Neck – function, structure & complaints


The neck has various structures and viscera and is made up of bones , muscles , cartilages as well as arteries and tendons as well as glands and veins . The interaction of all these factors makes it possible for human well-being to exist.


The neck is the connection between the body and the head . The spine , for example, runs through the neck , which subsequently ensures that the human head is not immobile but can be moved. Furthermore, numerous tissue structures are bundled in the throat, which are of the utmost importance for the respiratory, movement, digestive and endocrine systems.

Even if the neck has to fulfill many important tasks, it is only slightly protected – for example to other parts of the body. Ultimately, only the muscles and skin cover the spine and neck organs. This means that the neck is a vulnerable and very sensitive area.


The neck begins at the lower edge of the jaw . The body is defined by the collarbone and breastbone. The back of the neck is defined by the spine.

It goes from the 7th cervical vertebra to the Atlas, the skull-bearing and first cervical vertebra (also called C1). The back of the neck is called the nape . It is not only the spine that runs in the neck; the vagus nerve, the aorta , and the trachea and esophagus in the neck are also present.

This also means that the food and air supply is also stationed in the throat. The vocal cords are located in the larynx . Outside the larynx are the thyroid glands , which play an important role in human hormone balance. The lymph nodes and tonsils are also located in the neck . The lymph nodes are also part of the lymphatic system.


The spine is responsible for keeping the head mobile. It is possible for humans to breathe through the trachea . Humans can take in food or pass it on to the stomach via the esophagus . The larynx also has two functions. So it not only closes the trachea with the epiglottis when the person eats, but also ensures that – through the intake of food – the airways are not obstructed or impaired.

Furthermore, the larynx ensures that voice formation and speech are made possible (vocal cords). Whether a person speaks, shouts or sings – without the larynx no articulation would be possible. Furthermore, there is also an influence on the metabolism in the throat. The thyroids are responsible for this. Relatively important components of the immune system are also present in the throat. These include the tonsils, which belong to the lymphatic pharyngeal ring.


The most well-known limitation or injury is the “stiff neck”. Muscle overload or postural problems can be responsible for this. With movement exercises, it is possible to loosen the “stiff neck” again. Similar symptoms occur with wear and tear, and treatment is often complicated and lengthy.

Another condition that can affect the throat is inflammation of the larynx or the lining of the larynx. There is a hoarseness ; the patient often has to cough . If there is a very strong swelling of the mucous membrane, breathing difficulties can sometimes occur.

A classic illness is a sore throat. The reasons are varied. It is either a harmless cold or tonsillitis . If home remedies or various throat lozenges do not help, the doctor must diagnose whether tonsillitis is present or not. Another condition is the underactive or overactive thyroid gland.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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