Middle back pain
When middle back pain occurs, the most common source of pain is the lower ribs. The causes are very varied, but can usually be diagnosed without further complications. Prompt treatment and pain relief are key to improving the patient’s quality of life.
Middle back pain is relatively rare. If they do arise, their existence on one or both sides is possible in principle. If the middle back hurts, the thoracic spine is usually responsible. Because this is less sensitive than the lumbar spine, lower back pain is much more common. A distinction is made between acute, subacute and chronic back pain.
Acute back pain becomes noticeable for the first time or after a 6-week break. In the case of subacute pain, the pain lasts for at least six weeks. Chronic back pain is when the sensation lasts longer than three months. The pain is not always the same, but can vary in intensity.
Middle back pain can be triggered by numerous causes. Pain is particularly common when the spine is deformed. Scoliosis is an example of a deformation. In this case, the curvature of the spine deviates from the norm, and individual vertebrae can also exhibit asymmetry. Most of the population has scoliosis, although most people have only a mild form of it. It is innate or develops through individual behavior over the course of life.
In addition to deformations, the pain is often caused by incorrect loading . The main focus here is on the different muscles , tendons and ligaments. Incorrectly performed exercises during sports can lead to strains , which express the pain in the middle back. Another major muscular player is the serratus posterior inferior muscle. This is a muscle that is particularly helpful when exhaling. Tensions are expressed in breathing difficulties and pain. In addition, herniated discs, obesity, arthrosis and organic factors come into question.
When to the doctor?
Middle back pain should be reported to a doctor if it persists for several days. If they occur after physical exertion, such as carrying heavy objects, it is often sufficient to take protective measures. Warmth, rest, and a bath will help release tension within a few hours. If this does not succeed, a doctor’s visit is necessary.
If the pain spreads to the upper or lower back, a doctor must be consulted. If there are impairments in locomotion, sitting, standing or lying down, a doctor should also be consulted. The pain leads to a reduction in general well-being and prevents you from performing everyday tasks. Therefore, the causes must be clarified and treatment must be initiated.
Before taking pain-relieving medication or if you have other complaints such as sensory disturbances in your back, you should consult a doctor. In order to avoid a deterioration in the state of health, further examinations must be carried out. If symptoms such as disturbances of consciousness or dizziness occur, a doctor must be consulted as soon as possible. There is organic damage that leads to a life-threatening condition if medical care is not provided in a timely manner. If the person concerned is overweight, this can trigger the pain. A doctor’s visit is highly recommended.
diagnosis and course
A detailed medical history helps in the diagnosis. The patient should be able to differentiate the exact origin of the pain and provide further information about how long the symptoms have existed. The questions also help to find out whether an overload may have occurred. If the pain is reduced to the middle back, it is likely that there is a deformity of the spine or muscle tension.
Fever indicates inflammation. The symptom of middle back pain is so common that an accurate diagnosis and observation of any accompanying symptoms are important. During the physical examination, the back is palpated professionally. Tensions in the muscles or a deformation of the spine can be seen here. If there is an initial suspicion, X-rays may be necessary. If the doctor suspects an organic cause, such as kidney disease, he orders a blood test .
treatment and therapy
Therapy depends on the diagnosis. In the case of muscle tension, the focus is increasingly on releasing it. Massages and gymnastics will help here . Heat can also have a supporting effect, as it stimulates blood circulation. In addition, various stretching exercises should be used. Scoliosis is not uncommon in the population and does not always have to be treated.
Therapy is only recommended if pain persists. Then it is to be expected that the scoliosis is pronounced to a high degree. In order to correct them, conservative methods are used first. It is important to effectively build up and stabilize the back muscles. Most patients go to physiotherapy for this. If a severe scoliosis is already recognized in children, the therapy can include a corset. This should guarantee the maintenance of the spine and cause the deformation to grow out.
If conservative methods are unsuccessful, there is also the option of surgery. Titanium rods on the vertebrae deprive the spine of the option of not straightening up. Intervertebral discs sit between the individual vertebrae. These distribute the pressure evenly and consist of a fibrous ring and a gelatinous core. The fibrous ring can become porous or tear as a result of signs of wear and tear or incorrect loading, causing the gelatinous core to escape and possibly compressing nerves.
The therapy can consist of an operation, but in many cases this is not necessary. Instead, a treatment consisting of physiotherapy, heat and rest also leads to success. However, it is neither necessary nor beneficial to spend a long time in bed as part of rest.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.