Lung abscess – causes, complaints & therapy

Lung abscess

lung abscess is a rare variant of pneumonia. The lung tissue has a purulent cavity that separates from the healthy tissue.

What is a lung abscess?

A lung abscess forms a separate class of pneumonia . Abscess cavities form in the lungs and are filled with purulent contents. Since the cavity does not open by itself, the accumulations of pus cannot escape. As the disease progresses, the lung abscess becomes larger and larger. If left untreated, the lung abscess represents a life-threatening risk. This is particularly true if the disease has progressed to an advanced stage. A lung abscess is fatal, especially in immunocompromised people. These include malnourished and weakened patients due to illness.


A lung abscess develops as a result of a pulmonary infarction , purulent tonsillitis or an already existing pneumonia. Bacteria in the mouth and throat form the trigger . These attack the lungs when the body’s own defense mechanism is weakened. A reduced defense can be attributed to old age or a previous illness. On the other hand, even a healthy person can develop a lung abscess if the number of attacking bacteria has increased.Bad teeth and various inflammations of the gums can lead to a greatly increased number of bacteria. There are also pathogens that are transmitted through the air we breathe. Studies have shown that the germs are a combination of bacterial strains. They exhibit aerobic and anaerobic life forms. Aerobic means that the respective bacteria consume oxygen for reproduction. If the reproduction also works without oxygen, the germs are anaerobic.

symptoms and course

Typical symptoms of a lung abscess:

A lung abscess often only becomes noticeable after several weeks. The patient suffers from fatigue, exhaustion and loss of appetite. There are also chills, fever and cough. In the further course, a lung abscess is accompanied by a foul-smelling sputum, which is accompanied by strong bad breath. In the advanced stage, shortness of breath is a life-threatening symptom.

In addition, patients drastically lose weight, which further weakens the immune system . Chest pain is characteristic of a lung abscess. The sensation of pain can be traced back to a co-inflammation of the pleura . Over time, symptoms can disappear and be replaced by atypical signs of illness.

Fever and cough occur in phases and can vary in intensity. In particularly severe cases, the pulmonary abscess leads to an effusion of pus, which can cause the pulmonary artery to become blocked. Another complication is blood poisoning , in which the germs infect other body organs. If a lung abscess does not heal, it eventually leads to severe shortness of breath and even lung failure.


A lung abscess can be clearly diagnosed with an X-ray . The accumulation of pus stands out in contrast to the surrounding lung tissue. A diagnosis is difficult, however, when the pus is located near the lung membrane. Then a computed tomography can help. To determine the pathogen, the doctor takes a sample from the pus focus. This can be done with a lung and bronchial mirror ( bronchoscopy ). The examination ends with a blood test . If the number of white blood cells increases, this is another indication of a lung abscess.

treatment and therapy

If a lung abscess is present, the right treatment strategy will decide the life of the patient. In particular, it is important to act quickly to avoid a possible effusion of pus. Standard therapy includes taking antibiotics for at least six weeks. Since long-term use of the antibiotics cannot be ruled out, the doctor prescribes the additional intake of clindamycin.

This is an active substance that is intended to reduce the development of resistance to the antibiotic used. If resistance develops, the doctor will otherwise have to switch to less effective and more risky antibiotics. The therapy is accompanied by inhalation of other active ingredients. The goal of inhalation is to stimulate mucus to be ejected in order to reduce the number of remaining bacteria.

In the advanced stage, it is also important to remove the accumulation of pus in good time. The abscess cavity is punctured from the outside with a cannula. However, if the abscess cavity is in a hard-to-reach place, the collection of pus must be surgically removed. Surgery is performed even if the antibiotics given don’t work. Then part of the affected tissue is removed.


Oral hygiene plays a particularly important role in prevention. Regular brushing of the teeth and treatment of gingivitis are of great importance. In addition, the consumption of tobacco products and alcohol should be avoided. Furthermore, in the prevention of a lung abscess, the strengthening of the immune system is also in the foreground. A balanced diet should be observed.It is also advisable to practice a sport regularly. If the immune system is weakened, the palms should be disinfected regularly. It may be necessary to wear respiratory protection. In general, a doctor should be consulted if there is an underlying disease. This can provide well-founded information about the necessary precautionary measures.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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