deterioration in your general condition.
symptoms and course
Typical symptoms:
- throbbing in the head
Pressure in the head is mainly noticeable through a boring, pressing and dull pain characteristic. Many patients describe to the doctor as if the whole head was clamped in a vise. While pressure in the head as the main symptom of a tension headache usually occurs on both sides, pressure in the head in migraines is almost always described unilaterally. Sensitivity to light or noise is usually not limited, but it is very sensitive to migraines as the cause of pressure in the head.
In the case of pressure in the head caused by a tension headache, the symptoms do not worsen, in contrast to migraines. The symptoms of pressure sensations in the head vary from patient to patient, which does not always make it easy for the doctor to classify the diagnosis. Pressure in the head can last from hours and days to several weeks. If the constricting vise feeling occurs more than four times a month, headache experts are already talking about a chronic course. In addition to the pressure in the head, the shoulder and neck muscles of those affected are often very tense.
The diagnosis requires patience and empathy on the part of the doctor and is initially based on thorough questioning of the patient regarding the intensity, nature of the pain or secondary symptoms such as sleep disorders or drug abuse. In addition to the general physical examination, it may also be necessary to take a blood sample and carry out further diagnostics using imaging methods , for example to rule out space-occupying processes or multiple sclerosis . If the family doctor does not get any further, he will arrange for a neurological examination by a specialist for the differential diagnosis. Reflexes and the functioning of the brain and spinal cord are examined.
In most cases, pressure in the head leads to relatively unpleasant feelings and thus reduces the quality of life enormously. Those affected suffer from severe headaches, which can also spread to other regions of the body. In the case of a chronic course, the pressure in the head can also lead to sleep disorders and thus to irritability in the patient. Patients also suffer from neck tension and increased sensitivity to light and sound. Due to the pressure in the head, it is no longer possible to carry out various activities without further ado.
Thinking is also restricted and concentration is disrupted. If the symptoms persist for a longer period of time, it can also lead to psychological problems or depression . In many cases, a quick diagnosis is not possible because the feeling of pressure in the head can be caused by various reasons. This condition can be treated with medication or therapy. However, a general course of the disease cannot be predicted. Painkillers should not be taken for long periods of time as they can damage the stomach.
treatment and therapy
If, despite extensive diagnostics, no physical cause can be found for pressure in the head, then symptomatic treatment is given. For this purpose, common non-steroidal painkillers as well as natural healing methods such as aromatherapy or acupuncture are used. The prognosis of pressure in the head as an expression of tension, incorrect posture or stress is generally quite good. Because even if there is no therapy, the pressure in the head can often disappear by itself.
There is a greater need for therapy, especially in the case of chronic courses. The therapeutic measures can then be extended to physiotherapy, biofeedback or infusion therapy with muscle relaxants. If the pressure in the head is medication-induced, those affected must first learn to get by without headache medication if possible. In children, the pharmacological agent flupirtine is also used for pressure problems in the head area.
Chronic headache patients are often recommended by their family doctor to visit a so-called headache outpatient clinic, which is available at many German university clinics. Under day-patient multimodal conditions and with the help of psychological exploration, there are therapeutic opportunities even for chronic pain patients who were previously considered therapy-resistant. The symptom of pressure in the head is treated conservatively almost without exception, unless a brain tumor or an anatomical change in the cerebral vessels has been identified.
Due to the high level of suffering, the prevention of feelings of pressure in the head is of great importance. Even the negative expectations can favor the occurrence of new complaints. Therefore, therapeutic intervention should be initiated as early as possible.
A combination of stress management strategies and the prescription of mildly dosed antidepressants has proven to be effective prevention. Lots of exercise in the fresh air, avoiding one-sided postures at work and consistently avoiding stimulants also have a preventive effect.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.