Hypersensitivity to noise – causes, symptoms & therapy

Noise hypersensitivity

How pleasant the volume of a noise level is perceived varies greatly from person to person. However, if the subjective volume tolerance threshold deviates significantly from the norm, this is referred to as noise hypersensitivity . Affected people already find quiet to normal loud ambient noises unpleasant – the psychological discomfort is often accompanied by physical stress reactions.

What is noise hypersensitivity?

Hypersensitivity to noise (hyperacusis) occurs in about 8 percent of the population. It is accompanied by a disturbance in acoustic stimulus reception, transmission or processing.

As a result, severe symptoms of hypersensitivity to noise can occur in those affected even in frequency ranges below 100 dB, which are normally not perceived as unpleasant. Hypersensitivity to noise can be treated well with hearing therapy and, if necessary, targeted treatment of underlying diseases.


The causes of hypersensitivity to noise are varied and not yet fully understood. In general, a noisy living and working environment as well as a hectic lifestyle promote the development of the disorder. Hypersensitivity to noise occurs most frequently in connection with diseases that can disrupt normal stimulus processing: 

  • Organic diseases/injuries to the ear, auditory canal or brain
  • For people with sensorineural hearing loss: “Recruitment” (lack of volume equalization due to illness)

Mental illnesses – especially anxiety disorders – are the most common causes. They put the body on permanent alert by increasing the release of stress transmitters (adrenaline, dopamine). This nervous state of excitement can lead to strong mental and physical overreactions even to slight stimuli, such as normal ambient noise.

In some cases, nerve damage caused by neurological diseases can also lead to a disruption of important filter mechanisms in the transmission of stimuli. Finally, after accidents (especially those involving craniocerebral trauma ), organic injuries can occur that can cause hypersensitivity to noise.

When to the doctor?

Hypersensitivity to noise should always be examined and clarified by a doctor, even if it is mild and causes only a few impairments in everyday life. In some cases, diseases are present that have a chronic course and thus lead to an increase in symptoms. Early detection is important here so that the optimal treatment steps can be initiated. In addition, a doctor should be consulted as soon as symptoms such as headaches , nausea or a feeling of pressure inside the head occur. A doctor should be consulted if there is a pulling or stabbing sensation in the ears or in the head.

If there are changes in behavior, a visit to the doctor is also advisable. Mood swings , irritability or an aggressive appearance put a strain on the affected person and the immediate environment. Therefore, investigations must be carried out and treatment initiated. If there is inner restlessness, imbalance or a feeling of being constantly overwhelmed by the symptoms, a doctor’s visit is necessary.

A doctor must be consulted in the event of concentration disorders or impairments of attention. If the general level of performance is reduced or if the risk of an accident increases, medical care can provide relief. If there is an insecurity in walking or a loss of balance, a doctor is also needed. If the person concerned suffers from ringing in the ears, he should consult a doctor, as this symptom is to be classified as worrying.

symptoms and course

Typical symptoms:

The accompanying symptoms of hypersensitivity to noise usually correspond to typical stress symptoms, such as inner restlessness, nervousness, accelerated pulse, irritability and jumpiness, sleep disorders, muscle tension, feeling unwell up to and including depressive moods, and tinnitus often occurs as a frequent accompanying symptom.

The course of the disorder depends on the underlying cause. Mental illnesses and disorders of stress regulation are usually easily treatable if therapy is started in good time. Since those affected tend to avoid noisy environments for self-protection, early help is also important because there is a risk of social isolation. In organic injuries and neurological diseases, the prognosis depends on the severity of the damage.


The family doctor or the ear, nose and throat doctor are often the first point of contact for complaints of hypersensitivity to noise. Hearing tests allow the doctor to get an idea of ​​the patient’s volume tolerance threshold. If an examination of the ear and the auditory canal does not reveal any indications of organic causes or injuries, a thorough medical history can be used to check for signs of other diseases that can be considered as causes.

Suspected diagnoses relating to diseases of the nervous system can be clarified by MRIs and other neurological examinations if necessary. In some cases, blood tests (e.g. if Lyme disease is suspected) can also be revealing. However, particular attention is paid to the living conditions of the patient, since in most cases there is a psychological cause behind the hypersensitivity to noise.


Hypersensitivity to noise is always very unpleasant for those affected and can lead to a significant restriction and reduction in quality of life. It is not uncommon for this complaint to lead to psychological problems or even depression and has a very negative effect on the everyday life of the person concerned. Those affected suffer from high blood pressure and also from heart palpitations. There is a significantly increased irritability and tension. Inner restlessness and sweating or panic attacks can also occur due to hypersensitivity to noise and make everyday life more difficult.

Especially in stressful situations, the symptoms are very unpleasant. It is not uncommon for patients to also suffer from tinnitus or other permanent thrashing that occurs in the ears. In some cases, the patients are no longer able to do their job due to the hypersensitivity to noise.

A causal treatment of hypersensitivity to noise is not possible in most cases. However, the symptoms can be alleviated with hearing aids or various therapies. There are no compilations. However, a positive course of the disease cannot be guaranteed. The noise hypersensitivity itself does not lead to a reduction in the life expectancy of the affected person.

treatment and therapy

Treatment for hypersensitivity to noise depends on the underlying cause. If psychological disorders prove to be the triggering factors, psychotherapy is usually recommended; in more severe cases, additional treatment with psychotropic drugs may be indicated. Mood stabilizing, calming and anxiolytic drugs can be used here.

Over-the-counter herbal remedies to calm the autonomic nervous system can also contribute to better stress regulation. Basically, if you are sensitive to noise, which can primarily be interpreted as a symptom of stress, it is advisable to rethink your own life situation and eliminate stress factors as much as possible.

In particular, when the hypersensitivity to noise occurs together with tinnitus for which no organic cause can be found, treatment with the aim of eliminating the symptoms is often difficult. Instead, special hearing therapies are used here that aim to change how disturbing noises are dealt with. 

In particular, those affected should learn to divert their focus of attention away from the unpleasant disruptive stimuli. Hyperacusis patients with strong avoidance tendencies are slowly reintroduced to louder noise environments. This can be achieved, for example, with a so-called “noiser” – a device that generates noise. Wearing these devices trains your hearing to better filter out background noise.

Due to the habituation effect, there is often a significant improvement in the symptoms of hypersensitivity to noise. The vicious circle of focusing on the disruptive stimuli – and their increased perception – is broken.


In principle, hypersensitivity to noise can be prevented by avoiding a stress-causing lifestyle. If you have a general disposition that is sensitive to stimuli, a quiet residential area can have a very beneficial effect. Your own stimulus tolerance threshold should also be taken seriously.If the noise level is uncomfortably loud (e.g. at concerts), hearing protection should be used if necessary. This measure not only protects against noise oversensitivity, but is also generally useful in order to protect the hearing functions that are susceptible to interference.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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